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Jagged Alliance - The Jagged Edge.


The Russian VO and written English is so dreadful I didn't know where to start. It's like a really, really bad mod.


Anyway, I decided to think out of the box, so I put on some camouflage paint, drank a half-litre of supermarket vodka straight out of the freezer and put on a Metallica album. And y'know what? The Jagged Edge is utterly awesome. Or, in Jagged Edge-speak - Teh Jeggzed Eadege uz AWeSoME!!!


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Gave Prototype a try, it's a clearcut case of Molyneux syndrome. They've been hyping and talking about the designers idea, not the actual game. It seems decent enough, but unpolished and none of the features are anywhere near as cool as the hype made them out to be. They also make the mistake of having cutscenes with lots of closeups, but the characters only have very basic facial expressions and are way too low-res for it to look good.


Still, I think its worth getting once the price goes down.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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I had the same at first. I attribute it to laziness and not wanting to read through everything at first playthrough.


Nah, it's more about the lack of game structure and the fact that you need a bit of knowledge about the game world for it to "click"


Also a TON of important clarifications are buried under "Ask Me About" which I'm so glad they dumped in Fallout 2.

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Jagged Alliance - The Jagged Edge.


The Russian VO and written English is so dreadful I didn't know where to start. It's like a really, really bad mod.


Anyway, I decided to think out of the box, so I put on some camouflage paint, drank a half-litre of supermarket vodka straight out of the freezer and put on a Metallica album. And y'know what? The Jagged Edge is utterly awesome. Or, in Jagged Edge-speak - Teh Jeggzed Eadege uz AWeSoME!!!


That's not JA. Good thing they lost the name.

Edited by Majek

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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Nah, it's more about the lack of game structure and the fact that you need a bit of knowledge about the game world for it to "click"


Also a TON of important clarifications are buried under "Ask Me About" which I'm so glad they dumped in Fallout 2.


It's more of the devs overestimating the players' desire to use the Tell-Me-About.


Days like those, I wish there was a wiki-dialogue segment in Fo, just like the one in Morrowind (which was good for Tell-Me-Abouts).

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It's not called Jagged Alliance - The Jagged Edge. Don't disparage JA with that junk!


What is it? That Hired Guns game?


Yeah, I think he means that one: http://petergames.de/Hired-Guns-The-Jagged...0.html?&L=1


They were slated to do JA3, but Strategy First cut ties because they thought they were doing a horrible job. Which is funny, because Strategy First isn't exactly a high quality game publisher anymore.

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I just got hired by BioWare, so....


Dragon Age ;)

Lucky you!


And congratulations btw. =]


But you have to give us insider news now as well. Tell me, is Bio working on Jade Empire 2? Tell me now!!


Otherwise, today's my birthday, and I completely unexpectedly got a Wii from my sister. Wow. :* Now I wonder what games I'm supposed to play on it.

Edited by Morgoth
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I just got hired by BioWare, so....


Dragon Age ;)

That would make you the right person to tell Volourn that NWN:OC isn't really *that* great? ;)


Congratulations :luck:


Still playing Dead Space. Made my way to somewhere in chapter 3. More impressions:


Not sure what to make of it really =]


First off, the game is not scary and the game is not spooky (not by mid chapter 3 anyway). It doesn't do typical spooky like building up tensions gradually or play with your mind, it relies solely on startling the player with simple gimmicks. That means spawning enemies close to the player, just outside the field of vision. Combat is... simplistic? It is made slightly challenging because of the artificially limited vision and awkward controls, but that doesn't really count.


On the bright side, I didn't really play the game for the same reasons that I play Red Faction or Unreal Tournament, nor do I play it to ruin a nights sleep with bad dreams. I play it mostly because I've been looking for a game where I can run around on a derelict space ship, discover stuff, figure out whodunnit and anjoy losing myself in a "believable" environment for a while. In that, it does a great job. The "mechanics" and the levels gives you the feeling of actually being on-board a huge derelict ship, the logs and videos gives you clues in a Kotor2/Peragus kind of way to something that is a moderately intriguing back story.


I hate the save point system passionately, but otherwise, the interface has a lot of nice touches. I like HUD, that gives you access to info and inventory without taking your eyes off your surroundings, so it never really pulls you out of the game world. Nice touch that one :thumbsup:


Now, I wonder where one the oldest and most uninspired of video game formulas went... I haven't met a "boss" yet. I fear it might still come, but the game is much better so far for not having it :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Now, I wonder where one the oldest and most uninspired of video game formulas went... I haven't met a "boss" yet. I fear it might still come, but the game is much better so far for not having it :thumbsup:


The boss fights will come, don't worry. And while most of them are pretty standard rate boss fights, there's one that's quite interesting. Actually, it's not even one fight, it's a series of encounters... won't say more.


It's a good game, Dead Space. It's probably the closest thing to a System Shock 3 we'll ever get.

"We do not quit playing because we grow old, we grow old because we quit playing." - Oliver Wendell Holmes

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I just got hired by BioWare, so....


Dragon Age :luck:

Lucky you!


And congratulations btw. :thumbsup:


But you have to give us insider news now as well. Tell me, is Bio working on Jade Empire 2? Tell me now!!


Otherwise, today's my birthday, and I completely unexpectedly got a Wii from my sister. Wow. =] Now I wonder what games I'm supposed to play on it.



Congrats and Happy Birthday respectively!!!!

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Awesome alanschu - tell us what kind of work, if not the job description. :luck:


Second hand Okami has been found and acquired - no Ico anywhere in the country though. I'm really excited. In the last few years I've dug up and played most games I meant to play, and this only leaves Psychonauts (which is still selling at nearly full price :thumbsup:).

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Dead Space can only be properly played with a gamepad.

Sorry, but that's bull****. Unless you have a really crappy mouse.

Yeah, people said stuff like that about the Sands of Time trilogy and Devil May Cry too, I never had any problems that a controller would've solved.

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