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Someone should cast a mid-western AMerican with no acting range as Robin Hood. That would be even more awesome.


Well there has been a long string of American actors who played Robin Hood, but with Robert Frazer from Massachusetts, Douglas Fairbanks from Colorado, George Segal from New York, Richard Guatier & Kevin Costner from California, it seems no one has hit on the awesome mid-westerness yet

Edited by Amentep

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Kevin Costner was so close!

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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The Patriot - If you hate Amerika to any degree you will probably hate this movie as it's very patriotic and doesn't apologize for it. Mel Gibson, and the rest of the cast bring their A+ game.


Are you kidding? Very patriotic? This movie's tagline should have been "this country isn't worth fighting for but the english killed my son, now it's personal."

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Yeah, portrayed as a buffoon who should have listened to his father. Seriously, this was about as Patriotic as Starship Troopers - seems patriotic on the surface, but it's really not at all.


It seriously confused me that a movie called the Patriot could make so much fun of patriots. Then it hit me, Roland Emmerich is German.


(I guess there are people who still think Starship Troopers was meant to be taken seriously too, so I can't blame you too much.)

Edited by TrueNeutral
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"Yeah, portrayed as a buffoon who should have listened to his father."


Not buffoonish. Idealish. Like most young people.



" Seriously, this was about as Patriotic as Starship Troopers - seems patriotic on the surface, but it's really not at all."


It is. But, it's also not supposed to be 'true to live'. It's Action Movie with a lot of drama.




"It seriously confused me that a movie called the Patriot could make so much fun of patriots. Then it hit me, Roland Emmerich is German."


I don't think it makes fun of patriots to the extreme you do. Sure, there's a lot of funnies 'ie. sister in law/love interest's comment of 'it's a free country... well, it will be in the future' that can come off as corny.



"(I guess there are people who still think Starship Troopers was meant to be taken seriously too, so I can't blame you too much.)"


Yeha, yeah. It's not historically accurate. Big deal. It's an Action Movie.


But, Mel Gibson's character is a patriot. You porbably just didn't understand the character or his history. There's a reason why he was so against fighting at the start of the movie. And, it wans't that he was against the idea of a 'free US colonies'. He wa ssimp0ly sick of all the bloodshed he took part in most noteably his troup0e's masaccre of the French.


WHAT? Did you think it was a documentary? Sad, if you did.



Great movie with some great acting. Period. And, it gets pretty dark too. NO MERCY!


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Quantum of Solace


this might've been a good action film, but it definitely was no Bondfilm


I agree. Quantum of Solace disappointed, which is surprising after the excellent Casino Royale. Gone is Bond's finesse and elegance, and the dialogue is virtually non-existant.


Casino Royale was a return to the origins of a good spy-novel.


Quantum of Solace was just endless action scenes too reminiscent of the latter two Bourne movies, but not as good. Note how the carchases now have totally smashed up cars, just as in Bourne Supremacy and Bourne Ultimatum, have chasing over rooftops while jumping streets and into people's houses, just as in Bourne Ultimatum, how Bond has a quiet final confrontation with something painful from his past in a snowcovered Russia, just as in Bourne Ultimatum, and how Forster uses an unsteady or handheld camera to evoke confusion in the action scenes, just as Greengrass did in Bourne Supremacy and Bourne Ultimatum (except it works for Greengrass - I couldn't tell for long minutes who Bond was chasing after he and M tries to question Mr. White).


Add to that how thin the plot actually is, and how Craig's Bond is just hard and cold with no emotions, unlike Damon's Bourne, who feels disgust with his own actions at every turn. Not that I dislike Craig. He's still a good Bond. But this Bond was without humor, finesse, elegance, or dry wit and remarks to match, leaving us with only hard, cold and bitter brute on a killing spree, who leaves bodies left and right, because god-mode has been enabled and Bond cannot lose a fight.


A sadly far cry from Casino Royale.

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It just occurred to me that I've wanted to see a lot of film recently but teh only reason I've not gone is that I have got sick of having to tell people to shut up. I just can't be arsed to make up for some ****er's lousy parents. I think anyone who talks in a movie theatre should be immediately removed and spray-painted orange. Orange could pay for the procedure and shazaam, everyone's happy.


Alternatively, there should be a m*********** talking section where the vapid cretins can bore each other with their commentary.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I will be seeing Quantum of Solace (2008) on Monday. Big fan of Bond.


Here is something fellow Bond fans might find interesting. This reviewer had only ever seen one Bond film CR. He started to watch them in order and gave his thoughts on the series, with a new Bond film everyday. His comments as well as fellow posters are at least entertaining to a film/Bond fan.



To stay on topic just catching up on TV (cable) series



True Blood


Recent flicks, all worth watching

The Mother (2003)

A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (2006)

Dream Girls

Edited by Kelverin
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I will be seeing Quantum of Solace (2008) on Monday. Big fan of Bond.


Here is something fellow Bond fans might find interesting. This reviewer had only ever seen one Bond film CR. He started to watch them in order and gave his thoughts on the series, with a new Bond film everyday. His comments as well as fellow posters are at least entertaining to a film/Bond fan.


Thanks for the link! I haven't seen anything Bond prior to License to Kill, but it was interesting to hear his take on it as someone fresh to the series.

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I will be seeing Quantum of Solace (2008) on Monday. Big fan of Bond.


Here is something fellow Bond fans might find interesting. This reviewer had only ever seen one Bond film CR. He started to watch them in order and gave his thoughts on the series, with a new Bond film everyday. His comments as well as fellow posters are at least entertaining to a film/Bond fan.


Thanks for the link! I haven't seen anything Bond prior to License to Kill, but it was interesting to hear his take on it as someone fresh to the series.


Oh, and for the total "Quantum of Solace" Bond spoiler...


And let me emphasize this:



You have been warned!



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Saw Quantum of Solace. Really liked it and felt it was completely in keeping with the previous film. It also involves Bond actually doing some vaguely spy like things rather than just flinging around sci-fi gadgets.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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30 Days of Night - I really liked the setting of this movie, and I think it was handled well. It's basically a vampire attack in a northern city of Alaska where the sun doesn't rise for a month. I also think Josh Brolin is a pretty good actor and he was enjoyable to watch. But I think they could have done more with certain parts. The Vampires are almost given an interesting story, and there is a whole Icebreaker ship angle that is never touched upon after the beginning. Overall I thought it was decent, but missed a chance to be fantastic.

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Guest The Architect

I watched the Bourne trilogy.


They're good movies, the action sequences are great.

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I watched the Bourne trilogy.


They're good movies, the action sequences are great.


i'm kinda wary of those


after reading a few Robert Ludlum books, and finding they all have pretty much the exact same plot...

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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Burn After Reading


Typical Coen brothers comedy with an emphasis on crazy characters. Not quite as good as The Big Lebowski, but I enjoyed it very much nonetheless.


Just saw it recently too, very good. Brad Pitt as a dolt and Malkovich as a deranged drunk - awesome.


Also managed to see 007 Quantum of Solace. Not bad at all, either, although Casino Royale still seems like the better movie. QoS feels too hectic, and with a terrible amount of screen time dedicated to pointless pyrotechnica.

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I watched the Bourne trilogy.


They're good movies, the action sequences are great.


I never could get into the action sequences. I'm not a fan of fast forward fighting scenes filmed by an epileptic. Still, it's good overall and managed to influence the latest 007s in more positive ways.

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30 Days of Night - I really liked the setting of this movie, and I think it was handled well. It's basically a vampire attack in a northern city of Alaska where the sun doesn't rise for a month. I also think Josh Brolin is a pretty good actor and he was enjoyable to watch. But I think they could have done more with certain parts. The Vampires are almost given an interesting story, and there is a whole Icebreaker ship angle that is never touched upon after the beginning. Overall I thought it was decent, but missed a chance to be fantastic.


That's Josh Hartnett, not Josh Brolin.

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I watched the Bourne trilogy.


They're good movies, the action sequences are great.


i'm kinda wary of those


after reading a few Robert Ludlum books, and finding they all have pretty much the exact same plot...


The movies are nothing like the books, only loosely inspired by them, since the books were originally cold war spy novels. Ludlum was fine with this, though, and supported and even produced the first of the Bourne movies with Matt Damon. Sadly he died before the movie was released.

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