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NWN2 Discussion Thread


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In other news,

considering all the "we don't know who the Guardian was", anybody else here smell a possible prequel? So far in my game the identity of the King of Shadows has yet to be revealed. I don't know how that would work, really, but hey, the idea's out there.



It's not so much that no one knew exactly who he was. Certainly the spirits in the Illefarn Ruins knew who he was. It's more important that he was an individual who gave his life and soul to become the defender of the empire. I think that thematically, it works best to not discuss the specifics of his past. It reinforces his sacrifice.



Ah, I see. I forgot the spirits discussing how they had stripped him of his identity in order to preclude any malignant pride from being fostered in him (that was a nice ironic touch, btw. In taking his pride, they helped to take his humanity as well) I suppose I'm used to placeholder titles being thrown around (Exile, Bhaalspawn, Hero of Neverwinter, etc.) when games reference PCs from other games. So when I heard of "the Guardian" whose true identity was mysterious and not concrete, I naturally thought of a PC from another game >_< I think I need to take a break from this game for awhile.


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Whew, finally, I'm back where I was when I gave up on my warlock.


Having far more fun with this character. >_<



What did you switch to Darque? And why no love for teh warlock?


Oh, I love Warlocks, major power in combat there. :o


My character wasn't built well, and I was having a real hard time playing the alignment. I'd have had to start over anyway and went Chaotic Good. Plus I reaaaaaaaaaally wanted to play around with item creation. :)


As it is, I went with a future Eldritch Knight. :)


Rogue 1 - Fighter 1 - Wizard 4 (currently) 8 (final) - Eldritch Knight 10 (when it's all said and done) :)

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I just picked up the game today, and I am loving it. I haven't gotten far yet, by from what I've seen Obsidian did a great job.. There is one little thing I think could have been improved: the character design and creation.


Honestly, I felt it was extremely limited in terms of the characters' appearance. First off, in the character creation, the selection of 'heads' is not all that great, and 1 type of facial hair per head is weak. The hairstyles aren't all that impressive, but tolerable. Strangely enough, everyone in the game seems to have the same build. There are no "body types".. There are no slender people, no fat/chunky people.. Everyone seems to have the "fit" body type, and the only differences being attributed to their racial characteristics. A little more variation in the characters would have added quite a bit to the world's overall appeal. It just feels like the only thing I have any 'real' control over is the hair colour. It would have been nice to have a bit more control over how my character looks.


Other than that, the game is pretty amazing. A lush world, a lot of vibrant environments, and great adventures among them all.


There is one little comment I have about the "driving" camera mode. I was expecting that mode to be similar to the KotOR controls, but it seems to be either strictly keyboard or mouse point & click (like normal), but no mouse+keyboard combo. The mouse doesn't seem to affect steering my direction at all. I think it would have made more sense if the keyboard controls were camera relevant, just like in KotOR (at least in the Driving mode). Where "left" would move the character left relevant to the camera's direction etc.


Nonetheless, thank you so much Obsidian for working so hard on NWN2 and delivering yet another great game :D

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Whew, finally, I'm back where I was when I gave up on my warlock.


Having far more fun with this character. >_<



What did you switch to Darque? And why no love for teh warlock?


Oh, I love Warlocks, major power in combat there. :o


My character wasn't built well, and I was having a real hard time playing the alignment. I'd have had to start over anyway and went Chaotic Good. Plus I reaaaaaaaaaally wanted to play around with item creation. :)


As it is, I went with a future Eldritch Knight. :)


Rogue 1 - Fighter 1 - Wizard 4 (currently) 8 (final) - Eldritch Knight 10 (when it's all said and done) :)

Yeah, I'm looking forward to playing around with the item creation as well. As I stumbled my way into Fort Loche last night I managed to find those 3 neato craft benches. My sorc does have an int of 16 so I should have some points to play around with. BTW Darque, which item crafting skill governs magical crafting? I presume it alchemy for the alchemist bench, weapons and armor crafting for the blacksmith bench...and ??? for the wizard's one?

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Item creation feats and magical spells.


I think it works out like this.



component 1 (needs alchemy to make)

component 2 (gem you find)

Spell (plus a certain caster level)




New item :)


Make sure you have the right feats though. :)


Like Craft Magical Arms and Armor for weapons, for example. :)

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NWN2 it's great!! My only complaint is that the requirements for the GFX's don't add up, (Raw GFX power : Visual result), it looks nice, but seriously... It needs looking at and speeding up.


I agree (on both)... while I get good performance, it feels like it could go a bit speedier when compared to other games/engines of similar technical quality.

It's not an issue for me, but since it is for a lot of people (and as Josh mentioned, two almost identical systems get different performance), it should at least get looked into.


I've had two crashes so far. One was the area transition

when going by boat to neverwinter for the first time

. It crashed, but after loading and trying again it worked fine. The other was a bit worse...

In the mirror-lake thing, every time I beat the shadow priest the game would CTD when the Druid lady's dialogue starts

. She'd say a few words then it'd crash... happened several times, until I turned off AVG. Not sure if this is what fixed the problem. It almost seems related to

the druid lady going from badger back to elf

when the dialogue starts.


Anyway, the second issue there is the only time I felt as I'd actually be screwed. Well... not very screwed, I usually keep a few saves before going into a new area and such.


I also like the fact that there's been some challenging fights so far.

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Arg! I just hit my first CTD. Couldn't have come at a worse time to. I was right in the middle of the last fight. Spell effects being thrown everywhere and my FPS dropping down to 0.5 FPS and then BAM! CTD. :-

I had a spell fight in Neverwinter. I suffered a CTD and juste ended up rebooting my computer since it had been a while since I last did that. Problem is it had been an hour and a half since I last saved my game. :blink: ARGGGGGHGH


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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I'd seriously buy this game if I had the computer power to run it. Christmas+birthday is just around the corner, but I doubt I'll be able to get a good enough computer. Maybe I'll try Oblivion for 360 again.


Can anyone give me an estimate of just how much a decent computer would cost?

well, i'll use my system as an example...


AMD64 3200+ with ASUS A8V MX is running $113 (i don't have the MX, though not much different).

WD 40 GB (caviar) HDD is probably $40 or less.

1 GB DDR333 is about $100 (i have OCZ, but i'm not overclocking so brand is immaterial).

vanilla 6800, 128 MB vid card is in the $100 range.

case is maybe $100 for a good one from Antec with appropriate supply.

monitor is in the $100 range for a 19" or 20" CRT.

keyboard and mouse, $50 for logitech USB varieties.

CD probably another $50 or so.

audigy 2 can be had for under $100. EAX 3 makes a difference IMO.

speakers probably for $100 for a decent 5.1 setup.


total is on the order of <$900. certainly under $1000 for a low-end rig. another $1000 can put you into a better mobo + an AMD64 FX and a 7950GT (512 MB) with 2 GB RAM. you could probably get that with a 250+ GB SATA drive as well, all for under $2000.


i'm due for an upgrade. given that one of my SATA channels has died, i'm not sure if i will stick with this mobo and get a dual-core 4600+ or step up to a completely new system. i'm leaning towards new system, but the $1000 or so it will cost has me waiting it out... >_<



comrade taks... just because.

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Arg! I just hit my first CTD. Couldn't have come at a worse time to. I was right in the middle of the last fight. Spell effects being thrown everywhere and my FPS dropping down to 0.5 FPS and then BAM! CTD. :)

I had a spell fight in Neverwinter. I suffered a CTD and juste ended up rebooting my computer since it had been a while since I last did that. Problem is it had been an hour and a half since I last saved my game. :( ARGGGGGHGH


I don't think my last save was for at least two hours thanks to autosaves not firing when leaving areas... ;)

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NWN2 is apparently selling very well.




Can I get a (w00t) ?

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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A friend of mine with an ASUS laptop keeps getting CTD's becaue its apparently overheating. Oblivion, M&M and now NWN2.



What can you do about something like that? Besdies play it sitting on the balcony in the freezing cold?

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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A friend of mine with an ASUS laptop keeps getting CTD's becaue its apparently overheating. Oblivion, M&M and now NWN2.



What can you do about something like that? Besdies play it sitting on the balcony in the freezing cold?


Clean it, and replace fans + heatsinks.



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me

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(w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)


Awesome. And in somewhere close future I'm going to increase their sells with one copy :huh:

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Not shocked, happy.

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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