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Wolf Creek: Uhuh. That's all I gots to say about this movie...


I totally agree with you there...definately not a good film, albiet not quite as dissapointing to me as High Tension was.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Umm... I would have thought the spoiler thing is a request. Not necessarily something one has to follow to the letter.


I dunno, given that it seems all of mine and Blue's discussion over V for Vendetta seems to have been blocked out (about the movie, about the comic and about othe dystopian future movies like 1984, Brazil and so forth that I'd hardly consider spoilerific), it seemed a little more than a request, thus why I kinda thought some clarification was needed.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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I watched Rocky II and Capote today... I love Sylvester Stallone... who could have thought he had the potential to be incredibly romantic ^_^... and Philip Seymour Hoffman was the only reason I felt Capote was even worth watching really ;)


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Btw, what was wrong with the style I used?

It sucks? ;)


Umm... I would have thought the spoiler thing is a request. Not necessarily something one has to follow to the letter.

I dunno, given that it seems all of mine and Blue's discussion over V for Vendetta seems to have been blocked out (about the movie, about the comic and about othe dystopian future movies like 1984, Brazil and so forth that I'd hardly consider spoilerific), it seemed a little more than a request, thus why I kinda thought some clarification was needed.

Yeah, I don't always have limitless time to edit each and every post to pefection (except mine, of course :p ) so I may have been a little heavy-handed with the spoiler tags on this occasion.


Then again, it's not like the text is banished from sight forever: I'm not building a book bonfire ... just try not to reveal the endings / critical plot twists / etc of books / films / plays under discussion, without wrapping them in the discreet [ spoiler ] tags. No matter how old they are. Some people are only just beginning their life journeys: the fact that 1984 was written half a century ago is irrelevant to a teenager about to read it, for example.


I trust this makes sense. PM me if you need further clarification. (And yes, it is a request, not an order: this is all about being nice to others here; try to imagine how you would feel if you were about to read an Alexandre Dumas novel and someone tells you the denouement ... there goes fifty thousand words of anticipation!)


I notice several older film discussions - including the end to the original Poseidon Adventure haven't been edited

You're right. The person responsible has been shot.

And the person responsible for shooting the person resposible has also been shot.




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Is that more realistic than when he flipped his car upside down to ditch the bomb planted underneath in the Transporter 2 Kirottu?


LA Confidential just finished up on one of the movie networks. I own this on DVD and try not to miss it whenever its on. A wonderful performance from Guy Pearce is upstaged by Russel Crowe acting like himself. This is an excellent show and I'd recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind some violence with their whodunits.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Is that more realistic than when he flipped his car upside down to ditch the bomb planted underneath in the Transporter 2 Kirottu?


Erm, not sure about the realistic part. In the movie he has been poisoned and the only thing that slows the poison down is adrenaline. The "running around in city" scene happens when he has just injected himself with synthetic adrenaline. He does all kinds of really wacky stuff to get his adrenaline flowing to live long enough to kill his poisoner.

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