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About Draken

  • Rank
    Bounty Hunter Of Love
    (5) Thaumaturgist

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  • Location
    Vancouver, BC
  • Interests
    Drinking<br />Smoking<br />Music<br />Rugby

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  1. ah...just that time to be popping in again for a Music Thread posting... a little late, but: i sincerely wish you all the best of luck for this year. the Broken Family Band - It's All Over why havent i heard this before? its excellent. so excellent.
  2. who watches the watchmen?

  3. nice! and i miss you not in a Slint way but i miss you Allman Bros - Jessica
  4. I'm sure there's a great deal of switching back and forth but I think more often then not bears are tops, unless they happen to be power bottoms

    Frank: What's a power bottom?

    Mac: A power bottom is a bottom that is capable of receiving an enormous amount of power

  5. Clutch - Tight Like That good christ i love them.
  6. ah, figures. it was up for the entire day yesterday, so that was bound to happen. i won't link to a new vid, but there are other videos of it on youtube, so feel free to search.
  7. New Watchmen trailer that song is the best part. it's so fitting for Watchmen that it's a wonder it wasn't specifically written for the movie.
  8. Usual Suspects. really wish i could harness the power of a brainwashing-type mechanism to wipe my memory of that movie clean. i just want to watch it for the first time again. still good. i also purchased, and will be watching There Will Be Blood for the second (and definitely not the last) time when i can. Danny Day-Lewis just slays that film.
  9. Draken


    ...the truth comes out. but yea, more than a few of my buddies got too obnoxious from that 6-0 dealio, so i'm not too bummed on the lose to Washington, aside from the fact...it's Washington. Fedorov looked good, tho. i still think Roberto is holding up relatively well since getting his shiny new title. perhaps not as well as i'd like, but hey...he's a trooper.
  10. Broken Family Band - Coping With Fear we cope with our fear our anger our pain by holding them in and by letting them out
  11. It's at #3. #303 is more like it, even thats generous I would just like to refer everyone to my post here http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showt...9860&st=308 I was saying TDK was overrated when it was still unpopular to do so. And you are just as wrong back then as everyone else is now aye. can someone give me a real problem with the film? as in, a critique that doesn't involve "waaaaah batman was sad at at the end"? also, watched 21. pretty bad. i mean...Kevin, man, come on; the entire time, i just couldn't get into it, as was just so depressed for the man. plus, predictable romance plots, with weird progression is a no-no in my book. but, i suppose, when all's said and done...it was worth a watch, and provided decent entertainment. just...never again.
  12. and Jango Fett in business attire is cool too, but Django Reinhardt, now thats something special

  13. i'm definitely digging the personal photo. it really goes to show how awesome a film can be with just a pinch of William Dafoe.

  14. nice. Modest Mouse - Trucker's Atlas i saw them live a while back, with the National and R.E.M., and that song definitely blew more than a few minds in the crowd.
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