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Who is the better Sith Lord? Malak or Kreia?  

228 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the better Sith Lord? Malak or Kreia?

    • Darth Malak
    • Darth Kreia

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Who needs two hands when you can just levitate three lightsabers at once with the force?  :p


It's actually in the feat list of the Prima guide.


She would still have to deal with that ultra cheesey invulnerable recharge thing though.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


Seems to me that Malak was a poor bastard that followed his best friend (possibly even the object of his affections, his school crush, Ms. Revan?) to war and into the Dark Side, but never actually discovered the ulterior motive behind Revan's fall and just ended up wallowing in death and destruction; in a sense, he is but another victim of Revan and Kreia's machinations, rather than a power in his own right.


I agree, that is a very good point. Also, although Kreia would probably eat him for breakfast he is a picture-perfect Bond style super villain while Kreia is more subtle. So Malak makes a perfect Sith Lord while Kreia takes that title/post only because it suits her plans. Pity that we'll never know the story that turns Atris into Darth Traya (although there would also be a bit of a parallel to Malak if you play a male Exile to a female Revan).


I think the Force 3 lightsabers would be useless. A jedi would be able to cut through the floating lightsaber and destroying it.

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom


according to the game the answer is malak. bastila says the remaining sith are too weak to use the star forge, kriea and her reject students included. i think she also claims to have taught revan too but then again she claims to be the exile's master. bastilla says the remaining sith fight each other for power, sounds like a good description of the sith lords you meet in this game.


I think Kreia was better. I mean Malak may have fit the 'Sith' role better, but in K1 he's solely bent on destroying everything. Kreia is more far-sighted and is able to see a bigger picture than Malak. Then again, she does say that she speaks with a voice that will never move others, so maybe she wouldn't be the best leader of the Sith.

But anyway, I still think as a Sith Lord Kreia is way better than Malak in that she wasn't simply bent on slaughter and destruction but looked at things more deeply.

*I'm not sure if that made any sense*

assuming the star forge wasn't scuttled by revan, you know this sith types better blow up your stuff than hand them over to a competition... or LS revan blew up the SF..

not sure what you mean by scuttled but he wouldnt destroy the star forge just because he had to leave it behind. blowing it up would just cripple the sith. they might be competitors but their enemy is still the same. bastilla said these remaining sith were too weak to follow, she would follow malak and revan but not these guys. no contest, even obsidian admits malak is stronger.

- And finally, he took as his apprentice a childish psychopath who makes a hobby of hurling HIS OWN underlings into HIS OWN computer terminals on HIS OWN ships.


What a buffoon!


I thought I was the only one to think that. Glad I'm not alone.


I'm wondering at which point Malak actually became a Sith Lord. I find him being a Sith Lord laughable. As was said by Kreia, Revan knew of subtlety.


If an individual is to be a Sith Lord they have to either show they have incredible cunning or have massive power. Neither of the two Malak had any grasp on.

I'm wondering at which point Malak actually became a Sith Lord.  I find him being a Sith Lord laughable.  As was said by Kreia, Revan knew of subtlety. 


If an individual is to be a Sith Lord they have to either show they have incredible cunning or have massive power.  Neither of the two Malak had any grasp on.


Well, he had power, but only cause of Revan and his/her finding of the Star Forge. There's no way in hell Malak could have gotten that power by himself.


I voted malak as kreia isn't really a sith, though kreia is a much more developed character...though i still fail to understand why exactly she assumed the role of darth traya...why must there always be a darth traya??? Sure her facing him was exiles final lesson, but then how did it serve her desire to destroy the force???


I choose Malak. Destroying worlds seems more influential than manipulating people.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.


I choose Darth Malak over Darth Traya a.k.a Kreia anytime. Kreia a.k.a Darth Traya was lame.


Darth Malak lost a lower jaw and looks horrible and ugly, destroyed Taris witha mass plentary bombardment, destroyed the Jedi Enclave on Tatooine, took the captured Jedi and placed them in stasis so that he could drain their Force energy for his own use against Revan, tried to kill Revan before etc.


Nowhere near as evil as Darth Vadar but still better than Darth Traya.

Plus Malak actually used force breach on me. I had to fight him without the force. And he had moves! His Power Attack was the best attack animation in KoTOR 1.

Hey now. Kreia had Kinetic Combat, man. :lol: Plus, I seem to remember being stunned several times in a row by Kreia spamming Force Wave, Kill, Insanity, and other stunning spells against me, too... ;)




She never used any force on me, then again I did force crush, master power attack force crush master power attack etc. Barely got a hit in.


Kreia. To me, she's the female version of Palpatine from ESB and ROTJ. Scheming, manipulating, etc.


Malak is just the stupid schoolboy bully who stole the big stick from the guy who was supposed to use it, and now goes on a whacking spree to show how bad he is. Stupid evil as apposed to clever evil.


Whats with all the Darths anyway ?!?


I'm pretty sure that in most parts of the games, they are referred to as Malak, Revan, Sion, Kreia etc. There might have slipped a Darth in there, but I suspect it's something all the Darth wannabes are attributing to them. Heck, I can't even remember Nihilus being called by his name, he's usually just "Visas master" ;)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein




First of all Kreia isnt a sith,


Second of all, she wasnt evil. She thought destroying the force would BENEFIT the galaxy.


Malak was bent on death and destruction.


Malak had more subtlety than you credit him... he knows he's good at one thing and used it repeatedly to manipulate people... remember that he twisted Bastilla to the dark side. But of his chief weapon, he used fear.. the very presence of his fleet can bring governments to its knees... like taris... He had brains too... remember when Saul Karath defected Malak insisted that he destroy Telos.. Telos was a republic weapons factory and home to many republic troops, by doing this, not only did he crippled the republic, but by sending Karath to do this, he demoralized the remaining troops.. he manipulated people through fear....


*ducks back to my hole*


I'd say neither. As has been said, Kreia was neither a true Sith, nor entirely evil. Malak, on the other hand, was simply the Vader or Maul to Revan's Palpatine: a brute. An attack dog or a weapon to use against one's enemies or to inspire fear. Say what you will about Vader and Maul, but its rather evident that they weren't the brains of the operation.


I suppose Malak wins by default, seeing as he was an actual Sith Lord (as poor as he may or may not have been), but one of the only things the KOTOR games have been missing so far is a good, strong villain. Nihilus had potential, but really felt shoehorned into the game. I think a possible KOTOR III could benefit greatly from perhaps setting the Sith aside or pushing them into the background for a game and giving us a political or criminal adversary.

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