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About FeeZ

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I'm sort of in the same predicament. I (foolishly) did Ice Palace before going to Byzantium and now all the guards want me dead (I'm on Shoot on Sight with the Board). The problem is; I can't do other quests like Parvati's personal one because the guard in the shop will aggro me; and that aggro's the shopkeeper too.
  2. I can confirm that this is how it gets to this state, as I did that mission shortly before going to byzantium. Making an enemy of the Board is one thing; but it makes it impossible to complete quests. An example is Parvati's personal one. The guard in the shop will aggro on sight of you and so will the shop keeper.
  3. You know, I just wished the shooting mechanic felt like I was shooting and not dice rolling. It's the only real beef I have with the game and obviously it's the most visible. I also wish there were more mission setups for stealth, the one stealth mission that I really enjoyed was the CIA listening post. Presumably the NSA would be similiar if you somehow don't bluff your way with the slightly unhinged store clerk. One other issue: Make it possible to switch targets... Like, do I want to stab that Russian Mafia or do I want to cheese and auto-hack his computer while under cover of Stealth Operative?
  4. You know, originally I didn't like the minigames either, but then I found them actually somewhat challenging and thus rather fun, unlike the whole hacking 'game play' of Mass Effect 2. I found hacking to be the least enjoyable (in the sense that it took the longest for me), yet I found the bypass and lockpicking quite awesome. If you don't like the minigames though; spend those 3 points and get a point into Sabotage, then carry around some emp grenades.
  5. The game is full of snide yet awesomely hilarious quotes. Example: During the fight with Brayko, if you have Shadow Operative and can hide he will (rarely in my experience) yell out: "Ole, ole, oxi - whatever the **** that means!" (The ole ole, oxi- thing is a phonetic pronunciation). I found it funny because of the way Brayko says it, which sounds exactly like the Russian Mafia bad guys from the original Splinter Cell (specifically the level where you go to the Abattoir).
  6. I liked the old pornstar; Madison St. James the most (simply because she's normal! - and apparently hot) and I also like Scarlet a lot too.
  7. As an actual Australian person (Wow, I feel like a breed going extinct with that comment), I must once again apologise to the world in regards to Steve Irwin (and a lesser extent Heath Ledger - although he is somewhat talented). Kurt Russell isn't Australian... is he? No, I'm positive he isn't! Incidentally, Kurty went for the role of Han Solo. So there's some useless trivia.
  8. Somehow I think LSM Revan was doing the nasty with a LS Bastilla (I'd definitely hope so, how can Revan not?)
  9. For the record, I would like to say that I'm australian. But I've never heard of the 'soup' aussie sterotype. Man I hate sterotypes. To all the american's, I'd like to apologise for Steve Irwin.
  10. I think she says that she thinks her mom died in the final battle at malachor v. But if she did turn to the darkside, it would make sense if Yusanis came back broken etc, etc (of course, if she died, then it would also make back). Personally, I think Kreia does equal Kae. I think some people managed to pull up hiding dialog from the .tlk file, so I think that counts as 'definitive' proof.
  11. But Bastila isn't a jedi anymore - I always assumed that she left the order after the events of the first KoTOR because she really loved Revan (if of course Revan was a guy - and I didn't particularly cared what she did if Revan was a hot chick). Perhaps she planned on having children with him... which isn't really Jedi like at all.
  12. I really liked Mira, and I wanted some sort of romantic intwine for my exile, sadly it didn't happen. I wanted some sort of realisation (or plain admittance) that Atris loved Exile from her as well, not some 'spill-the-beans' off the cuff remark from Kreia (although, I spared Atris' life on both times I've completed it)
  13. I always thought that Rancor's should be bigger in these games... although the mutated Rancor in jedi academy (and the one on the Planet when you are rescuing prisoners) do fill that need. For me, the greatest creature ever has got to be the Dewbacks :D
  14. I don't understand why Revan didn't take him to the Outer Rim, I think his abilities would prove quite useful. It's not like Revan had personal attachment with him (despite his very amusing, endearing psyche), and lets face it... he DOES kick major ass
  15. Bastilla first... Jennifer Hale did a really good job with her (and the writers), the sort of strong willed by very fragile personality that she has. As for the second, probably Mira (possibly because she is unattainable...). I haven't progressed her plot before, but I take it she actually is more than just a slave of the Mandalorians (probably the estranged daughter of Mandalore himself...) 3rd would be a toss up between Atris and Brianna. I love Atris' name and she IS supposed to be hot, but I think the failings of the game engine (or more likely, the present time of computer graphics) makes her less desirable. Although, I really did love her internal conflict with the exile (the sort of mad lust tempered by 'even judgement' of the Council, plus the mistrust or even hatred of what she thinks you became during the wars (and the fact she couldn't see you anymore)
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