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So I hit the dreaded dialogue bug during the apocalyptic showdown with Darth Sion. Since it was my third trip through the game I didn't bother reloading, but I did go to the dialogue screen ... and lo and behold I found *crucial* plot points buried in the loading screens. When I'm at Malachor V these things usually go too fast to read, and I rather wish they hadn't. My feelings on the game and ending notwithstanding (I'm generally positive), I cannot for the life of me figure out why these little factoids wouldn't have made it into dialogue somewhere ... they seem a trifle important.


Bear with me as these are not exact quotes:


1) The Trayus Academy somehow survived the Malachor incident and drew the Jedi to its halls (obvious).


2) The Malachor incident is the greatest tragedy of the Mandalorian Wars, an atrocity far worse than anything the Mandalorians did (while this is pretty important for the Exile's story, I have a hard time believing it -- Telos alone seems on a comparable level with Malachor, and we know from Atton's remarks alone that Telos was far from the only world that the Mandalorians burnt).


3) The unusual gravitonic fields of the Malachor system are what made it possible for Bao-Dur to build the mass shadow generator in the first place (probably not important, but I feel the total lack of detail given to the mass shadow generator -- it REALLY should have been mentioned by name sometime during your chats with Bao-Dur -- makes even this tidbit juicy).


4) Traya, Sion, and Nihilus were drawn to the Trayus Academy and learned different techniques of the ancient Sith ... Sion learned pain, Nihilus learned hunger, and Traya learned betrayal only to be betrayed in turn (not surprising, but my goodness it sheds a bit of light on Nihilus ... if only there was more!).


Check out the messages that pop up while you're on Malachor V...maybe even more detail of the story will emerge.

Telos alone seems on a comparable level with Malachor, and we know from Atton's remarks alone that Telos was far from the only world that the Mandalorians burnt


Good finding, but the Mandalorians didn't attack Telos. It was destroyed by Karath in the Jedi Civil War.


So why are some major plot points that can lead to a better understanding of the game's story in the loading screens and not with conversations with the party members or other NPCs?

4) Traya, Sion, and Nihilus were drawn to the Trayus Academy and learned different techniques of the ancient Sith ... Sion learned pain, Nihilus learned hunger, and Traya learned betrayal only to be betrayed in turn (not surprising, but my goodness it sheds a bit of light on Nihilus ... if only there was more!).


this one would have been especially important to have included in some kind of speech or cutscene, atleast explaining all three characters. as far as i recall, we werent actually told this in-game by anyone.


or were we... :(


You should take a look into the "dialog.tlk" file in the main game directory. There you can find the contiguous story of the batte of Malachor and the events related to it. Searching for some key words in there and you will find it near the end of the file.


Could someone be so nice and copy&paste it to this thread, because I don't have the English version?


Edit: This is the whole story from which the texts of the loading screen are taken from.

"Jedi poodoo!" - some displeased Dug


S.L.J. said he has already filmed his death scene and was visibly happy that he


Ugh, that's right, the Sith bombed Telos. Shows me for posting so late at night. But still, Atton mentions the atrocities on other worlds, so the whole "Malachor was worse than anything" remains a bit of a head scratcher ... although I suppose the fact the Exile and Bao-Dur killed hundreds (thousands?) of Jedi and Republic soldiers alongside the Mandalorians might have something to do with that.


I'm well aware of the buried dialogue files that reveal so much of the story ... I just think it's interesting (and more than a little perplexing) that crucial details are secreted in the oddest places around the game. I mean, think about it ... these loading screens are the only place Darth Nihilus' name is even *mentioned* outside of your quest log!


I'm starting to believe that a content patch might not be such an unthinkable thing.


Supposedly Dxun was supposed to be the next worst battle after Malachor V, turning into a kind of Vietnam for the Republic forces and the Jedi. Then came Serroco, Eres III, and some other worlds.

2) The Malachor incident is the greatest tragedy of the Mandalorian Wars, an atrocity far worse than anything the Mandalorians did (while this is pretty important for the Exile's story, I have a hard time believing it -- Telos alone seems on a comparable level with Malachor, and we know from Atton's remarks alone that Telos was far from the only world that the Mandalorians burnt).

Um, while the mandalorians did raze worlds, I don't recall anything about them actually destroying planets. And I think it was mentioned that Malachor V was somewhat of a cultural taboo for the mandalorians, and that's why Revan was able to attract the bulk of the mandalorian forces there. So I think the equivalent would have been the mandalorians blowing up Corellia, Alderaan, or Coruscant itself. They certainly didn't do anything like that.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


Finished the game yesterday and was ignorant of anything. Stayed away from internet, gaming magazines. Was expecting a nice finish like Kotor I. Man was I surprised when it ended, you would of thought someone shot my dog.



Glad to see I am not the only one who feels cheated. At least these forums are some comfort. I played a Darkside character for 50+ hours, no I am not going to exile, and yes I am Sith, Kreia whatever you say and I want my star cruiser and mask and name Dark Lord.


Bite me I was cheated.


From what I could ascertain from ingame dialogue and loading screen messages was that Bao-Dur used some natural properties of the Malachor system to create an Artificial Gravity Well that was used to essentially tear the planet apart.


The Mandalorians bombed and invaded worlds, but Bao-Dur basically destories an entire planet and everybody on it by using it's own gravity against it. The mandalorians destories cities and waged wars but they never destories an entire world. Only two people have ever really done that. Nihilus destoried Katarr and Bao-Dir destoried Malachor V.

From what I could ascertain from ingame dialogue and loading screen messages was that Bao-Dur used some natural properties of the Malachor system to create an Artificial Gravity Well that was used to essentially tear the planet apart.


The Mandalorians bombed and invaded worlds, but Bao-Dur basically destories an entire planet and everybody on it by using it's own gravity against it. The mandalorians destories cities and waged wars but they never destories an entire world. Only two people have ever really done that. Nihilus destoried Katarr and Bao-Dir destoried Malachor V.


Of course the Sith also destroyed Taris, Dantooine, and Telos before either game began, but that just strengthens your point. Both Jedi and Sith are running around pell mell blowing worlds into oblivion, so the common Republic citizen can hardly distinguish one from the other.


I suppose my doubts probably stem from my conception of Malachor V pre-Mandalorian Wars ... to the Mandalorians it was a taboo world, so I imagined it as being an empty world except for the Trayus Academy itself, and thus not an act of destruction on the level of Taris or even Peragus. But I suppose it could just as easily have been a world as fully inhabited as Telos or Taris (though there is no evidence of that -- we see no displaced Malachor natives, nor are there any ruins on the planet other than buried Republic vessels and the intact Academy).


I would *love* to know what Malachor V was like before the mass shadow generator, but I suppose that's just not in the cards.


There was a line in the audio trailer with Bao-Dur saying something along the lines of 'make my sacrifice matter.' Any clue what he's referring to?

There was a line in the audio trailer with Bao-Dur saying something along the lines of 'make my sacrifice matter.' Any clue what he's referring to?


I think he was talking about how Obsidian sacrificed his story to push the game out early? I dunno.


Nice work, those flashed by way too fast

What if I wanted to kill the other bounty hunters but still have the Twi'leks chase me?

Nice work, those flashed by way too fast


I did alot of quicksaving and when bits of history started popping up I would go to the quest thing after I did a save or load.


The tidbits were very useful cos I didn't know anything about Malachor - I didn't even know what happened there, or still. The Masters tell you that it was everyone instantly dying but without a reference it's pretty hard to think of it.


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)


Thank you for putting the message screen data up! I keep referring to it, but nobody seems to listen... :ph34r:

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."


In your dialogs with Kreia she does not SPECIFICALLY say that Sion learned pain, Nihilus Learned destruction, Tyarus? learned betrayal. BUT she does lay down some heavy hints as to what each one is associated with. Although I've not completed the game yet it seemed pretty obvious to me if you understand that She always has meaning hidden or otherwise in her discussions with you.

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