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Well, you could get Fraps, as that is free, and also you can record 30 second long gameplay movies the free version :- .


I find it useful anyway, even if it is just for the FPS counter...

Posted (edited)
  Battlewookiee said:
  Akhan225 said:
Question on "Screen Capture" software. Where do you get it and is it free?


Why do you need that?


Isn't EnableScreenshots=1 in Kotor2.ini doing it's job?


I noticed it has the option, but I kinda don't know hoe to use it. Usually Im on my playstation, so these extra pc options are new to me.

Edited by Akhan225
  Battlewookiee said:
  Akhan225 said:
Question on "Screen Capture" software. Where do you get it and is it free?


Why do you need that?


Isn't EnableScreenshots=1 in Kotor2.ini doing it's job?


I prefer the ingame screenshot too, in kotor1 you could disable the gui for screenshots, cabt do that in kotor2 though :- i even treid copying the line from kotor1 and placing it in the correct place in kotor2s ini, but it didnt work.


And on the subject of amusing glitches. When you get the droid back for the blind craftsman on nar shadaar (the droid you get for/from "tubb") you pay for the droid and it runs off back home.


My characters blocked its path, so it never went back. it just stayed there. even re-entering the area it stayed in the same spot! Once a NPC spawned infront of the droid, and since the droid has its welding arm out, it was welding his backside :o


But he can't take movies with the in-game screenshot function! :D

And actually, unless you like Fraps logos on your images and movies and only being able to get screenies in jpg format, Fraps isn't free.


I'd give anything to get rid of the GUI in screenies. Well, almost anything.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts

It's not a K2 glitch, but one I came across playing K1. I'd never encountered it in my 7 or so play throughs of K1, but on the Leviathan (that was Saul's ship, right?) I had a Sith Trooper shooting at me, but for the life of me I couldn't see where he was. Finally I saw him floating near the ceiling, half burried on the wall.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hey, here's a slightly amusing glitch. Either my Ebon Hawk's exit ramp has started projecting holograms or Carth's died and come back as a force ghost. (This occured shortly after persuading T3 to play his hidden message.)




Side note: I know this glitch was mentioned before but the guy said he had no screenshot.

Edited by Tethran
Posted (edited)

During my 5th battle for Khoonda on thursday, the information lady outside of Khoonda died in the struggle since I had recruited her. I was crushed since I'd never had any of the characters I'd recruited die. After Vrook proceded to beat the living snot out of Suurlu and promptly disapear, I went outside and saw the information woman standing by the door! I found that I couldn't talk or target her, and I could walk right through her! It's like she was a ghost.

Edited by Master_Vrook




  Coach C said:
Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
Posted (edited)

The officers are looking in the wrong direction... And the selected one appears to be out of place all together. He should be to the right, beside the door, not in front of it. Also given that the player is in clothes, has no force forms or useable items to speak of I am assuming this is the first time they are on Telos. If that is the case then that door shouldn't even be open. It should remain locked until the player returns to Telos after leaving the polar acadamy.

Edited by Cassidy

played with male exile, revan set as female darkside, and onasi dead. but on dantooine mical talked to carth onasi. I feel lucky to have played the game several time, or I would have been seriously confused

  • 4 weeks later...

The Ebon Hawk, transports the Lost Jedi and Jedi Masters





  Coach C said:
Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.

Ok I admit to not having read the whole thread, I saw that the Carth Onasi hologram onboard wa slisted, but in my game, when I had my fight with Visas, the Carth hologram actually came running in and beating her up with his holo-fists! That was pretty funny, after that he was always standing in Visas' room watching her.


Also I had Atton continually make female fighting/dying sounds when I had him leading my Dxun raiding party, which is I felt was a touch odd.


Also in the tomb of whoever on Dxun when you get to the sith doing the ritual, normally one of them dies and you end up talkign to/fighting the others (well I did playing LS). In my case they all died from the ritual, and I ended up having a conversation with an image of the empty air above one of the dead guy's corpses... the game crashed though when the "conversation" was over.


My personal favorite however was on my first run through, when Kreia and atton talk about the Exile behind his/her back on Telos when in detention... well my Exile was standing up right next to them :p

Posted (edited)

yeah firstly, for those jerks here to add a comment based on how this is already done... i know i just wana start fresh and show some of you what strange stuff i have come acrossed


basically all of this stuff is based on the telosian polar cap, im progressing through the game (again) and wana pick up some new stuff ive heard, and maybe missed the 1st, 2nd times around (duno how many times ive played it :p)


most of this stuff is glitchs, funny stuff and/or some strage stuff that just doesnt makes sence


when i get further through the game ill add more funny stuff i come across :)


this is one of bao-dur was when he was talking to me after ive done with my unpleasant convo with atris (tssk, her and her arrogance) he was looking a bit strange, his eye brows where acting like eyelids :blink:



the "glitch" file is a strange thing i came across when i wanted to "fight" the handmaidens :p i bought a hell good echani vibrosword from that sleezy duros guy in telos (cos i was doing the jobs for him, so i got special privelages - like that expensive sword :p ) and i equipt the sword im my left and by default i got an exchange negotiator in the other, but i thought you werent allowed to have that combonation... :blink:post-14976-1137224681_thumb.jpg


the next 2 attons files are of atton in his force cage (typical) but i had a bit of a laugh when i only heard his dialogue and no atton, duno why its doing that cos previous times i had NO glitches, maybe kreia secretly disposed fof him, some invisible force move lol :thumbsup:post-14976-1137224793_thumb.jpg post-14976-1137224852_thumb.jpg


if you guys have anything else funny or just random glitches feel free to post them on :geek: thanks

Edited by Revan_Returns
Posted (edited)
  Elven6 said:
  Ioini said:
I dunno if this is a bug or not, but Mandalore was a little confused on what gender Revan had.


How did you get mandalore to say that? The Revan story


depending on what you said 2 atton at the start in peragus will effect what everyone thinks what gender revan is, atton thinks that revan is a chick, but you have 2 correct or accept what he says, i naturally corrected him, revan is obviously a male :huh: only the best sith lords are male... except nihilius, i dont know what the hell he is :blink:

Edited by Revan_Returns
  julianw said:
Does this happen to anyone else?




That's exactly what happened to me, only once though. I managed somehow get back to the Ebon Hawk (only the "steams" were visible, the ship was nowhere insight). When I boarded the Hawk, the same thing happened again.

But after I reloaded, it didn't glitch again.


The other day during my second play-through, all the young Bomas in Dxun and Onderon made some female pained exclamation when attacking. I kept searching who it was before realizing it was the beast.

Zwangvolle Plage!



this seriously did happen once to me on xbox version:

after i decide to leave korriban and get on the Hawk, theres like a f*cking army of Darth Sions!!!! Even Kreia was a Sion, when i went up to talk to the Sion/Kriea, it had the Daralla voice on Dantooine. I then decide to remove that one of my xbox and go copy a cleaner version of the k2 disk.


(was still funny as hell though) :)


Posted (edited)

I havent seen this bug mentioned on the first 10 pages of this post, so I hope im not repeating myself. Anyways, when you go back to the enclave and enter the restored section with two partymembers (NOT Kreia), I noticed that once the cutscene ends, they just stand still at the exit and are no longer a part of your party. whats weird is that if you now leave the restored enclave section (ie get the loading screen) you can now re-select these two party members. Now when you go back into the restored enclave, you will now have twins! one pair will follow you, while the other pair stand at the door. you can talk to both versions too (w00t) ! Here is a screenshot:




Edited by aerowars617

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