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Everything posted by daymar78

  1. Ok I admit to not having read the whole thread, I saw that the Carth Onasi hologram onboard wa slisted, but in my game, when I had my fight with Visas, the Carth hologram actually came running in and beating her up with his holo-fists! That was pretty funny, after that he was always standing in Visas' room watching her. Also I had Atton continually make female fighting/dying sounds when I had him leading my Dxun raiding party, which is I felt was a touch odd. Also in the tomb of whoever on Dxun when you get to the sith doing the ritual, normally one of them dies and you end up talkign to/fighting the others (well I did playing LS). In my case they all died from the ritual, and I ended up having a conversation with an image of the empty air above one of the dead guy's corpses... the game crashed though when the "conversation" was over. My personal favorite however was on my first run through, when Kreia and atton talk about the Exile behind his/her back on Telos when in detention... well my Exile was standing up right next to them
  2. I have a save where I'm ready to install the pasifist package... load it up whenver I need a good laugh
  3. My personal dislike goes to Malachor 5... I don't mind Peragus because you have interaction with the Hk droid, Kreia and Atton. Nar shadda was okay except I always end up getting forced itno having to do the jekk jekk tar thing before I want to, Koriban was ok with the secret cave and I liked Dxun, probably because I like the Mandalorians. Onderon seemed kind of lame the first visit there, but was good the second go. Malachor 5 just takes the cake for me because 1. it makes no sense (ship falls into the deep, doesn't seem there was anyone on it yet it suddenly comes back to pick you up, Kreia wants to keep Mira from getting to you yet all she does is beat up hanharr and go nowhere anyway etc.) 2. I have to do the stupid Mira duels Hanharr thing AGAIN and personally I think Mira sucks 3. you're solo the whole time with 0 interactions except with sion and kreia at the very end and 4. it's pure hack and slash in an ugly environment. Oh yeah and then you get to float through it again with the Remote only to have GOTO hijack the remote and then, if you chose the LS ending anyway, suddenly have it seem like nothing ever happened... uhm... For KOTOR I would have to pick Manaan also, it's way to huge for the few relativley uninteresting things you can do there and getting arrested every 5 seconds isn't my idea of fun.
  4. lol SSgt sniper I got the joke, but it's still scary Here's some more convos that make me laugh (yeah I got too much time on my hands): Exile: How did you get scattered all over the galaxy? HK 47: Theory: well, master I believe I was shot repeatedly... (skipping a bit here) I would be most destressed if you were to shoot me, attack me or dismember me in any way. I do not wish to repeat the experience. HK 47: Theory: Imagine that you are unique. the pinnacle of an exiled, cast-out Jedi who can't even use the force. Imagine that no one has sunk lower than you. That you are truly the most miserable example of a Jedi ever. Exile: I get it already. I also enjoy trying to talk to the Gand in the jekk jekk tar.. Gand stares at you. Exile/Mira: Uh, hello? Gand stares at you. E/M: Hey, I'm talking to you. Gand stares at you. E/M: All right then, stay silent. And last but not least HK's reaction the first time you tell him you want to ask him some questions: HK: Ah, an interrogation, proceed. Exile: It's not an interrogation, I just want to ask you some questions. HK: Very well, master, but if you should wish to be vicious about it, know that I am trained for such things. Do your worst. Exile: Enough with the interrogation already. When I say I want to ask you some questions, I mean I will ask without torturing you. HK: I am no behavior droid but it is obvious to me that you have some ethical issues that will need to be dealt with at some point.
  5. His definition of love makes me cupid, let's put it that way. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's just scary
  6. HK-47: Oh fine. Laugh at me, humiliate your pet droid, go ahead. Revan: You're a travelling piece of bad luck, aren't you? Hk-47: Objection: Have I not brought you a great deal of satisfaction? Revan: You don't want to hear the answer to that. HK-47: you are a very harsh master, master. I like you.
  7. I think Revan started out "good" probably with a master plan that went beyond the whole Mandalorian war thing and probably aware of the risk he/she might fall to the dark side. At the prime of her/his Sith leadership I think Revan was "smart DS" however because if you play Revan as LS and set (in my case her) to LS in KOTOR2 Carth tells you she kept remembering horrible things she did and feeling bad about them, so I don't think everything Revan did at the time was part of some LS masterplan even if initially she started down the path planing to find out about the "true Sith threat" etc. So I vote "smart DS" even if her/his initial plan was probably intended to be for the greater good.
  8. There's lots of convos I love, here's one from KOTOR (with Revan female): Revan: This a good time to ask some more questions? Carth: I'm all ears, beautiful. Revan: I like the sound of that. Carth: Which, the fact I'm all ears or the beautiful part? Revan: The beautiful part, keep calling me that. Carth: I might, but what are you going to call me in return? Revan: How about "sexist worm"? Carth: Is that it? you can do better than that! Revan: Labotomized gamorrean! ((the other choices being Brainless, lice-ridden bantha! or Sexless marshtoad!)) Carth: Ouch. heh heh. That *is* better. well, I bet beautiful doesn't sound so bad in comparison now does it? Revan: Ha ha! you're such a pain, you know that? Revan: I'd just like to know you a little better. Carth: Oh well if it's an interrogation you wanted, why didn't you say so? Revan: Excellent! Soon all your secrets will be mine! speaking of interrogations in KOTOR2 I thought the convo with HK-47 when you tell him you want to ask him questions is hilarious, though I dont know it off the top of my head. HK keeps telling you to feel free to torture him else he'd be disapointed. I'll try and replay that part form a save and add it later. Oh and another insult flinging convo with Carth: Revan: Don't tell me not to take it personally, you hairless wookie! Carth: Hairless wookie? Alright sister just... just calm down before your head explodes! Revan: We'll just see who's head explodes, you ungrateful monkey-lizard! Carth: Is that your idea of an insult? come on sister take your best shot! Revan: Drooling Bomarr cast-off! ((other choice is Gamorrean pig-man)) Carth: Oh ouch. I think you hurt my man-feelings with that one.
  9. GO-TO... I HATE GO-TO. "I'm gonna have you hunted so I can ask you to save the galaxy but I'm gonna keep you a prisoner haha." Oh and cause I'm not annoying enough already I'm going to send along a big, fat, ugly, useless droid with an attitude problem to "help" you by sitting on your ship and blowing up the remote and otherwise being USELESS. .... I needed that
  10. I picked Bao-Dur, can't really stand most of the others. I guess If I was a guy I'd go for visas or Handmaiden given the choices <shrug> Not gonna laugh at anyone who likes Disciple, though I didn't much, after all I really liked carth from KOTOR and I seem to be the weirdo minority there
  11. I don't really feel there's a major difference in the role playing quality of the two games theoretically... practically I find it hard to feel like I'm really role playing if half my choices on what to do when are forced on me, several of my quests aren't doable and people or droids I interact with set up things that never come to pass or you unrealistically loop through dialogue ten times. I ended up spending far more time in KOTOR2 thinking "did I miss something?" than actually being aware of what I or my character was up to. I did a lot of things because I knew it was probably what I was supposed to do next (or I was forced to do it next) without any kind of feeling as to WHY my character would be doing it at that point. Also for me a "good" rpg has a worthwhile ending, doesn't mean it has to clear up everything or can't be a cliffhanger, but it should have a few minutes of movie and fill in at least the most obvious and huge "mysteries" or further the feeling of the people you've been dragging around in the party being "real" and not just extra firepower/scenery. Certainly I expected no answer to where Revan was etc. but I expected to see some kind of resolution to the whole Handmaiden/Visas Atton/Disciple issues, I expected some kind of "friends coming to help" thing at least when the mysteriously fixed Ebon Hawk comes to get you. While it can be argued this isn't needed for role-playing, for me it is because with a "real" ending, even if it is open ended, I feel like I have a "real person" running around with other "real people" and not just a splotch of pixels who can hack through a bunch of enemies for no reason in order to kill someone at the end for a not-very-clear reason Game Over, and for me a good rpg ends with me feeling "connected" to the character I was playing and not with me feeling "right so guess I finished the game". Long story, short point: For me KOTOR1 is the better RPG. KOTOR2 does of course have "nifty" features like the prestige class, turning your companions into jedi etc., but while I enjoy nifty features, I buy and rpg for the role playing. KOTOR2's influence system seemed a bit lacking also, for instance I've found only one way to ever gain influence with Mandalore and then there's the whole thing with the Handmaiden actually telling you less the more influence you have on her, go figure. A good idea, but one that needs more work. Just so no one misunderstands me, I enjoy playing both games. I've replayed both, the start of KOTOR2 has the immersive feel of KOTOR, just towards the end it all falls away to a feeling of brainless hack and slash. I like both but KOTOR is the better game for me.
  12. ok grabbed your list, easier that way... had to take out Darth Bandon though cause, er, I have no clue who he is hehe. also took out Uthar and Yuthura because I can't remember them clearly enough to rate them, and I commented where I felt the need My Rating Bastila Shan 1 *She so annoyed me it's not even funny* Canderous Ordo/Mandalore 9 HK-47 10 T3-M4 9 Carth Onasi 10 *call me a freak, but I like Carth* Jolee Bindo 7 Juhani 5 Mission Vao 8 Zaalbar 7 Darth Traya/Kreia 2 *slightly less annoying than Bastila but...* Atton Rand 2 *pazaak this bubba!* Bao-Dur 10 *he's got a glowy arm! gotta love that * GO-TO 1 *annoying AND useless* Hanharr 6 Mira 4 Brianna Kae the Handmaiden 6 Mical the Disciple 5 Visas Marr 6 Darth Malak 7 Admiral Saul Karath 3 Calo Nord 8 Davik Kang 5 Master Vandar 8 Atris 2 Master Vrook 1 *he's got an attitude problem imo* Master Zhar 7 Master Dorak 7 Master Lonna Vash 5 Master Zez-Kai Ell 5 Queen Talia 9 *I enjoyed the accent* General Vaklu 2 Master Kavar 6 Darth Nihilus 5 Darth Sion 10 *He's jsut misguided.. bad childhood and all, parents mad ehim sleep with vibroblades and all that... heh* I used 5 for characters that didn't really interest me much one way or another... so I didn't "dislike" them per say, I just kind of considered them "background decoration". I suppose my all-time favorite is HK-47. He's a master of irony I have a save I sometimes replay just for laughs where I'm carrying around the pacifism package for him hehe.
  13. Well I don't get physically ill being DS... but that's prolly just because I never actually *manage* to be DS hehe. I've played through KOTOR and KOTOR2 twice each, the plan was for the second run through to be DS because my "gut responses" all took me to LS the first time. Try as I might though I feel really stupid running around going "get out of my way or I'll kill you!" "What do you want you shutta!" or similar The only thing I'm looking forward to doing as "dark" is the assassination stuff for the secret organization in KOTOR2... I kept having LS mastery and enjoying my bonus when I ran into them and cringed at the thought of being bumped off the mastery I should probably play a "in between" type (in other words not keep avoiding all DS stuff I might normally actually do just because I'm all happy about my mastery bonus). Overall though (from what I've read about the Ds vs. Ls endings) I find the Ls endings more rewarding anyway, well in as far as you can find the "ending" of KOTOR2 rewarding
  14. I just replayed KOTOR2... thought this time I'd be able to deal with the "ending" since I knew about it form the first time... I was wrong Horribly depressing, I can't wait for this mod to come out and maybe let me play the game without this "so why did I bother again?" feeling. I sure am glad there's people out there (unlike me) who can do this kind of stuff! Keep up the good work!
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