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BG3 - Butt kicking for goodness!


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On 11/4/2023 at 3:05 PM, kanisatha said:

The summary of this analysis to me is: bear sex = awesome game (which is rather pathetic)

Yeah, like Bioware aka "The Romance Company" didn't market and showcase their games on their "mature" love scenes, companions, blood and boobies. What do you think Average Joe was more likely to pick Origins up for? The "heavy" duty of having to pick in between as many as three classes for his character or gushing over Morrigan's cleavage and heads a rollin'? Bioware had their own answer to that one. I mean, this is the most cringest trailer of all time, hilariously misplaced choice in music included. Obey and learn from the masters, Larian. Hey, the game IS a sequel to a Bioware game, after all. 😄  

On that note: I've only recently really started playing this after playing around with the Early Access three years ago (the fun and creepy start into Act 2 currently reminds me in a painful way how it's been TWO decades since Bloodlines -- the last major gothic/horror RPG since, which is INSANE, but that's another matter). However, I was expecting and prepared for far more in that regard. There's only been one character that was hitting on me so far -- and apparently I didn't need to level her up nor provide her gifts to score with her, true and PROPER Bioware-style. Maybe something to do with playing a drow, though, who knows. Also, I don't have access to the actual numbers. 

My biggest gripes so far are typically Larian things. Controlling a group stuff, camera stuff, inventory stuff. Difficulty on normal seems also rather low. Oh and some patronizing handholding. There's a quest that asked me to find somebody BEING LOST IN THE UNDERDARK -- only for the in-game GPS aka mini-map guiding me right there immediately upon accepting that quest. So much for that guy being "lost". I mean, Larian-style maps are heavily compressed affairs anyway, it's not like they're huge sprawling landscapes all booted up at once. And Mazes they aren't either. If you don't find yer stuff, the stuff is gonna find you eventually. You just have to poke around a bit. Developers, pretty please: If you think your players would get lost in their own toilets without heavy guidance, just don't include quest like that. Thanks. 

Otherwise, I really like this so far, and I wasn't overly fond of DOS. It's also refreshing in that regard in that contrary to DOS (or even the originals), you don't run into mobs of enemies every two meters or so, even deep down in the Underdark (which really was just a dungeon crawl in BG2). There's a quality over quantity approach attempted -- and even then not every combat is mandatory, with skill, even character checks applied. My drow commands some respect out of goblins et all. who'd otherwise turn hostile ASAP. Recently I avoided a fight against an enemy able to disguise itself by having a companion succeeding in a skill check likewise. There's oft also numerous routes throughout the maps, including entry points, which alongside to sneaking can skip encounters entirelly (or entry quests in various ways). The 3 billion endings are certainly hyperbole right there, but the same area can play differently solely by all of that alone. If this game is gonna have an influence (big IF), it will be a better one than any influence Bioware had in like the last two decades. Mechanically, for 100000% sure either way.

Also, in a sense, this looks like the anti-Fallout 3 so far. Both Fallout 3 and BG3 were made by a different developer than their respective original games, and attempted to make them more popular. Fallout 3 "streamlined" much of what made Fallout SPECIAL (Hah) in a bid to reach a more mainstream audience. By Fallout 4, the series was literally a completely different game, being turned from a series reknown for its complex quests with multiple solutions, unique experiences (and dialogue choice) depending on character builds and choice&consequence into a sandbox exploration action game where squat all matters (including that dialogue). BG3 is, at heart, still a party-based tactical CRPG. Generally, it's not a game afraid of its roots, but wears them proudly on its sleeve. If all it takes to inject some boobies and a popular license, I shall be expecting more AAA CRPGs of all kinds pretty damn soon. And the reign of the Canadish "Romance Company" and the Polish "Movie company" over the bigger budget space to be truly over once and for all. ;)

Edited by Sven_
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2 hours ago, Sven_ said:

Yeah, like Bioware aka "The Romance Company" didn't market and showcase their games on their "mature" love scenes, companions, blood and boobies. What do you think Average Joe was more likely to pick Origins up for? The "heavy" duty of having to pick in between as many as three classes for his character or gushing over Morrigan's cleavage and heads a rollin'? Bioware had their own answer to that one. I mean, this is the most cringest trailer of all time, hilariously misplaced choice in music included. Obey and learn from the masters, Larian. Hey, the game IS a sequel to a Bioware game, after all. 😄 

As someone who played all three Dragon Ages, ME1-3, and BG3, I can confidently say that BG3 is hands down less focused on the secks. Even with being able to let a mind flayer slip you the tentacle or let Halsin "unleash the bear". You don't have to **** the vampire twink or devil muscle girl for them to have good arcs, meanwhile like half the content for Bioware npcs is locked behind you smashing them and what's left is largely unremarkable.

2 hours ago, Sven_ said:

My biggest gripes so far are typically Larian things. Controlling a group stuff, camera stuff, inventory stuff. Difficulty on normal seems also rather low. Oh and some patronizing handholding. There's a quest that asked me to find somebody BEING LOST IN THE UNDERDARK -- only for the in-game GPS aka mini-map guiding me right there immediately upon accepting that quest. So much for that guy being "lost". I mean, Larian-style maps are heavily compressed affairs anyway, it's not like they're huge sprawling landscapes all booted up at once. And Mazes they aren't either. If you don't find yer stuff, the stuff is gonna find you eventually. You just have to poke around a bit. Developers, pretty please: If you think your players would get lost in their own toilets without heavy guidance, just don't include quest like that. Thanks. 

Otherwise, I really like this so far, and I wasn't overly fond of DOS. It's also refreshing in that regard in that contrary to DOS (or even the originals), you don't run into mobs of enemies every two meters or so, even deep down in the Underdark (which really was just a dungeon crawl in BG2). There's a quality over quantity approach attempted -- and even then not every combat is mandatory, with skill, even character checks applied. My drow commands some respect out of goblins et all. who'd otherwise turn hostile ASAP. Recently I avoided a fight against an enemy able to disguise itself by having a companion succeeding in a skill check likewise. There's oft also numerous routes throughout the maps, including entry points, which alongside to sneaking can skip encounters entirelly (or entry quests in various ways). The 3 billion endings are certainly hyperbole right there, but the same area can play differently solely by all of that alone. If this game is gonna have an influence (big IF), it will be a better one than any influence Bioware had in like the last two decades. Mechanically, for 100000% sure either way.

You'll probably not be as happy with Act 3, which goes much heavier into combat and feels much more crowded. Sawyer's thots about BG2 very much apply, you can throw a rock and hit someone involved in some quest or another.

That said, overall I'm positive. I wish there was a pause button, a day/night cycle along with time progression, act 3 was bigger simply to feel less cramped, and things I don't remember off hand but will probably come back to. But it's solid and I'm happy enough with the game.

2 hours ago, Sven_ said:

Also, in a sense, this looks like the anti-Fallout 3 so far. Both Fallout 3 and BG3 were made by a different developer than their respective original games, and attempted to make them more popular. Fallout 3 "streamlined" much of what made Fallout SPECIAL (Hah) in a bid to reach a more mainstream audience. By Fallout 4, the series was literally a completely different game, being turned from a series reknown for its complex quests with multiple solutions, unique experiences (and dialogue choice) depending on character builds and choice&consequence into a sandbox exploration action game where squat all matters (including that dialogue). BG3 is, at heart, still a party-based tactical CRPG. Generally, it's not a game afraid of its roots, but wears them proudly on its sleeve. If all it takes to inject some boobies and a popular license, I shall be expecting more AAA CRPGs of all kinds pretty damn soon. And the reign of the Canadish "Romance Company" and the Polish "Movie company" over the bigger budget space to be truly over once and for all. ;)

It's weird seeing some of my yung co-workers start talking about rpgs and stuff when they've never been interested in them before. This one kid watched a tiktok of Karlach dancing like two months ago and now wants in on a Pathfinder game I run on every other weekend after devouring BG3. I also Lynch-pilled him by getting him to watch Lost Highway, so maybe I'm just a bad influence.

Anyways, I think that while DnD is popular in the tabletop world and has made inroads into pop culture, BG3 is the first time in a while I've seen a DnD thing aside from tabletop really punch through. Like that big movie they did with Chris Pine this Spring was good for what it was (a Marvel movie but less ****) but it didn't break even. I had to look at Wikipedia to see other dnd games and I **** you not, NWN2 was probably the last one I can see with any kind of enduring legacy among the types of people who play these games.

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"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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14 hours ago, Wormerine said:


Wormie !!!  Stop  being naughty, you know the rule.  You cant expect people  to watch a  80  minute  video

If you could summarize the key points and the overall  opinion   that would be appreciated :thumbsup:


"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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14 hours ago, Sven_ said:

My biggest gripes so far are typically Larian things. Controlling a group stuff, camera stuff, inventory stuff. Difficulty on normal seems also rather low. Oh and some patronizing handholding. There's a quest that asked me to find somebody BEING LOST IN THE UNDERDARK -- only for the in-game GPS aka mini-map guiding me right there immediately upon accepting that quest. So much for that guy being "lost". I mean, Larian-style maps are heavily compressed affairs anyway, it's not like they're huge sprawling landscapes all booted up at once. And Mazes they aren't either. If you don't find yer stuff, the stuff is gonna find you eventually. You just have to poke around a bit. Developers, pretty please: If you think your players would get lost in their own toilets without heavy guidance, just don't include quest like that. Thanks.

Agreed, except 1. That trailer was most glorious; 2. The quest design when no one tells the exact location, route, and landmarks does require quest markers. When some NPC told me to meet them in Baldur's Gate, they never mentioned where (it was a random cave with no clear connection to those NPCs) or how to get there. It is possible to not have to include quest markers, but it requires the map and the quests (and all that VA/mo-cap fluff) to be done in order, which might be challenging. Morrowind achieved it, but you also could ask any nearby NPC for directions (again, VA/mo-cap make it insurmountable to have that amount of lines*).


Started another playthrough as a Githiyanki sorcerer (having unlimited Enhanced Leap is very convenient) to test a very specific theory, which requires a full run with some side quests completed. So far so good - 5 hours in and close to the end of Act 1 (at the post-Goblin Camp celebration). Need to find another hand crossbow, though, for the only mostly combat-focused companion, which will take another hour or two.


If there are 3 Gith at the end, will there be 3 dragons?

Another theory is if Shadowheart is dead during the Nightsong dialogue, will she leave the party? This does not require a whole playthrough, but it is a interesting thing to try.

*if I'm not mistaken, Skywind aims to have all lines voiced.

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2 hours ago, Hawke64 said:

Agreed, except 1. That trailer was most glorious; 2. The quest design when no one tells the exact location, route, and landmarks does require quest markers. When some NPC told me to meet them in Baldur's Gate, they never mentioned where (it was a random cave with no clear connection to those NPCs) or how to get there. It is possible to not have to include quest markers, but it requires the map and the quests (and all that VA/mo-cap fluff) to be done in order, which might be challenging. Morrowind achieved it, but you also could ask any nearby NPC for directions (again, VA/mo-cap make it insurmountable to have that amount of lines*).


Started another playthrough as a Githiyanki sorcerer (having unlimited Enhanced Leap is very convenient) to test a very specific theory, which requires a full run with some side quests completed. So far so good - 5 hours in and close to the end of Act 1 (at the post-Goblin Camp celebration). Need to find another hand crossbow, though, for the only mostly combat-focused companion, which will take another hour or two.

  Reveal hidden contents

If there are 3 Gith at the end, will there be 3 dragons?

Another theory is if Shadowheart is dead during the Nightsong dialogue, will she leave the party? This does not require a whole playthrough, but it is a interesting thing to try.

*if I'm not mistaken, Skywind aims to have all lines voiced.

Based on watching YouTube 

No, a githyanki PC (not Lae'zel) hitches a ride with her when all three go to fight against Vlaakith.

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"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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20 hours ago, BruceVC said:

Wormie !!!  Stop  being naughty, you know the rule.  You cant expect people  to watch a  80  minute  video

If you could summarize the key points and the overall  opinion   that would be appreciated :thumbsup:

I mean... I did. 🙂

It's positive, while acknowledging game's shortcomings (story problems, neven companions, lack of difficulty, Quality of Life features, apparently ongoing technical problems in act3). Mostly interesting, as he did beat the game multiple times, with each origin etc. so it's nice to see feedback on individual characters as well.

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JUst as a note, as it sticks out so much also in comparison to other games (RE: Combat). 

In like 40 hours or so, I've encountered multiple enemies that are just for that one encounter, and that encounter only. I've never seen them again. Like


the harpies and their "Luring Song" action

. This is so wasteful, they even blend the music in and out seamlessly whenever one of them starts , actually, singing -- yes, they actually recorded a singer singing for this. And yet, it's just that one encounter, never to be seen again.

This fits the entire "quality over quantity" approach that is attempted, and I wish more developers would run with it. I mean, this isn't Broken Roads (fingers crossed that it will be good) -- but it is also highly unusual that even a barbarian semi-regularly has options to just intimidate foes to drop their weapons.  On much lower budgets, Tactical Adventures tried similar with Solasta, though mostly in their encounter design/density.

If you really think about it, most areas in BG2 are dungeon crawls in disguise, with enemies everywhere. And ToB is just trash mob after trash mob either way, outside of the bosses to kill, which is the entire main quest of the game anyway (man, what a disappointment that was, no less as Icewind Dale did this all so much better years before).

Generally, combat feels too easy though (still playing on normal mind). And a few of that can be attributed to their home-brewn stuff, such as shove and the like being a bonus action, rather than an action. However, my warlocks upgraded Eldritch Blast acts as a "shove" anyway upon hitting, so  if an enemy, boss included, stands on a ledge into a chasm: GG.

Edited by Sven_
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The difficulty goes up if the party does not complete most of the quests nor uses optimised builds.

I've reached Act 2 on the 3rd playthrough at the moment and facing most of the foes in battle is very undesirable. It is fortunate that there are few mandatory combat encounters. Also, somehow odd that when playing as a githyanki, the Origin githyanki companion gets addressed more often (odd story-wise, not gameplay logic-wise).
Spent 4 hours just chain-Long Resting next to the Grove, so all camp scenes triggered (which I didn't know on the first playthrough), and looking for the second hand crossbow and the first disk on the Prince of the Comet (accidentally spoilt the anti-magic flower and had to move the camera into the position to see the upper floor in the Arcane Tower to jump there and reach the disk). Then after 5-10 minutes in the Shadow-Cursed Lands, a merchant was selling a better hand crossbow and a really nice exotic armour.

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14 hours ago, ShadySands said:

I'm trying to get into it again but it's just not crunchy enough to keep me engaged.

Neither were the originals. At least, not much. Sitting next to likes of Mass Effect, BG may be considered a hardcore RPG. Compared to Darklands or Realms Of Arkania meanwhile, not so much. The doctors back then too tried to "hide" as much of the crunchiness as they could (and the super intuitive control scheme ripped straight out of RTS / Warcraft as well as quite action-ish combat by then genre standards contributed to that). BG was always meant to be an accessible game.

With that said, is BG3 really this grand as Gamings Truly Last Action Hero, Arkane Studio's founder Raf Colantonio suggests? Or is it simply that after decades of further "streamlining" at all cost, we're gettingn a glimpse of how the genre, big budget too, could have evolved had it not done what it did?  At least in terms of big budget RPGs, there's just no contest. And Colantonio is spot on with his suggested "many years of drought". We're living in an era in which the posts have been moved so far after constant "streamlining" even the likes of Horizon Forbidden West are being considered RPG-ish by the general public to begin with FFS.

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That's true but they were also some of my very first RPGs along with the original Fallout games, I mean, BG2 and ToB anyway. I still haven't completed BG1. That said, Icewind Dale 2 was my favorite of the IE games when it came to mechanics. I'm not big into TTPRGs (because I had no friends that were into it and probably no tables that were into it either) but I liked the games that were based on D&D 3.5 the most and why I really enjoy OwlCat's Pathfinder games.... and even with those my game is heavily modded with tons of additional options.

I also recognize that my affinity for "spreadsheet games," as my wife likes to call them, makes my preferences less mainstream and accessible. Unfortunately, I like what I like so I'm left with slim pickings.

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On 11/14/2023 at 12:54 AM, ShadySands said:

That's true but they were also some of my very first RPGs along with the original Fallout games, I mean, BG2 and ToB anyway. I still haven't completed BG1. That said, Icewind Dale 2 was my favorite of the IE games when it came to mechanics. I'm not big into TTPRGs (because I had no friends that were into it and probably no tables that were into it either) but I liked the games that were based on D&D 3.5 the most and why I really enjoy OwlCat's Pathfinder games.... and even with those my game is heavily modded with tons of additional options.

I also recognize that my affinity for "spreadsheet games," as my wife likes to call them, makes my preferences less mainstream and accessible. Unfortunately, I like what I like so I'm left with slim pickings.

You could try Eve Online 😇

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Completed the playthrough in 23 hours, not counting reloads. The above-mentioned information about the ending was correct. The highlights were that


I managed to convince the devil in the Sharran Temple to kill himself, while releasing the shadows on the necromancer. The former yielded another hand crossbow. Then I returned to the Moonrise Towers basement and took the boat with the prisoners to the Last Light Inn to complete the land-restoration quest. The cleric, ironically, does not get attacked if not talked to. After that I finished the Temple with 1 purple orb and Knock. Since the party cleric never asked to be taken to the Temple, she just left quietly after that.

Back at the Towers I was able to reach the rooftop without combat, though at the rooftop, the Invisibility spell “worked as intended” (froze for the PC in the dialogue, but worn off Jaheira who for some reason was not participating), then the follower got stuck in combat until I tried to progress to Act 3 and couldn't. So, I had to reload and replay Ketheric Thorm's boss battle while opening the first dialogue with another character. Not sure if I needed the explosive barrels on the Explorer difficulty, but they sped up the last part.

In the interlude, the dryad summon dispatched the royal guard, though not swiftly.

In Act 3, I discovered that I strongly disliked Raphael - he was just going on and on and on. Granted, the option just to accept the first proposal without specifics was not present. Like, I was playing a Githyanki, what did I care for the Material Plane? Stealing the Hammer was not exactly an option with the lvl 6-8 party.

In the Lower City, which I reached under Invisibility without talking to Gortash or Mizora, I discovered that I needed to start the murder investigation to get the dwarf in red to appear. So I backtracked and picked the parchment from his room. Then I went into the sewers to trigger the kidnapping and unlock the fast travel points. Back at the Wine Festival, the dwarf was present with the password in his pocket which quickly went into mine. The BG2 insult was more challenging than I would like, so I polymorphed, dominated, shrunk, and tried to carry him out of the room with relative success. The downside was that the guards were bugging the newly-met companions about hands while the sheep had initiated a dialogue with the companion who polymorphed him. So, I got him to the guards and hit as hard as I could. His death also killed the guards, while the bloodied adds were not much of a challenge on their own. Funnily enough, the red dwarf came there after to join them. I guess, it is nice that Larian considered this possibility.

Back at the Temple of Bhaal, the dryad summon offed Orin quickly and quietly (also accidentally hit the kidnapee once, since real time was faster than turn-based and Orin was walking around) and the party collected the loot and the missing party member. Unfortunately, it did not work for Gortash, who had much lower tolerance for summons. Then I remembered that I had the Str 20 armour set, which allowed to pick him up without shrinking and to teleport to a more secluded location. The battle took 1 turn, where I threw the Archduke Nominee from the bridge.

Then I again spammed Long Rests to trigger the few remaining scenes and proceeded to the end-game. One of the companions “volunteered” (had to switch to her and pull the rest of the party way back) to become an illithid. The final stretch included the PC joyfully frolicking under Invisibility to the Netherbrain, with rest of the party auto-joining at the final battle.

At the epilogue, the PC being a true Githyanki (and an ass) just hopped onto a red dragon and flew to fight the Lich Queen. What happened to the non-gith companions remained a mystery.

Overall, the absence of emotional attachment/story consequences (alongside the bugs) encourages this style of playthroughs, which might be sufficient. Also, the equipment and the immersive sim elements are still amusing.

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25 minutes ago, InsaneCommander said:

If I ever play ignoring most of the guests I'll use the trick to kill Raphael in act I and get the 1400 xp.

How naughty :biggrin:

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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Started another playthrough as Wyll. His default facial expression of sheer horror is superior to the custom PC's smile. So far there have been quite a few continuity bugs - Zelvor expressing shock at the devil transformation of his good friend Wyll, then asking for introductions, Wyll remarking that slaying Karlach will save the locals with Karlach already in the party, etc. Otherwise, it is as expected - leaping forward to adventure with as little combat as possible.

Considering purchasing Weird West, though. While I am not exactly fond of the setting or the lack of character customisation, it had better stealth, RT combat, and I don't remember any continuity issues in the demo.

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Close to the ending of Act 2. It is much shorter with meta-knowledge and high-strength Enhanced Leap (at 18 hours, not counting reloads). The party is somehow stronger than in my previous (critical-path-mostly) runs, so we might be able to actually fight and not die at the same time. Getting good equipment and respec'ing companions improves their survivability significantly.

Tried to save a certain companion by turning them into a sheep and carrying to the recruitment point. Unfortunately, Polymorph worn off before that and in their un-Polymorphed state the potential companion encountered hostility from the NPCs, while entering the turn-based mode did not anyhow affect the battle - it still continued in the NPCs' own timeline. So, no paladins for us.

There are some unique (though, not marked as [Wyll]) lines, but not many nor they have been affecting the story much. Curious how the personal quest will go. The continuity of the side quests continues to be slightly off, mostly with NPCs repeating the same information for different triggers (e.g. Dammon being able to use Infernal Iron).

On a funny note (Act 2 end spoilers):


SH defaults to sparing Dame Aylin if her spear is thrown out after entering the Shadowfell but before the dialogue. It is nice that the developers thought of it (i.e. the spear is not a quest object and it does not soft-lock the game).

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5 hours ago, Wormerine said:

From what I understand act3 is quite broken at the moment, but it should be addressed in soon to come patch 5.

(Haven't updated, so the no personal experience) There is a rather interesting memory leak where the game keeps track of the party's unlawful actions, thus leading to slower performance.


In Patch 4 we introduced a fix that would prevent the Scrying Eyes in Moonrise Towers from immediately calling the guards on you when stealing, even if you were sneaking, or invisible for example.

This fix had the unintended consequence of causing unnoticed thefts and acts of vandalism to remain stuck forever within the 'did anyone see me' pipeline, rather than timing out and moving on, as is intended," it goes on. "Essentially, your dungeon master - in a real-world sense - constantly thinks about the acts of theft and violence the player keeps doing, without ever moving on or verbalising them. Mulling on it ad infinitum.

These unnoticed and eternally-active acts of theft and violence eventually bogged down the game. The more a player commits those acts, the more the game is trying to keep that all up to date and in memory, and so the more slowdowns start happening. Essentially, the dungeon master becomes unable to operate. By Act 3 this caused slowdown issues, which after some sleuthing we're extremely happy to say we've solved in Patch 5, which is in testing and scheduled to release this week.

From my current playthrough,


Jaheira got stuck as a follower again, but not in combat, so I was able to proceed*. Also the party fought the avatar of Myrkul and the githyanki royal guard head-on successfully.

*judging by Steam posts, it might bite me back later.

Edit. There is a bug with the turn-based mode not working on the foes in combat - when a group of NPC fights another group of NPC without PC, they exist in their own timeline and ignore the turns (i.e. the "Environment" turn). Regarding the ownership/stealing thing, it can get ridiculous when the player is committing a crime against a faction, then their rivals try to arrest the PC for it. Same for the random 1XP civilians trying to stop the PC from looting bodies - it is just weird.
That is to say, the issue is how the systems are designed and implemented. How hard was it to add a normal regular full pause/consistent clock and faction-based reputation (when there is the reputation system for each individual trader)?

Also, purchased Weird West. Will play some time later, though.

Edited by Hawke64
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The new patch dropped a new epilogue, which is another party in the campsite several months after. No really big additions or spoilers, but it leaned pretty hard on the prospect for a future adventure. Personally I'd be cool with Baldur's Gate 3: Descent into Avernus...Again, but we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

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"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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