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Pictures of your games 12

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27 minutes ago, melkathi said:

The problem with the Paladin route is lasting long enough to afford them.

Well, the same argument could be made for warriors of discord, but they are so laughably bad in comparison to paladins that they never really enter the equation. Unlike WoDs, pallies are fast, durable, and most of all, smart. They require little babysitting and are good right out of the gate, which honestly saves you a lot of money in the long run. Late game unit or no, paladins are just too good to pass up: they do everything well and thus offer pretty much the best value out of any t2 or t3 hero.

Also, I'd argue that a t2 palace + Temple to Dauros is less financially prohibitive than going for t3 and adepts/solarii.

Edited by Skazz
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A tier 1 Krypta and Fervus will fill the map with an army though. High level cultists will just charm half the monsters on some maps. (Warriors of Discord are useless)

Good thing about paladins is that they are even more likely to go after reward flags than rogues. Not for the money, but because they deem your mandate just.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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1 hour ago, melkathi said:

because they deem your mandate just.

😀 Dauros has spared you... for now.

1 hour ago, melkathi said:

A tier 1 Krypta and Fervus will fill the map with an army though. High level cultists will just charm half the monsters on some maps. (Warriors of Discord are useless)

Emphasis on -some- maps. Cultists are my favorite heroes overall, but unless the map has a high number of beast monsters, they end up becoming a "for fun" choice more than anything else (nevertheless, hordes of knife-throwing bears are cool).

I don't disagree that the Krypta/Fervus combo has its merits. Charming is great when it works. Priestesses are amazing for tanking dragons. Generally speaking, though, both god routes seem to have been designed to answer different kinds of threats: Agrela/Dauros counters bosses and elites, Krypta/Fervus counters hordes. That said, I've always felt like the hardest Majesty scenarios are usually of the villain-of-the-week variety, and thus - unless the scenario comes with a specific restriction -  paladins end up being the safest and most universal choice. Which, ultimately, makes them somewhat boring.

Even though I love the game to death, I wish the game had included more scenarios which would require the player to think out of the box rather than run a simple binary choice. For example: if I remember correctly, there is only one scenario ("The Siege"? I think) which aims to emulate what it would be like to play against another kingdom with full access to player advantages and mechanics: bounties, spells, and so on. Hell, it's basically a PVP map in disguise. As a consequence, many of the usual strategies simply fall flat, and that's great.

Edited by Skazz
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Red Dead Redemption 2


Sunset by a lake near Rhodes


The Braithwaite Estate


The Braithwaite Estate


St. Denis, a pretty place in the late hours of the day.

Beautiful game, I especially enjoy the southern parts - although the mountains in the north are quite stunning too.

Edited by Rosbjerg
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Fortune favors the bald.

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oh hey, a RDR2-off!

I'm mostly making new friends online though


I've sure come a long way since my daring escape

but I do stop to admire the scenery every chance I get



oh, in case anyone was curious, this is the inspiration for my character


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Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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To be honest, nothing is more sexy than a White Woman dressed in Native American attire.

It's called a synthesis, the natives are near wiped out and there's literally nothing we can do about that right now.

What we can do however is merge cultures, whites should adopt Native American Culture more aggressively and form the ultimate New American Culture!

But I digress.

Not very exciting but let's beat Marguerite Madhouse Resident Evil 7


Should be prepared, Burner and Colt 1911 with assault coin and plenty of Enhanced ammo should do the job.




Aim for the head, not the gross bee-crotch thingy.


It was tough but I got her, used all my enhanced ammo and herbs though. 



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Dear Path of Exile:  stop making cute pets that serve no game function but I idiotically must have them anyway, k thx. 


(that's been over seven years, not all at once....)

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“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Undead attack the kingdom. All paladins fled in terror. Half a dozen gnomes died trying to keep the guard tower standing. One heroic healer of Agrela holds her ground and is surrounded by eight skeletons. Three more healers rush to her aid. One of them will not survive the fight. Saru the Calmbringer, barely visible in the melee in the screenshot will survive and end up the highest level hero in this quest (17).



The Heroes find the castle of the Liche Queen. A band of Paladins, Rogues, Wizards, Rangers, and Solarii will tear it down. As the Liche Queen emerges all of them will flee. All of them? Not all. One Paladin is hit with a paralyze spell. As the Liche Queen and her minions surround her, a second Paladin decides to protect her incapacitated sister. The undead surround them and find out why in Majesty you never surround high level Paladins.


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Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Missed me! (in the center)
I like that most of the mini-bosses have big "tells" or animations.  I still haven't used the actual dodge button, I keep running (or use a teleport spell when I actually remember what hotkey I set for it), like I've done in every arpg, instead.



I "possessed" an enemy summoner. This resulted in total hilarity as his summons kept automatically moving slowwwllly forward in a huge tide to the nearest enemies on the map. Sometimes it was summoner against summoner. it did drop my (4k/ultra) fps. But it was so worth it. The skill is called "Parasite" - only one possessed minion at a time and ofc it's only as good as what you posses, but they last until they die/you exit the game (or alter gear too much I think?). Purchase it immediately when the shop (randomly) has it, it's the bomb.



In terms of "summoning" in this game, the golem is good/decent at holding aggro/surviving.  But the melee zombie sucks (low low hp). The ranged zombie is slightly better but still sucks. Don't think there's going to be a "pure summoner" build -you're going to still be casting a lot of spells as a main offense (which is fine, imo), but man Parasite is entertaining.

Edited by LadyCrimson
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“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Exploring the new areas in Guild Wars 2, flying around Bjoras Marches, once homeland of the Norn, now occupied by Jormag and it's corrupted Icebrood minions.


Exploring the mountains from dragon back, blizzard incoming soon:


Taking in the scenery:



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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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