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  1. I've been playing Grounded since the beginning. Lot's of fun. After playing through Subnautica and No Man's Sky I was looking for something like those two. Grounded has many similarities I enjoy with those two titles plus new ideas that add a lot. So with that said I just have some feedback and ideas I'd like to share. I love base building and Grounded has a system that is really versatile so far. My suggestion to improve it would be adding a detached camera view for base building. This was something that was added to NMS and it really improved creativity and quality of life. Basically what happens is by hitting a button (maybe clicking in an analog stick) while in build mode, the camera can be freely flown around a build site within a certain range. When you're trying to place objects intricately, in high places, or trying to blueprint items in either situation, you don't have to physically place your character in a position to do so. It makes building a lot easier and takes away the tedium of trying to get in position instead of purely concentrating on your build. Certain building pieces don't connect in ways that would seem intuitive. An example of this is are the triangle pieces that connect in every way to each other except to make a square. That may seem arbitrary, but not only would it add additional aesthetic flair to be able to use two triangles in that manner, it would also allow more options in choosing to fill in gaps in flooring or roofing. Can we get some floor lights, or a way to cast more light across flooring that doesn't just necessitate placing light sources closer to the ground? The inventory system is nice and I like the hot key wheel. One thing that drives me nuts is my personal inventory constantly shifting depending on what I use and what I pick up. What I mean is I would like items that I pre-arrange in the bookbag to stay in those slots. The game has no pause and only so many hotkeys. Sometimes during while trekking I find myself in a situation where I have to find something vital that isn't hot-keyed and/or make an on the fly inventory decision concerning space. With things constantly moving it makes those moments more frustrating than fun. If I place something in the bag in a certain slot please leave it there. Can we make it so the in game aiming reticle is actually the center of my character? When building or aiming it seems the dot is not centered to my character in the third person view Now as for gameplay suggestions I have a few. Maybe these have been repeated elsewhere as have the above suggestions concerning building or the UI and inventory system. Apologies if that's so. Mounts. Training certain animals to be ridden, including Ladybugs who could help to haul wood stems and planks via the pallet and, my personal fav, Bee's. The idea of having a Bee mount that you could care for and take to flying around the map would be great. Considering that it has to carry you as well there could be a limit to how far it could go before its stamina runs low. Training and feeding your pet would give it more stamina, and in the case of the bees maybe you could unlock new maneuvers for it ( Do a barrel roll anyone?). You could also craft armor, saddles, saddle bags, bridles etc for these pets Wind gusts that you can learn to ride to get to parts of the map faster with whatever gliding tool you have. A wingsuit would be awesome as well. But just having wind gusts that appear at certain times of day in certain sections that can be ridden as ferries to particular places, would make exploration fun and introduce another wrinkle to the "learning the terrain" aspect that I really like about Grounded A cold biome in a cooler. Recently in the "Into the Woods" update, there is a mint box that you have to manually open. Maybe make it so the cooler at the picnic table has a similar but more complex mechanic and once you open it you have access to ice. There could be a mechanic that works like the sizzle for cold. I am sure Obsidian is already working on this. But chunks of ice would allow us to make a fridge to store food and keep it from spoiling. And maybe ice can be something that allows you to store more water when going to hot zones. Every biome should have a bug, which can be a problem with cold temps but there is the arctic midge. It's harmless to people but it looks absolutely terrifying, go check it out. Boats and rafts. I have my base on the lily pads and I even have a dock, but sadly no boats. It would be great to be able to construct a kayak or small rowboat to get around on the pond in style and allow me to ferry supplies like grass and wood stems from other places. It could open up a new series of perks and tools to acquire. Seafaring mutations. Anchors and oars to create. Kayaks and boats made out of lighter more durable material to create. A climb button would really be helpful. Even if it were contextual. Again I'm on the pond and getting out of the water onto a lilypad with the camera alone is sometimes an exercise that just isn't fun. Having my character just grab the edge of a surface to host themselves up in those situations would be a huge plus I'd love to see glass added as an item to build with. Glass and Quartzite. A city guy like me dreams of building a small hub of alluring downtown spaces that gleam in the sun to invite potential tiny consumers to buy my wares. Having skyscrapers made of metal and glass, or chic beach bungalows in a minimalist modern design would be great Lastly you can never have enough furniture options. Seriously one of the worst feelings in base building is having a huge space, or multiple rooms and buildings and very little to furnish them with. They end up barren. There are people who love carving their own miniature furniture pieces for doll houses and the like, and they fetch a lot of money for a reason. Please give us more recipes for furniture. Maybe even include a marketplace where people can build and sell their own unique pieces to other players for similar items or some other form of currency? That's all I got right now. Love the game, excited to see it grow and interested in any feedback or thoughts people have regarding any of these ideas.
  2. Issue: If you try sign in via F1 or the Multiplayer menus, XBox live will confirm your sign-in, then once you press "Let's Play" returns you to the main screen as Offline User. Will re-prompt for sign in every time you attempt to enter the multiplayer menu. Troubleshooting: Drivers, updating xBox app, Win updates, Disabling/adding exceptions to firewall, disabling Defender (only AV) etc. Resolution: Do not run app as Administrator. Running Grounded as Admin will make XBox sign-in non-persistent (will not remember sign-in status)
  3. I’d like to know whether this feature will be implemented at launch or at a later date. I don’t see these features on the game’s windows store page but it would be a nice addition to those who own an xbox one and a windows 10 pc as well.
  4. Curious, because in the past, Obsidian did manage to put Pillars of Eternity on some tablet variant. ​Some market trends, Konami (those bastards) focusing (2015) on mobile platforms, we also know how successful Pokemon GO was on mobile, of course, it was made for mobile (which I hope Deadfire isn't even remotely thought of as a Player interface). Anyways, Fire Emblem (Konami) is "Coming soon" "Released" on the Play Store (Android, don't know about iOS). ​I know Baldur's Gate & Icewind Dale exists for mobile, Shadowrun Returns too. And Deadfire shrunk down to 5 party members "for space" (mobile screen space is small). ​Is Deadfire designed in mind to be compatible for mobile screens, or would it be something desired for by the community? ​Personally ambivalent, I want Deadfire to be in monogamy for PC, Mac, Linux (mouse and keyboard), but can't deny the market in mobile. Technology advances really fast, and with HoloLens, AR, VR, on the doorstep of revolution, I believe Deadfire would benefit tremendously. ​A bit of a Captain Obvious statement, but I would want Deadfire to be designed for computer use only, and if it'd work or even be really simple to port to console or mobile, go for it.
  5. Hey, When I was preordering, I was under the impression we had the option to at least force disable the FoW via the console command 'NoFog'. But that's not even a viable option, because it doesn't store the console value with the other settings in the registry. It defaults back to a (bugged) version of the Fog every time you: load your save, enter/exit buldings, enter/exit too or from areas, etc. Basically anytime you do anything requiring a map load. So it's quite useless. I would love some Fog of War specific options. I mean, to enable, or disable it properly, without uncovering the whole area map before it's discovered. Or even to adjust the start radius of the fog, so it begins outside of your screenspace view. Or, even only use Fog on areas that have not been discovered yet?. I'm not trying to cheat, I just want to be able to admire the nice scenery. Apparently, being able to see more than a couple of metres is cheating, yet fast mode 24/7 is not?. Any help is appreciated, thank you/
  6. When I scroll at night, the lights from windows flicker. I've noticed the flickering in Defiance Bay and Dyrford. I haven't been to many other places in the game yet. I've also noticed that some windows seem more prone to this flickering than others, which you can see in the video. So far, I’ve tried compatibility mode for Windows 7 and 8, and running the .exe as an administrator. I’m also experiencing a bug where the “yes,” and “no” text from certain menus is invisible, but I don’t know how to reproduce it. I only mention it because it’s the only other graphical bug that I’ve had up to this point; perhaps it is related. Windows 10 Intel Core i7-4790k 16.0 GB AMD R9 290 meowbeastPoE.zip savegame mp4
  7. Hi all, So recently I just built a pc and I was moving some of my games save files. I tried moving the save files from Mac to my windows side of things. Below are steps that I took. Confirmed its the latest save files. Cloud enable / sync perfectly. Manually moving from mac to windows via thumbdrive. The load option is always disable. Is there any way around this? Many thanks! Is this something that is broken? I recall people saying prior to V2 which i assume just comes out, it was working fine you to move it manually.
  8. I just registrated to say thank you to the developers for patch 1.04, because in my case PoE runs on a Win XP 32bit machine with 2 GB Ram only. Before the patch the game crashed on leaving the tutorial area, but now I can proceed a little further ) I know that XP is not supported and 2 GB Ram aren't either, but so far it works (because XP doesn't need so much ram space like other win versions). Loading times are very short compaired to eg. Divinity Original Sin (that actually still suffers from the saving bug on 32bit systems) and overall performance is really good. Keep up the good work *thumbs up*
  9. I play PoE using Steam on my Macbook Pro and on my Windows machine, but the savegames are not syncing between two platforms.
  10. Hello there, I currently crash consistently when attempting to level up Aloth to level 6 on Windows. This issue happens immediately when selecting the level up portrait button and is 100% reproducible. I have now gotten the same issue attempting to level up Aloth to level 7. The only workaround I have found is transferring my saves onto OSX, leveling up Aloth, and then transferring my saves back to Windows. Attaching files here didn't work for me, so here's some Dropbox links: Crash logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h93mgv6ngxt49ue/crash%20logs.zip?dl=0 Save Game: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cfnwzvias4s4pep/ee43840a-d85f-4ebe-95b9-294dfa402fe2%20quicksave.savegame?dl=0 Specs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mvh9mg58l0b4jm7/DxDiag.txt?dl=0
  11. Hello, as a passionate Linux user i have to wait 'a few weeks' until i can play the beta. Luckily i have other stuff to do at the moment, so there is little time to get jealous over the Windows beta Well, Steam seems to have this 'Library Sharing' feature for sharing games with family and friends. And i also know this fellow Backer who would test the Beta on Windows - and a little later on, when the Linux Beta goes live, i really would like to help find and fix Bugs in the Linux version of the game. Would it work to share my Beta-access via Steam, and would it work cross-platform? And what do the developers think of this? I am also really interested in the Linux and Mac part of the development process. Will the devs share details on this? Maybe in an update or in the documentary? (Train of thought is: does Unity do all the cross-platform work? If yes, why the delayed Linux&Mac Beta? If no, what are the encountered problems? Will those problems lead to Linux/Mac specific bugs? Yay, more testing needed on the platforms with smaller userbase!)
  12. Hello, It seems that i have some weird glitches with my game - but with some specific steps completed. I'll break them down : Glitches Seems that if you enter the cinema, take a while ( for example the first time you stay and break all chairs ) then exit - and pass in front of the cashier - the graphics turn to weird glitches ( as i saw posted before ). But this seems to be the only way to trigger this - and it's every time ( 3rd play-through ). And i haven't encounter this anywhere else. Only way to 'fix' this is either loading an area, or restarting the game Flickering Begin while you're in a cutscene - pause - and alt-tab out of the game - do something ( not just alt-tab lightning speed Bruce Lee attack xD ) Return to the game and unpause it ; and you'll notice that characters begin to flicker - even completely disappear Again, reloading area/game seems to fix this Crash - rare / random Random - rare - crash issue after the defects above have occurred, but i think that multiple alt-tabs (in a normal way) do break the game. This happened to me , twice, once after i hit Exit Game ( crashing on desktop ) and other in-game. MINOR (more a question) I've noticed that Windows 7 schema turns to basic every time i run this game. And i think this might be the cause of some of the issues Is this intended or does it link with system config ? Here are my specs - laptop ! : CPU : Intel i3-2330M RAM : 6GB DDR3 GPU : Nvidia Optimus 540M - 2GB ( latest drivers ; also running on this and not Intel ) OS : Windows 7 x64 ( fully updated ) Play resolutions : 1366x768 ; 1920x1080 I ain't bothered by some of the above, this is more of a heads-up thing. Also wondering if crashing/windows scheme is from my end or if it occurs to most people. Have a great day! Cheers, Z
  13. Technical FAQ Purpose: To help answer and diagnose simple technical issues you may run across and not yet know how to fix or understand. Always remember to be careful and cautious when doing any work with a computer or system, physically or logically. I/We are not responsible or liable for any issues/damage/problems/data loss that arise as a result of the use of this guide or comments therein. Any software or companies suggested as a utility or helpful resource are done so based on personal opinion and as a helpful starting point for making your own decisions regarding use. Above all, if you are really unsure of something do not attempt it without proper research and/or asking someone who does know what they are doing. Secondly before any major system work ALWAYS perform a backup. Any loss of data or content as a result of not properly creating a backup of some kind is your responsibility. System Image Backup: With the above said a couple of options for creating a system image or backup are; http://www.macrium.com/reflectfree.aspx Very stable and consistent backup utility that is free for use. It does not do incremental backups, but otherwise is a very easy to use application and can be largely automated. Previous personal use with it was fine, and it was very easy to use. http://www.paragon-software.com/home/br-free/index.html Very stable with more backup options (differential/incremental, etc) but not quite as universally compatible, still a great option for simple backups. It is important to get into the habit of creating backups regularly. Even if you have never had an issue or lost data, it only takes one time before you realize the error and wish you had. With the cost of storage these days there is really no reason not to. Once you have a backup seriously consider getting some extra DVDs, or a portable HDD used only for image burning. If you do not want to create a system image, windows restore points or the windows backup utility are also decent options (restore being a much softer backup). At least a weekly backup is preferable to no backup, at worst you lose a week, instead of weeks/months/years/decades of work. Fresh Windows install common application loader, and start button/menu re-addition to windows 8: http://ninite.com This is an invaluable website for a clean install, or as the need arises. The premise is simple, select the applications or components you want or need to install on your computer (everything from Chrome to the latest Java to Steam, AVG and Notepad++ along with much much more). Once selected click on get installer and it auto installs all of the programs for you. The only downside is non customized installations but can save you a lot of time installing all of these applications. The installers will remember the software selection as well, so you can save it for use later, or as a template installer. For windows 8 Start button/menu install the Classic Start utility. You will now have a customizable start button/menu again and it auto sets to load to the desktop cutting out charms. Windows 8 PC Refresh/Re-Install: Windows 8 provides the option to ‘refresh’ the PC by bringing the computer back to an almost fresh install state. The benefit here is that you will retain all of the files and downloads pictures etc you have, while reverting to default windows files and setup. Note that this WILL require you to reinstall programs, but you wont lose specific data files as just mentioned. Start-Up / Boot cleanup: A lot of programs like to insert items into startup, a lot of them are extra drains on resources for things like version checking or updates. To disable these items pull up the start button and in the search box type in msconfig.exe then hit enter. MSConfig gives you a lot of different options for your system. This can be a very helpful little utility, but also very dangerous if you play around in the wrong areas. The only 2 places you should really bother with are the Boot and Startup tabs. Boot Tab, controls multi boot loading (EG if you dual boot windowsXP and 7 for instance) and you can control things like time to select, default OS, etc. Also, and sometimes more importantly, the ability to turn on safe boot, with options (eg minimal, networking) and boot logs which can help very much in identifying problems with an unstable system. Just remember to turn off safe mode when you are finished! Startup Tab, basically exactly what it sounds like. Lists the items that are launched on startup and gives you the ability to disable them (uncheck the checkbox) Another good option is to periodically go through your installed programs list and remove anything you no longer use or was not what you thought it might be. Firewall / Antivirus: Over the years firewall and anti-virus apps have come a long way, and there are quite a few great free options. Here are some of the offerings you may come across, most of these are combo these days (both firewall and AV rolled into one) though typically you need to pay for a bundle. Firewall: Zone alarm, very popular free firewall with a lot of options and active scanning. Supports WinXP/vista/7/8 http://www.zonealarm.com/security/en-us/zonealarm-pc-security-free-firewall.htm Windows built in firewall. This used to be much worse than it currently is. These days its fairly robust but pretty straight forward. It is a good option provided you spend a little time to get to know it and its limitations. It is adequate for most home use, especially if you don’t know a whole lot about firewalls and ports. Comodo Personal Firewall, great firewall with active scanning and known good/bad program lists. http://personalfirewall.comodo.com/free-download.html Online Armor, has some cool features, like setting programs to effectively ‘run as’ a user with lower permissions. http://www.online-armor.com/products-online-armor-free.php Anti Virus: AVG antivirus, very popular and good anti virus http://free.avg.com/us-en/free-antivirus-download Avast, another very popular free option: http://www.avast.com/en-us/index Ad-Aware, very popular system http://www.lavasoft.com/products/ad_aware.php It is really important to make sure you have protection installed early and updated often. Much like backups it pays to not have an issue or lose data, or have your identity or credit cards compromised. Weird windows problems or crashing: A useful tool to record problems or crashes is actually one built into windows, psr.exe To open it, go to the start -> search and type in psr.exe click on the record button and perform the steps that lead to the problem. When you are done it will ask where to save the zip file, choose a location. Inside the zip file is an mht file, which opens in internet explorer. It will give you a screen by screen recap of what you did, where you clicked, and what happened along with some information about the OS, the program being used, and versions therein. This can be a great help when diagnosing a problem, or trying to figure out what is happening. A lot of issues can crop up from bad/missing/corrupt windows files or protected items, luckily there is a built in application to help find and fix these. Open a command prompt and type in sfc /SCANNOW This will scan protected and core files to ensure integrity and operation. If any are missing it will attempt to repair them. (Can take a while to perform) Some issues arise from newer drivers or application packages, you can try to use older versions which sometimes can be difficult to find. A couple useful websites to use in this instance: http://www.oldapps.com/category/drivers http://www.driverguide.com/ With that said though, just as many, if not more issues can be caused by OLD drivers, so be sure that you regularly check for updates to your system drivers. I would caution against downloading .dll files by themselves, if you have a missing or corrupt dll file. There are a lot of websites with dll downloads, but it is best if you perform a re-install of the application which uses/installed the dll in the first place. If you absolutely need to do it you will likely need to register the dll, or may need to un-register and re-register the new one. To do so open the start button and type in cmd, right click on the cmd.exe that appears and select run as administrator. In the new window to register a dll (tell the OS that the dll exists, in a specific location, for application use) type the following: regsvr32 “path\to\dll\nameof.dll” eg regsvr32 “c:\users\myuser\dekstop\abc.dll” To unregister a dll (forget it): regsvr32 /u nameof.dll Some useful websites with vast technical knowledge and help: http://www.tomshardware.com/ reviews, troubleshooting help and tech tips http://www.hardwareheaven.com/ much like tom’s hardware http://www.avsforum.com/ centering more predominantly on audio and home theaters http://www.head-fi.org/ great audiophile and headphone community Don’t be afraid to use google, it has saved me many times and can be an excellent resource for finding information on bugs or error codes you come across. Hardware: Hardware issues can be difficult to diagnose, especially with little or no experience dealing with it. If you are really unsure or timid ask for help! Provide as much detail as possible, and be friendly, people will help you out! A key thing to keep in mind, or plan, is a good power supply. The power supply is the most important non glamorous piece of equipment in your machine. If it is poorly built, or weak, or provides uneven power you can easily blow your system, or cause intermittent and nearly impossible to troubleshoot problems. DO NOT SKIMP on the power supply. This doesn't mean you need a lot of power, it means you need quality power. Stick to good name brands (OCZ, CoolerMaster, Corsair, Antec, EVGA, etc) If in doubt, do some research! Also you want to, these days, find one with an 80 PLUS rating. This on a very basic level means that you get more bang for your buck. In the conversion of power, and loss of power as heat (any heat generated is lost power, eg lost dollars) a unit with an 80 PLUS rating (with various sub tiers) means the unit will pure convert at least 80% of the power drawn to usable system power. The better the tier ( going from Bronze to Gold for instance) the better the conversion and the less power lost. YMMV on actual cost savings but on bigger rigs, or multiple run 24/7 it can add up over time. Make sure that you regularly clean your system out as well (once every month or 3). You can use something like a can of air to do it and its pretty fast. If you do not, dust buildup can create 2 problems. The first being insulation. As dust accumulates it insulates the areas it is in contact with, and this is bad news for a computer. It will begin to increase the temperature of those components and create extra wear and tear on them, shortening lifespan or creating heat related crashes or hangs, and general slowdowns. The second issue, while less likely these days, is creating a short between components. Due to newer technology and shielding this is less likely, but still something to keep in mind. Two components with voltage that normally should never interact could become linked in the right circumstances, and fry some components. As a side note, NEVER EVER blow on your components (ala old NES cartridges) or into a connection slot. While you may get rid of some dust, you are also sending a wave of watery saliva into the components which at the least can cause corrosion if nothing else. Whenever you install, remove, or troubleshoot a component be sure that you unplug the system before hand and use an anti static strap (you can find them all over the place – officemax staples, online, etc). Never remove or install components into a live (on/plugged in) system. While the board itself may not carry a charge, if there is dust buildup it can hold a slight static charge and create a short/arc and ruin that shiny new GPU. If you have problems with your system booting, or crashing and it seems to be hardware related be smart. Start with a bare system (cpu/ram/video card and no HDDs/accessories) and work your way up installing one component at a time until you get a failure. If the issue is present with nothing but the 3 previously mentioned bare components, it is likely one of those three, start with a different video card (if possible) and ram. Make sure all fans on the case or components are spinning, and clean them of any blockages (using something like the can of air and perhaps some Q-Tips). Never clean your system with any form of liquid or a vacuum or anything like that. Audio/Video: These days there are a lot of people with HD capable monitors/TVs and decent AV receivers. If you have these but are perplexed as to how to get the best picture and audio its not that hard. To get true DD/DTS audio from media files (not games) you will need to have an optical or coaxial digital audio connection or HDMI output from your computer (either onboard, or sound card based) to a device that likewise has these connections (receiver). It’s quite easy these days to simply just pass your audio through your video card to your listening/watching device (provided it uses hdmi). My normal media viewing setup passes my video and audio through HDMI out of my videocard to my receiver. I get my movies (DVDs/BluRays/Rips Ive collected) in DD/DTS and have excellent picture. (GTX 460) This is where the ‘fun’ begins. Configuring for true DD/DTS pass-through is a walkthrough in itself but in the end is not terribly hard. There are two main, great, guides/walkthroughs on how to do this: http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=516729 This one is a bit more easy to follow but I find it lacks a few things from the second guide. Overall quite a good guide, in particular some great tips on madVR setup. http://www.avsforum.com/t/1357375/advanced-mpc-hc-setup-guide Very thorough guide bit more complex, but still easy enough to follow, based a bit more on best possible audio. These days most TVs have HDMI input, and further can easily handle the way a computer outputs video, so hook it up and have a blast! One interesting thing to note, if you have get a DVI to HDMI conversion cable, most newer video cards can output audio from the video card to a TV/etc from this connection. (YMMV) For DD/DTS in video games, you will need a sound card capable of using something like Dolby Digital Live!/DTS Connect. To decode this. An example of these are: http://us.store.creative.com/Creative-Sound-Blaster-Z-PCIe-Sound/M/B009ISU33E.htm http://us.store.creative.com/Creative-Sound-Blaster-Recon3D-PCIe-Sound/M/B00654PUPA.htm http://www.auzentech.com/site/products/x-fi_hometheater_hd.php http://www.auzentech.com/site/products/x-fi_forte.php That concludes the FAQ for the time being. Many thanks to the originator of the first FAQ version, and the various sites and forums listed in this guide for all of the help over the years. Attached is the XP version of this FAQ WinXPFAQ.pdf - Many Thanks to Metadigital who wrote the original (XP) version!
  14. So, any of of you using a Windows phone? I got a Lumia 920 and it's been getting on my nerves for 3 days already
  15. Well hello everyone! It’s the day after our Kickstarter here at Obsidian, and while a few of us are a little rough around the edges right now, we’re already busy working on Project Eternity! In this update, we’ll go through a number of frequently asked questions we’ve received in the last day or so. If you have any problems with anything, please always feel free to head over to our forums, or reach us on Facebook, Twitter, or via support@obsidian.net. So… onward! Kickstarter and PayPal Stats So as of about 1:30 PM PDT, here’s where we stand funding-wise: Kickstarter Backers: 73,986 Pledged: $3,986,929 PayPal Backers: 3,681 Pledged: $176,279 Totals Backers: 77,667 Pledged: $4,163,208 Stretch Goals So that means we hit the 4M stretch goal, right? Yes! How do PayPal backers affect the Mega Dungeon size? It counts toward the Mega Dungeon! We hit fifteen (15!!!!) levels! Will Facebook Likes still count to a larger dungeon? Yes, for now they do! Come like us quickly and maybe we can hit the 40,000 likes for one last dungeon level. But it’s for a limited time, so… like us! Please note: If you clicked Like on our Eternity home page, that doesn’t qualify – we need likes on Obsidian’s Facebook page! Kickstarter / Amazon Payments / PayPal OK, so now what happens? If you backed us on Kickstarter, Amazon will begin processing payments and will contact you. This process takes place over a period of 14 days. If you encounter any problems with this process, never fear about losing your pledge. We’ll work with you to work out any payment issues so you don’t lose out as long as you were a part of the crowdfunding phase. Once payments are taken care of, we’ll start collecting information from you guys, and we’ll do that a few times. More info on that below. If you backed us on PayPal, and everything went through OK, sit back and relax and we’ll be in touch soon! Speaking of PayPal, I noticed PayPal tiers are still up. Will I get the same rewards for the tiers if I donate now? Yes! For as long as we have the listed options available on http://eternity.obsidian.net, you’ll get the same rewards. This is for a very limited time though, so don’t delay if you’re going to get in on Project Eternity! Oh no, I don’t think I added shipping! How do I add international shipping? There’s two ways to handle international shipping. You can: Go to http://eternity.obsidian.net: Along the right side, choose the Donate button under the “Donate Your Own Amount” section. It’s at the bottom of the Tiers just before Addons. On PayPal in the Donation Amount field, enter the desired amount and click Update Total. Log in to PayPal using your email and password. On the “please review your donation” screen, click the Add special instructions for Obsidian link. Describe what your donation is for (international shipping, top up, etc.) Change any other relevant details and then click the Donate USD Now button. [*]Hang tight for now. Once we get all of the information from PayPal and Kickstarter and then get it organized, we’ll be reviewing each and every order to make sure we know how you want your funds allocated. We’ll handle that directly with you via e-mail (please make sure the e-mail you used on Kickstarter or PayPal is accessible to you! If you have any concerns about that, e-mail us at support@obsidian.net) I would actually like to upgrade to another tier – can/how do I do that? For a very limited time, you can use the process described above in “How do I add international shipping” and specify to us what you would like to do. You can do this even if you first contributed to Kickstarter. Just include the difference. (Disclaimer: This does not apply to tiers that were sold out.) Video Streams Where can I see Adam’s Icewind Dale II playthough? Unfortunately it’s not available. Where can I see the D&D game? Here it is! Where can I see the last few hours of the party stream? Swing by Twitch TV at http://www.twitch.tv...ian/b/335806140 When is Chris Avellone going to stream playing Arcanum? We’ll be in touch soon with details on that. It might be a Holiday Special stream. Rest assured he’s going to do it - you guys hit the $4M marker! What’s the next step? OK so now what? First, come sign up on our Forums if you haven’t already. That’s going to be the best place to connect with us throughout the development of the game. We’ll also be up on Facebook and Twitter too. Backer badges will start rolling out in the next few weeks. If you have any problems signing up on our forums (our anti-spam can be rather aggressive sometimes, we apologize!), e-mail us over at support@obsidian.net and we’ll get you all set up. A survey will be coming in the next few weeks to ask you how you want to allocate funds. For those of you who are getting physical goods, before we ship anything, we will notify you and reconfirm at that time to make sure we have the latest physical address on file. If you have any other questions, feel free to swing by the forums or e-mail us! Fulfillment Some of you have been wondering how we will be offering keys for the game. You will be able to select one of the choices below for each key. Steam: Steam currently supports Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. We will be offering you a SteamPlay key. This means with one key, you can play the game on any supported platform of your choice! The Steam version will also offer in-game achievements and we are going to look at adding Steam cloud support for an even better multi-platform experience. Please note that Steam uses DRM (digital rights management) however. DRM comes with this platform and is not something we can disable. If you want a DRM-free option, please see GOG.com below. GOG.com: We will be offering DRM-free options based on the platforms that GOG supports at the time of us shipping the game. Currently, this means you only have a Windows DRM-free option, but apparently some big news for Mac users is coming… tonight, and hopefully good news for Linux users too down the road. You may have noticed that there isn’t a DRM-free Linux version listed; that’s true today, but by the time we launch, we’ll have one available. Thanks again everyone, and we’ll be in touch! Update from Darren Monahan
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