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  1. Platform: PC (Steam) Multiplayer or Single Player Game: multiplayer, in total 3 players. all on pc (steam) Difficulty level: Woah! Description of issue: hey, my friend is having the problem that his microphone (in general, not just the game) gets quiter when he talks/is loud, but it never goes back up. only happends in game, and he has the microphone set to "never" Last thing you did in the game before the issue occurred, if applicable: join my brothers game
  2. when being too loud in game the microphone will be lowered in general, not just in game or anything, just the main mic in general. on the main menu it's fine. voice chat is toggled to never, and in windows settings i put it that normally nothing should change microphone settings
  3. Hello, could you please find out why the price of the game in the Russian region Steam is lower than in the Ukrainian and other regions of the post-Soviet space?
  4. The Hedge Ascent landmark is still broken 1.4.3 Steam, although there is progress. The recent patch unlocked the item-credit on the data tab in the Sca.b menu, however it doesn't mark the location on the map, nor does it give credit for the location for the new "Been There Done That", thus this bug continues to block the new achievements, even though I was able to unlock the 100% achievement, super annoying as someone who waited over a year to have see the bug resolved. One important point, the patch notes seem to indicate a belief that this is related to old saves prior to 1.3, however even a fresh save in 1.4.3 for me exhibits an issue with unlocking the Hedge Ascent landmark. This has been true in prior 1.4.x versions as well with newly created save games. My install of grounded has been verified and I've re-installed from scratch within the last few months. I did have had very old early-access versions of Grounded installed on this PC via steam (a format of the PC is long overdue at this point). The same is true of another PC in my household, which also seems to exhibit the same behavior when starting new games. Just based on the way this was resolved, I'm assuming the devs have had trouble reproducing the issue, and unfortunately the band-aid wasn't very effective. I've taken the initiative to pack up a brief history of my different save files (head versions only), and my appdata\local\Maine folder (It sure seems like perhaps this is a bug that lives in the shared config of an install, so I was sure to get this), with the hope that someone can reproduce this issue and resolve it fully. You can download my save data here, be mindful of the included readme which details the date each world is from, and some quick notes related to this issue where they are known: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mzj0ycpgqlo7ejoyov2nz/Grounded-Hedge-Ascent-Bug-Multiple-Saves-plus-Appdata.zip?rlkey=g0x30kshq7gmzl6got3xo2014&dl=1
  5. I have always played Grounded solo "offline" without making xbox account, so there should be no other players in my world, why is there now suddenly "OfflineUser" in my world all of a sudden? I am not sure if this is related to some new feature after recent update, or is this a bug. I have +200 hours in this game and i never remember seeing this before, Aphid Chris from your discord told me to make a bug report. - Pc, Steam - Save file has 80 in-game days, ~200 real life hours, custom mode - Started seeing this after this new recent 1.4 Fully Yoked update - I have never played in multiplayer mode, i have never created xbox account, i have never connected my game with any xbox account - This "OfflineUser" tag was about 100 meters in front of me when i logged in to my save and saw it first time.
  6. I've played over 200 hours of PoE, but not much recently. I thought I would jump back in, but now the game crashes almost immediately on start/launch from Steam. I've had a lot of system updates while I was playing, regularly. Sometimes there were issues, but I don't remember not being able to solve them. I may have lost some saved games at one point, early on. But, that was a long time ago. Anyway, that's my main concern, now. I don't want to loose my saved games. I was able to get the game to start by forcing it to use Steam compatibility/proton. But, the native Linux version crashes. I would just play on proton, but I cannot get my saved games. Any advice would be appreciated. journal.txt
  7. It worked well until this afternoon. I've restarted the computer, checked Steam cache integrity and tried starting it directly from the folder, no success unfortunately. The log has some suspicious lines about D3D9 and D3D11 initialization failing. output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  8. Just bought this game on Steam, was excited to play with friends! When I load the game it asks for me to log into Microsoft/Xbox and when I enter my information and click next, instead of giving login info, it goes to a white screen with the following information: Failed to load URL https://account.live.com/Consent/Update?mkt=EN-US&uiflavor=host&id=290794&ru=https://login.live.com/oauth20_authorize.srf%3fuaid%3d413c629a583944eab7ba040947454fd0%26opid%3d9655CD23B1E1B471%26mkt%3dEN-US%26opidt%3d1665932511 with error ERR_CONNECTION_RESET (-101). I've tried reinstalling the game, verifying the steam cache, logging out of Microsoft accounts across my Windows 11 laptop, logging into my microsoft accounts from the Xbox app, launching the game from both steam and the xbox app, updating the Xbox and Xbox companion app, disabling all windows security features... Nothing works. It's pretty bad for a game that advertises crossplay to not even allow me to connect to Microsoft from a Microsoft machine! Hopefully someone can help me here.
  9. maine-win64-shipping Is maxing out my gpu it’s at 100%. The file is utilizing 98% of my gpu and 16% of my cpu and causes my game to crash and even effects my ups battery forcing it to beep and shut my computer off possibly because of over heating. Have been playing for a week and have 52 hours in game and only started happening yesterday. Can’t play the game as it is now.
  10. PC, Steam Single-player (tried both offline and online modes) When I try to start a New Game, the application crashes on the loading screen after naming the yard world. Steps to reproduce:
  11. Currectly there is no support between Vortex and Steam Grounded Early Access users. Would be wonderful to have that corrected/added. Nothing that is already there on vortex or the work arounds do not work. Would love to see this done in the next update/patch. Do like Skyrim - make it moddable and the game will literally never die. Being a 3D artist and creative myself, this would be amazing! I grew up with Honey, I shrunk the kids! I want nothing more than for this game to thrive and survive!
  12. I have 3 monitors. My primary middle monitor is 1920x1200. It is flanked by two 1080x1920 monitors in portrait mode. Running Linux (see attached SteamSystemInfo.txt). I start PoE from steam. It loads in the middle monitor (as desired) and the splash video plays with sound but the left quarter of the screen is black and it seems only the bottom left corner of the video is playing on my screen. When the initial menu loads after the video there is an offset between the cursor's visible location and any button it can press. A line in the player.log shows a request for fullscreen 3440 x 1440 and that my desktop is 4080x1920, which may explain why the video won't find in my 1920x1200 monitor, even though I added -screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1200 advanced startup options through the game's properties in Steam. How can I fix the cursor offset and resolution? Player.log SteamSystemInfo.txt
  13. I own the game on Steam and it runs perfectly. I bought the game for a friend via MS Store and it installs, but when they start the game it just says "Oops, something went wrong" and closes. My friend installed the game via Steam (from my account) and it runs perfectly fine on their pc. Honestly, I just want to refund the game on MS and buy it for them on steam, but as I bought a gift code, which is already redeemed, I cannot refund the game on MS Store. If anyone has any more idea on how the fix the MS store installation (yes, we used google and tried every "fix" there was and nothing worked)
  14. Hi guys, I have a big problem with multiplayer in grounded on my Win 7 pc. I can start the game and play as SP, but if I log ingame in my Xbox Live account, it always tells everything is fine, but afterwards im always a "OfflineUser" and cant play MP. I tried many many solutions and nothing works for me, even the tipps with steam cloud deactivating and so on. Because of Win 7 I even cant use the Xbox app on Pc to play as online. Is there anyone who can help me please? Would be great.. Greetings
  15. Hey everyone, I hope I'm in the right place to post such a post ... It is really difficult to find German forums in which there is still activity. We as the Grounded GER Discord Community are currently increasingly looking for members who want to play together. Whether PC or Xbox, everyone is of course welcome. Everyone can come and go whenever they want, there is no compulsion to play. Various text channels are available to everyone such as Automatic news about Grounded, Secrets, construction projects etc ... We would be happy if you join our server. Best wishes Oliver German below --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Hallöchen zusammen, Ich hoffe ich bin hier an der richtigen Stelle um einen solchen Post abzugeben... Es ist echt schwer deutsche Foren zu finden in denen auch noch Aktivität herrscht. Wir als Grounded Discord Community suchen aktuell verstärkt nach mitgliedern, die gemeinsam spielen wollen. Egal ob PC oder Xbox, jeder ist natürlich gern gesehen. Jeder kann kommen und gehen wann er will, es herrscht kein Spielzwang. Es stehen jedem diverse Text Channel zur Verfügung wie z.B. Automatische News zu Grounded, Secrets, Bauvorhaben usw... Wir wurden uns freuen wenn ihr unserem Server beitretet. Viele Grüße Oliver
  16. Since the game and its prequel has been lacking multiplayer support from the beginning, but my friends and I still want to play them that way, for replayability. I've been using Remote Play Together on Steam for a while, and I would LOVE Deadfire to support that feature. It would allow us to play it 'hot-seat' online, and since the addition of turn-based gameplay it would be perfect for our purposes. I don't know how much it would cost to do this, but I had to try. Thanks for reading. Edit: it looks like an easy process! https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/remoteplay Please please please make it possible
  17. I don't think I've played POE since last Christmas break, and back then, I didn't have many sound problems with it. Now, I'm getting frequent garbled sound, but not always. Why would this start all of a sudden when it was working pretty well before? Sometimes it starts immediately when I start the game, and other times it happens after I have been playing for 60 minutes. Confusing. Since I played last, I have upgraded my whole rig, so I do have a new sound adapter. It's the ACL1220. But, I have not idea if that is related at this level of abstraction. I don't have this problem with other Steam games, however, so it's something with POE, specifically. So, I thought I would mention it. Anyone else seeing this? Is there anyone else on Linux Steam that can check their POE game? I know POE I is old, so maybe it hasn't been noticed by many? If you don't know, can you tell me how to troubleshoot this?
  18. We have various threads about various online distribution platforms, but a lot of them have gone and dropped far into the forum depth. So as not to practice forbidden dark arts of Threadomancy: Green Man Gaming has a Battle Trhough the Ages deal going. Mentioning it because it has all the Crusader Kings II stuff going 50% off. That is steam keys. Personally I did not really like the game, but a lot of forum regulars here absolutley love it. My own taste in the sale goes more towards the King Arthur games by Neocore: Total War like combat with heroic leaders who advance levels, unlock abilities and become terribly overpowered Add to that chose your own adventure type quests and a very good moral system, that unlocks rewards and options based on a character's position on a two axis chart: morality (rightful - tyrant) and religion (christianity - old gods). Though I usually end up a rightful pagan. Also at a 50% discount are Blackguard (which I am tempted to get) and some other stuff like Fallen Enchantress. On Steam itself Bloodline is going really cheap as the deal of the day. I just don't know how easily that is installed?
  19. HI! I have problems running the game from Steam client on Linux. I can't seem to be able to start the game. I just get a black screen, which closes and the applications quits after a couple of minutes. Tried switching screen resolution as well as clearing all settings. No changes. It does however run, if I run the executable directly from the game directory. It does not play any of the intro FMV though. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks!
  20. Just bought game two days ago, and the 3 DLC's for $30 more. 5 hours into a session the game crashes. No big deal..... the game doesn't F$%#@ng autosave for ironman mode. Would have to replay 5 hours I just did. I see online this has been a problem since launch and developers never addressed it. Tried to get a refund on steam but because I'm over 2 hours, no dice. Out $80. I'm not going to replay those 5 hours again when a crash can happen anytime and there is no way to save progress without occasionally save-exiting the game. Is there anyway to go back to just before the crash in the game files? If not is there anyway to get my god damn money back. It's not like i was googling looking for this specific issue when I bought the game. For the developers: Crash happened in the middle of talking to the 5 gods for the first time. When it keeps alternating which one is colored in when they speak. Spent a long time trying to find the crash file, and it appears it wasn't created?
  21. On the Mac side, it appears to have its own sync data in addition to the Windows sync data. It puts the Windows saves in "~/Application Support/Pillars of Eternity II" folder and the Mac saves in the "~/Application Support/Pillars of Eternity II/Saved Games". However, the game it self (both Mac & Win) load the saved games from the Saved Games folder. This causes the two platforms to be perpetually out of sync, unless you manually copy over your current saves from "~/Application Support/Pillars of Eternity II" into the Saved Games folder. -Rob [edit] Seems to have been fixed. Thank you. [edit] Correction, it hasn't been fixed. See video below.
  22. Hello. I've just created my first mod for POE2, and I've uploaded it to NexusMods, which was quite simple. But uploading to steam workshop seems like a different beast entierly. Does anyone have any information on how to get a mod on the Workshop? Thanks in advance.
  23. Hello. I've just created my first mod, and was about to upload it to Steam Workshop. But I can't find any good information on how to do so. Everything I find is very specific to a certain game, and I can't find any info for how to do it for POE2. Anyone have any experience with this? Thanks in advance.
  24. Hi, I'm playing Deadfire under Linux (Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS; Intel Core i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz × 8; GeForce GTX 1080/PCIe/SSE2; 64bit) The Player.log starts with this: Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 560130 Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 47113508074350777 [API loaded no] ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/boeroer/.steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/boeroer/.steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/boeroer/.steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/boeroer/.steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/boeroer/.steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. and then there will be this log entry which gets repeated endlessly: Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Handle is not allocated at System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.get_Target () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.WeakReference.get_Target () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Onyx.OnyxObject.Finalize () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Until my disk is full and the file has more than 140 GB (the time I discovered the problem). I am the only one who experiences this?
  25. Yep, it's totally irrelevant and has no effect on the game or how well perceived (and rightfully so) it is. But the lvl 5 badge says "Valian Aristocrat" and unless it's suddenly derived from valium (and that's why we feel so good playing PoE), shouldn't it be corrected to the proper "Vailian"? Pet peeve out.
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