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Found 12 results

  1. The lighting in the character creator is too dark and is making all of the hair options look like variations of black. I've seen other forums of users complaining about lack of variety in hair color, but I think the problem is lighting, not variety. I created a guy with dark grey hair and in-game his hair is almost white. For context, the lighting on the skin is fine. For some reason the hair is just super dark in the creator. Please fix the lighting in the character creator to more accurately reflect it's true color in-game.
  2. I hope we'll have a great Spell System, similar to what was done in Tyranny. Also from Tyranny, the whole "Cooldown Ability" thing was good aswell. & what about this :
  3. The game recommends Resolve over other stats, however, for a Ranged Wood elf druid (Hunting Bow/Spellcaster), it seems Dex would be better (for action speed). Two things that keep me up at night (ha!): Originally I was going for War Bow, because I thought it would benefit more from +% action speed than Hunting Bow (diminishing returns and all that). If I'll grab Marksman, Penetrating Shot, and Hunting Bow, should I invest less on Dex? (Or keep it high anyway for spellcasting). At char creation, I've maxed Might, followed by 15-16 Int--I've seen lots of conflicting recommendations (some max Int, I'm guessing to affect more targets from the get-go). How many stat points will I get as I level up, and would it be so bad to not max Int? (Will be playing in Hard) Thanks!
  4. You set your character background at character creation, but there's also the first conversation with Callisca. What you say ends up in your biography. Some people in the game will react to this - I'm not going to list those in this thread. Some backgrounds hide professions you wouldn't expect there. Now you can choose something you like the most without restarting. Maybe I should update the wiki. Aristocrat (all except The Living Lands) Artist (Old Valia) Clergyman (Aedyr) Colonist (Aedyr, Old Valia, The Living Lands) Dissident (Aedyr, Ixamitl Plains, Old Valia, Rauatai) Drifter (All) Explorer (Deadfire Archipelago, The Living Lands, The White That Wends) Hunter (All) Laborer (All) Mercenary (all but The White That Wends) Merchant (All) Mystic (The White That Wends) Philosopher (Ixamitl Plains) Raider (Deadfire Archipelago) Scholar (Ixamitl Plains, Rauatai) Scientist (The Living Lands) Slave (Aedyr, Deadfire Archipelago, Old Valia, Rauatai)
  5. Hi, I have recently finished my PotD run with a full party of 'supposedly min/max'd' (ew) custom characters. Now that I feel comfortable enough with the mechanics, I feel like it is now time for me to focus on the one aspect I have always loved in the IE games: theme of the party. Before we (or I) start, here are some links to some amazing high quality portraits with similar styles; permission already granted through their websites: http://www.jasonseow.com/poeportraits by Jason Seow - full permission to modify and repost http://wespenfresser.deviantart.com/ by wespenfresser - disallowed cropping and posting without link http://lucanii01.deviantart.com/art/Rain-the-Cipher-522921730 by lucanii - free download Feel free to let me know if there are more of these around so I can add them to OP. The topic at hand: Themes Many comes to mind when Pillars of Eternity contained such deep lore, the posibilities are limitless! I often imagine my group has just arrived in Dyrwood only to find the newborne nation to be in deep dissent rather than trying to solve the soul crisis. I'll list two of my favorites: Vailian Mercenary Warband Commissary - Gold Pact Paladin/Old Vailia Aristocrat Captain - Fighter/Old Vailia Mercenary Lieutenant - Fighter/Old Vailia Mercenary Sergeant - Fighter/Old Vailia Mercenary Specialist - Rogue/Old Vailia Laborer Chaplain - Priest/Aedyr Clergyman The White that Wends Expedition Emissary - Chanter/Aristocrat Adventurer - Fighter/Explorer Scout - Ranger/Hunter Guard - Fighter/Mercenary Fugitive - Rogue/Drifter Scribe - Cipher/Mystic These groups are far from being the most viable composition for PotD, but, hey, it's more fun this way.. based on personal taste. Post your party and its theme, along with whatever info you'd like to provide: Names, roles, classes, backgrounds, even bios! Let us all start lobbying for custom biographies for all the hired adventurers!
  6. The problem is, when I go from attribute allocation on the Create Adventurer screen from the inn, when I go to culture, I select a culture and go back to allocate, but it just jumps back to Aedyr, while this solution works perfectly on the normal, starter character creation screen. I would like you to fix it, because right now I have to calculate again, and it would be welcome that if I go to culture screen, it stays and when I go back, I can allocate normally without jumping back to Aedyr. For example, it stays on Old Vailia and when I go back, I allocate how I would like to. Thank you, I like the game very much, besides this.
  7. Just tried to make a female human hunter in the character creation for first time and there is no continue button after i enter the name for my character. I cant get into the game.
  8. Hi! So I got Wasteland 2 from Steam and absolutely loving it. It feels slick! Regardless, that's not what I wanted to talk about. Character creation. Some backstory to the idea: Wasteland 2 has a very nice chargen, there's lots of pieces you can put together to create the character. I do have one issue with Wasteland 2's character creation, and that's the biography/history section where you can write your characters history yourself. Wasteland 2 has a very open ended beginning so your character can truly be anyone... but who is anyone in the Wasteland 2 world? When did the fallout begin? What are the factions? What are their roles? What's the timeline? I had no clue at first (I have now both looked it up and got some ideas from some replies on the same issue on the WL2 forum). Regardless, these are important things for the Player to be able to insert their character into the world authentically. The idea for Pillars of Eternity & Wasteland 2: Make it a bit easier, accessible, for the Player to write their backstory. Give some pointers or hints about the world in some descriptive tooltip-box of some kind during Character Creation. Hover over a "?" (Questionmark) and some text pops up. Maybe have a bullet-point list of some important things~ I don't want to write "My character is an X coming from Y" and then when I play the game/progression I don't want to encounter something pointing out my own created loopholes or flaws in the story saying "There hasn't been anyone coming from Y being an X" if you catch my drift. In my opinion and experience, I find it way more fun to play as a character that makes some sort of "sense" that they are in the world. I get more invested and immersed writing a backstory. The thing is, I don't think the majority of gamers will alt+tab out of the game and research the story/lore to be able to write a "proper" character or even write anything at all. I have created many characters in Wasteland 2, but only written what I think is a proper story for 1 character. I know Pillars of Eternity will have some sort of banter early-game that creates your characters backstory so maybe this idea isn't entirely actual for Eternity, but I wanted to throw the ball here as well as I think it's a valuable addition... just in case it works. It's an "Easily Implementable Idea" as well. I think it is something to consider... what do you think?
  9. I don't think the devs have talked too much about how the character creation will be yet, but one thing I loved from both arcanum and fallout were the different strengths/flaws/perks that could make your character feel much more unique. Often times though, they are usually made to make the character stronger in some way, with only a small penalty at something at most (since most people don't want to gimp their character voluntarily). While I would like that too of course, I would also be happy to see some more serious flaws. I actually googled a little about this and found this page: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/3.5e_Flaws Some examples from there are: 1) Favorite target = For one reason or another, you find yourself the chosen target of the enemies your party fights. 2) Fear of magic = You find magic incredible frightening. 3) Narcissistic = Your devotion to your own beuty tends to be distracting 4) Pyromania = You love setting things on fire and watching it burn! Now, I can think of a few ways on how to go about this. Either once could simply be FORCED to pick at least, say 2 of these traits to continue the character creation, so one would normally pick the least worse traits for the character they are going to build. OR, you woud at the end get these 4 traits chosen randomly for you. Of course, there should be a button to "reroll". Kinda like the dice rolling when doing your stats in the Baldurs Gate games. Usually I hate dice rolling for stats, but I think I would like a system like randomizable traits like these for some reason. To make an example for the latter, say that we are trying to do a sorcerer of some kind. Trait (1) is obviously quite the weakness for a very squishy character, and um, trait (2) would certainly be an "interesting" choice for a sorcerer... (3) Is a really small weakness, and can even be "desired" for your character depending on how you want to roleplay. Trait (4) would probably add some extra damage to your fire spells, and might also lead to some extra conversation options... Or lack thereof, if you see a village burning you cant bring yourself to stop it, and instead just admire it... Now, imagine the same scenario, with the difference that we are trying to build a tank like character. Suddenly (1) becomes a strength and not a weakness, while the others become mostly smaller annoyances to different degrees. Of course, there is one major weakness with a system like this: You might WANT to play a narcistic character, but keep clicking the "randomize traits" button over and over without it ever showing up - and when it does, the other traits are the worst possible for your specific character. It might be an idea to give the OPTION to select these traits manually, one by one. Maybe letting this be an option unlocked after the first time you beat the game? Thoughts?
  10. Forum search didn't turn up much specifically for this, so I thought I'd start my very first topic. (I got the idea from the Barbarian thread, 8P) What kind of problems and qualities are there in various racial bonuses and traits (sometimes penalties, for balance) from previous games, and, naturally, how could this help determine how to handle them in P:E? Personally, I'm not a fan of the "this race is basically meant to be these 2 classes, and that's it" "bonuses" that are sometimes seen in RPGs. "Sand Elves -- Suffer an inherent -3 to STR, but get 150 bonus mana!" That's basically saying "You want to make a Sand Elf Warrior? *snicker*... okay, you totally can... *snicker snicker*" Really, I don't think the penalties are even necessary at all. I mean, if a Half-Giant gets +3 to STR, then everyone else automatically gives up a +3 STR bonus by picking something other than a half-giant. A Sand Elf with no STR penalty will still always be 3 STR weaker than a Half-Giant. And bonuses shouldn't be quite so narrow, I don't think. Especially in a game based so heavily on souls being a common source of ability power, regardless of class, it's probably much less restrictive (yet still varietous) to grant our fictional, example Sand Elves +10% soul energy or something, which would apply to all classes (still hypothetically, as I have no idea how soul power will mechanically function.) I just mean that the lore would support something like that. Racial bonuses should allow for some kind of benefit to almost any class, even if it's not the same for each one (Just like a common bonus to Soul Energy might allow a Rogue to maintain Stealth for longer, whereas it might allow a Wizard to cast more spells at once, or even target more enemies with the same spell at the cost of additional energy... the mechanics of soul energy could be different for each class.) Similarly, weapon proficiency bonuses should be decently varied, if they exist, so as to account for a variety of class choices. If you grant Sand Elves a bonus to effectiveness with wands, staves, and tomes, you're basically making any non-caster class choices pointless. I mean, even if it's possible, no one's gonna make a Barbarian who runs around dual-wielding wands... So, just thought I'd strike up a communal brainstorm on the matter.
  11. Hello all, Just a thought that would add a lot of detail into character creation... What if we could choose the race of the parents and grandparents of your character, to produce a more diverse character? Ex - human and elf grandparents, human and human parents = 1/4 elvenkind. Thoughts?
  12. Hey guys! I've been DMing 3.5 Edition D&D, Eberron Campaign Setting, for the last couple of years. I have recently acquired the Traveller (Mongoose Edition) Rulebook, but am having trouble coming up with many adventures for it. Does anyone have any adventure creation advice?
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