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Found 15 results

  1. Hi, I acquired Pillars of Eternity recently through EPIC GAMES, and the game works fine, until I open the map. I can create the character, play a little, however, when I open the map the game crashes. Its not aways, but its frequently. The fartest I have gone in the game is in the following map just right after Calisca dies. I can open the map with no problems right at the start of the following map, but if I explore a little and open it, the game crashes. I have been searching a fix for it, updating drivers, making the game run as administrator, disabling fullscreen optimizations, changing resolutions, setting the affinity via task manager (specifying the number of cores and threads), reinstalling it, launching the game without Epic Games Laucher, repair it, etc. Here is a save-file (I hope I got the right one, its just after I trigger the event with the waterskin in the beginning), if I load it, and open the map, the game crashes with a unity error every time. Hopefully its something simple, heard a lot of good stuff about this game. Sorry for any grammar stuff, english is not my main language. d13d362c60f0457485b02fd130cc140d 7759791 Encampment.savegame Player.log DxDiag.txt
  2. After successfully modding Pillars of eternity to skip some graphics when loading and then installing 2 mods that moddify the UI, I took it upon myself to make a mod that will change the wooden texture and size of the box that pops up when the player engages anyone in conversation. I have spent hours digging through the game folder and exploring the assets but I can't seem to find the files or the data related to what I want to do. Any leads?
  3. Well would you look at that! Deadfire didn't just win the best desktop/console game for Unity, it even won the Golden Cube award! I say this is definitely well-deserved considering the fact that Deadfire is a criminally underrated gem. It even managed to beat Cuphead which makes it even more impressive. Congrats to Obsidian for this amazing milestone. With Microsoft's funding I can only see good things coming out from the talented developer over the coming years. (Link provided below) https://awards.unity.com/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=community_global_generalpromo_2018-12-27_awards&utm_content=winnersannounced_static-image
  4. Running the first Pillars across two PCs that were well beyond the recommended specs, I got such poor performance in some areas like Copperlane and in combat that the game became an absolute chore to play. It's incredible that frame rate can drop into the 20s on an i7 6700/GTX 980Ti rig, and because of this I still haven't been able to drag myself through the first game (that I backed for over $250). I understand these performance issues are widespread (if not affecting everyone), and are due to limitations in Unity and/or the way the game is designed. The fact that Obsidian are building on the same engine for the sequel has me concerned enough that I will not back or purchase this game. It would be good to get some assurances from the devs that game performance will be GREATLY improved on Pillars 2 or at least acknowledge that performance was poor on the engine and they are doing something about it.
  5. This is a call for the developers. But first an introduction: There is a bug with nvidia optimus technology on windows 10. It's pretty well documented and reported and pretty old. The details, along with investigation and a guide made by me can be found here: https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/1008527/geforce-mobile-gpus/-guide-diagonal-screen-tearing-problems-with-optimus-nvidias-control-panel-not-working-like-it-should-need-a-fix-get-in-here/ In short, most unity games, and most games running with a Dx9 renderer, when played on a laptop with an nvidia card and windows 10 will get an awful diagonal screan tear. Yup, DIAGONAL. The easiest workaround is forcing the games to use dx11. Just try it yourself! Fire up Pillars of Eternity with vsync on (vsync have nothing to do with the bug, but deactivating it will make it pretty damn difficult to see without a trained eye... That and the tradicional horizontal tear will apear ). You will se that tear whenever you move, scroll the map or certain effects fire. Now force the game to use Dx11. BAM problem solved. Now try the same with Tyranny. The tearing is worse. Force Dx11: A pink screen. Let me also use this thread to ask: Why wasn't Dx11 implemented in Tyranny? It's a later game made by the same people and engine. What happened? Now the point of this thread should be pretty obvious! Will Deadfire come with a Dx11 option? If not, could you please reconsider? My laptop would be the best device to play the game because of it's screen, and also because of my lifestyle. (I say this before the inevitable "why are you gaming on a laptop anyway?" posts start to appear) Loving the advances of the game by the way! Great work <3
  6. Ok, in an effort to use the story companions on a P.o.t.D. {Pillars of the Damned} run, and edit their base stats the following has already been fully explored. NexusMods: Replacing the companion_blank.unity3d files in the objectsbundle folder, works up until you expect the companions to actually walk and such. They become virtual versions of mini-kharakter-statues that some gamers use while playing tabletop games. That is their animations completely fail. Reddit: This process works up until the step of hitting "Import" with the companion_blank.unity3d file loaded in U.A.B.E. At that point I get: [Error]: The assets file index is out of range Does anyone have a solution to this? Completing the game {on P.o.t.D.} with the actual companions instead of hired help would be nice, but is by no means game breaking. Just companion quest breaking... for instance, when Eder will want to be in the party when you find the old watcher. Or Durance... Whether Obsidian intentionally broke this, or not, is a wonder of mine. Presumably if they did; Then they would have at least given us a way to edit companion stats when respekking. Grateful for you sharing your Gravity. May you ask the Goddess to eternally alight your self-determined path. Sincerely,
  7. thank Google translator! I apologize in advance for the poor knowledge of the English language. I created this topic in order to get advice. Now I'm doing a thesis which is developing the game on UNITY. in search of information I came across a development diary "Pillars of Eternity Update 79: Graphics and Rendering". I realized that I am not familiar with the necessary technical part of this great game and wanted know how they make this(if can). How developers make positioning of object on 2D background, so character can move behind other object's like home or tree(but in video clearly see purple road, what character use for moving)
  8. Pillars of Eternity runs awful (max 30 fps at 1600x1200) on a Surface Book even though it has a fairly decent 940m-ish dedicated GPU. There's no log file in the directory or console command that would allow me to verify which graphics card the game is actually using, but it seems like the integrated graphics card is used no matter I do. I've tried forcing the game to either use the integrated graphics or the dGPU by using the Nvidia manager but it doesn't affect performance at all. I've even tried disabling the integrated graphics card in the device manager and it actually lowers the fps to 1-4 fps even in the menu. There seems to be a problem with Unity 4 games defaulting to integrated graphics but I've never found any solution. Any advice in how I can force the game to use the dedicated GPU? I've tried updating drivers, looking through the registry, etc.
  9. I spent a lot of time modding Neverwinter Nights 2. From my preliminary research, I've gotten to the point where I need Unity Pro to save a POE asset I've modified. Am I missing something here? It seems silly to have to buy a $1500 piece of software just to experiment with modding. Even a 30 day trial would help to let me know if my mod will even work.
  10. Using the Steam 64-bit client. Cross-posted from the Steam forum. Due to Ubuntu becoming as stable as a unbalanced house of cards on this hardware with the proprietary AMD drivers, I have to run the open souce Radeon drivers (have an HD 6670 2GB). The problem is, the game doesn't even start. Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 motherboard. 8GB RAM. Running from the commandline, Steam reports the following: ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/stuart/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/stuart/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. Found path: /home/stuart/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Pillars of Eternity/PillarsOfEternity Mono path[] = '/home/stuart/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Pillars of Eternity/PillarsOfEternity_Data/Managed' Mono path[1] = '/home/stuart/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Pillars of Eternity/PillarsOfEternity_Data/Mono' Mono config path = '/home/stuart/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Pillars of Eternity/PillarsOfEternity_Data/Mono/etc' Game removed: AppID 291650 "Pillars of Eternity", ProcID 7797 Anyone else had this issue? Any workarounds known?
  11. I was wondering—will Pillars of Eternity have volumetric effects for stuff like smoke, fog, fire, lighting, weather, etc.? I know they tend to be quite exacting on the hardware, but with pre-rendered backdrops and (relatively) low-poly 3D models the game would probably more than make up for that. Besides, I guess they could be made optional via the graphics menu? It would be pretty darn kewl
  12. Catching up on news, I ran into this article on RPS this morning: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/12/14/obsidians-bold-future-eternity-meets-skyrim-a-second-ks/ I'll now quote the article, which quotes Feargus , "What I’m trying to figure out is, how could we make something that is more like a Skyrim for PC – forget console for now – with the engine we made in Unity for Eternity? Where we are with our conversation, quest, data editors, and all of that. If we were careful about scope and let Chris Avellone go wild with creating a new world, more of an open world, what could we do?" Later, "What could we do that would be interesting enough and at the right quality level?” he ponders aloud. “Because the one worry we have about moving away from pre-rendered stuff, is that as soon as we get into first-person or third-person or something like that, the expectation of triple-A-level console graphics comes in. So what can we do for a lower budget but let people still say, ‘Whoa, that’s crazy’?” Obsidian... Guys&Gals... I have one word for you: MINECRAFT Seriously, we loves open world and sandboxy RPG settings. Skyrim's success in spite of it's many terrible narratives and even, at times, nonsensical NPC interactions ("Here, take this and hold on to it.") is proof that many of us are dying to play the character we make up as we go along playing. Minecraft's success is proof that people will overlook graphics quality in the face of a great playing experience. So, Obsidian wants to kickstart an open world RPG for PC with a great story, a rich and detailed world that has "only" Unity quality graphics, holds on to text based dialogue windows and only has voice over for the 10 most important world characters? I'm IN! Where do I pledge? EDIT: Just pleaaase make mod-friendly part of the design goals. I was really looking forward to doing something for Skyrim right up until I read about the community content navmesh bug.
  13. Quick question for the devs: Unity is well-known for having a wide array of different plug-ins & middleware available for it. While you did make a post about the decision to use Unity, you weren't too specific on any other third-party tools or software you were planning on using. So out of curiosity, has it been decided yet if you're just going to be starting from vanilla Unity or are there a few licensed plug-ins such as Scaleform that you plan on using? If so, could you go over which ones and why?
  14. I was just reading a thread about adding a replay functionality to the game and it made me think about future proofing. The devs have said that multiplayer will not be included in Project: Eternity, but we all know that the Unity engine already includes all the necessary code for it. Modding support is also up in the air. So why not future proof the game by designing every feature/change with future network functionality and modding in mind? Since the devs will be learning the Unity engine from scratch anyway, why not do it right the first time? So that's the first thought. Next, I remembered that Valve recently modified their replay file format for Dota 2. Instead of whatever method they used previously in the Source engine for making demos, they now encode all RPC, etc. in a protobuf file. The good thing about Protocol Buffers, as Google themselves say, is that it's as extensible as it is efficient. Now, I'm no specialist, but I would think that this would make version proofing saved games (and replays, if implemented) much easier. And version proofing is a big part of future proofing. It's also a big part of modding support. So what do you think? edit: link to the replay thread.
  15. Does anyone know the frame rate capabilities of the Unity Engine? I wouldn't mind being able to run this game at 120FPS+ Although these days despite technology not really getting any better, the frame rates of games are getting worse due to crappy engines, sloppy coding / design
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