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  1. Hi team, I cannnt proceed the game in the middle of Randy's abortion scene. Do you have any bug fix patches or something like that? Before the new kid vacuums Randy's balls, the display is freezed or blackout or the game does not accept any command. Actually in the scene I just should press "L <-- to vacuum" but it does not work really. I get dead. Please fix the bug. Let me know if you have any concern or something. thanks
  2. Hey all! So I've finished Nar Shaddaa and Onderon, and I'm trying to head back to Telos. After the cutscene for landing at Citadel Station, I get the loading screen for Atris' secret ice-amazon academy, followed by a blank screen. The game's not frozen (although that would be appropriate, given the location, heh), there's music and I can access the menu, I just get a blank screen with nothing happening. I've got TSLRCM, M4-78, & Handmaiden for Female Exiles (the version that's compatible with TSLRCM). Handmaiden's a full-blown Jedi, so I'm guessing there's some kind of cutscene that's not being triggered here. I looked around and found an old post with a similar issue: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64254-kotor-2-telos-black-screen/ but unlike that poster, I don't have the infamous 1.0c Xenon patch. Any ideas?
  3. Just starting up a bug thread here. No need to reply to anyones posts but if you encounter any bugs feel free to post them here. For one, When the game is full screen (Not in windowed mode) if you have two monitors and mouse off to the side to scroll the screen. the mouse cursor leaves the game screen and goes onto the other monitor. This makes moving the screen awkward. Bouncing around in the menus sometimes the font size increases far beyond the intended font and sometimes in the settings menu the tab names disappear. Some of these are probably already known but I hope every one can provide as much bug feedback as possible.
  4. I am in the dungeon with the skull thing at the entrance. I have found a bunch of keys but none seem to open the 3 different door to the central room. Is this a bug or am I just too stupid to find the right keys. I have gone through every area in the dungeon holding down tab so I don't think i have missed any lootable items.
  5. After fighting upstairs in the Dracogen Inn, I went back over the bridge and talked to the Elf on the bank. I then started a fight with him and his friends and slaughtered them all without mercy. After the fight however, I began to loot the corpses but my cursor refused to return to normal. Instead it stays as the 'Sword' icon to attack people. It also would not let me drag a box over my party to select them all. 1) Talk to the smug Elf on the River Bank 2) Start the fight with the diologue option 3) Begin slaughtering said Elf and his party 4) Once victorious, start collecting loot 5) See that the cursor is still up for a fight and displays a sword icon. Expected Behaviour: I expect my mouse to adhere to my commands and select my party for further adventuring. There will be more for it to fight along the way I'm sure.
  6. If a character has equipment that gives a bonus to D.T. and a larger bonus to D.T. against a specific damage type, the latter bonus will suppress the former, even though the former protects from more attacks. Steps to reproduce: 1) Equip a character with any equipment that gives a bonus to Damage Threshold (e.g. Fine Breastplate) 2) Equip the same character with any equipment that gives a larger bonus against a specific damage type (e.g. the Nature's Embrace belt) Expected behavior: The specific D.T. bonus should only override the general one when the character takes damage of the specific type. In the current implementation, obtaining bonuses against certain elements can leave characters more vulnerable against all other damage types. Attached: Screenshots of the same same character's character sheet with and without the Nature's Embrace belt. Note how removing the belt increases the character's D.T.
  7. While playing the Beta, which I had found rather enjoyable all things considered, I encountered a most curious bug. This is what happened before: My party had reached the spider infested cave where the ogre's been hiding. The healer was sadly killed by one of the spiders and deleted from the party. With the remaining rest of the team, the ogre was soon killed, after negotiation attempts had failed. The party thus left the cave to claim its just reward. Then, the glitch happened: The dead healer had suddenly reappeared alive. Reappeared, however, on the upper floor where the 2nd cave entrance is. This effectively immobilized the party. It was unable to reconect and leave the area. No claiming rewards in town, no return to the cave. Nothing. Huh.
  8. So cryptmaster's key, the key you need to open final room in the dungeon with cultists, enters your characters' inventory instead of quest item inventory like all other keys. Funny, second bugged key(skeleton key can't be used to open skeleton keyhole) is also related to same dungeon. Then again, 3 out of 4 keys are related to same dungeon, so thats just the statistics. Expected behavior: Cryptmaster's key enters quest item inventory
  9. After battle my armor keeps going away. This has happened so many time now that none of my party have armor. Anyone else running into this problem?
  10. Description of the issue: -My main paladin character is unable to move unless his Zealot Charge ability is activated. The rest of the party can move freely with or without that ability activated, but my main character is stuck on the ground. When ZC is activated, however, the rest of the party moves faster than he does. In other words, he's either stuck (ZC turned off) or moving slowly (ZC turned on). How to reproduce the issue: 1) Load the attached savegame 2) Try to move your selected party without Zealot Charge 3) Notice how the main character is stuck 4) Toggle Zealot Charge on and try to move the entire party. 5) Now it moves. Expected behavior: -Main character should move normally without ZC activated, and move faster with ZC activated, like the rest of the party does. Other comments: -This wasn't the case from the start. Happened randomly after loading my save after booting the game and hasn't stopped since. -If this isn't a bug and it's just me being absolutely dumb... well, I'm deeply sorry -I tried to attach the saved game and didn't let me ("you aren't permitted to upload this kind of file"), so I provide you with a dropbox link to the same file. I hope this isn't forbidden (and I'm just doing it 'cause, again, I was unable to attach it normally) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/36334833/197d2f48607c47ee90556b7cfd4a3754%20DyrfordCrossing%207690114.savegame
  11. Was just playing the game, got every quest in Dyrford, but then was not able to get Dyrford Forest to show up on the overworld. Unfortunately, I was not able to replicate this bug in a new playthrough.
  12. First of all, I apologize for not having repro instructions. If I figure out how to repro this, I will update the post. After playing for about an hour, capital letters started appearing where they shouldn't. I wish I could tell you what precipitated this. A few screenshots: gAme pAused LoAding... CoNtiNue
  13. Started a new game. Saved it and quit to the main Pillars of Eternity screen. When I hover over buttons such as New Game or Load, the cursor becomes a red circle with a line through it ("not allowed"). I can still click the buttons and they still work. And oddly enough the cursor is an arrow when hovering over any part of the menu box other than the buttons themselves! Tried taking a screenshot but couldn't get cursor to show in the screenshot.
  14. I was moving things into the stash and trying to combine my many beetle shells and venom sacks. When I figured out I couldn't combine them I closed the stash but when I did there was an item stuck on the cursor and I couldn't get rid of it. I couldn't drop it, give it to someone else, or close the inventory screen. I finally just had to close the game.
  15. Clicking on Game, Graphics, or Sound categories in the options causes the category buttons to lose their captions. Clicking Auto-Pause or Controls category restores their captions. I noticed this on launching the backer beta for the first time, and clicking Options before starting a new game. In case this is display driver-related (odd since two out of five buttons work) I've attached DxDiag output. Looking forward to playing the game! Update: Started a game, went into options...all buttons worked correctly. Quit to main menu, brought up Options, bug recurs. Update 2: This is happening in Full Screen mode. DxDiag.txt
  16. My list of bugs: Character gets stuck in a "falling" animation after battle if knocked unconscious, upon loading a game I get white boxes and green circles in the boxes above the portraits, I can't finish the ogre quest because the head (and blood) always disappears from my inventory (after loading), Ogre never has the club, missing equipment (after loading/ sometimes on stratup), quest disappearing after loading but coming back after quitting the game and restarting, attack animations are buggy; ranged weapons are used as melee weapons, character sounds missing, weapon sounds missing (guns), sometimes attack animations are looped over and over again after battle, loot dropped but not appearing in inventory, random crashes when loading etc. Some of these are already in the known issues but just dropping down the bugs I have encountered. However, really digging the feel of the game, the spell effects, the sounds/music, guns are so cool and the art in general is great. So much potential, can't wait for the release! Attachements: DxDiag and error.log (after a crash I got a message that encouraged me to send the error.log to the devs!), screenshot DxDiag.txt error.txt
  17. Heads aren't loading/missing for Female Orlans 4-6
  18. [Description of the issue] When levelling up while sneaking/stealth the NPC rings show through the levelling screen [Expected behaviour] When entering the Levelling up screen, expected to see it as normal (nothing from the game play to show up) [Other remarks / Comments] Only tried this at the starting point by the bridge, not tested else where in the game [Files] Attached screen shot shows the detection rings
  19. On every character sheet there is a large capitol letter T tucked beneath the bottom left hand corner of the portrait. The fact that the portrait partially obscures it would lead me to suspect it's not supposed to be visible there. Just thought I'd better report it.
  20. Hello there lovely folks at Obsidian. Today I was happily playing the Backer Beta and enjoying myself thoroughly. At one point I popped into Winfrith's Arms & Armoury to make a few purchases. When I headed out the door to return to town I got to spend about 20 minutes watching the loading screen. I waited this long because it's Beta and long load times are to be expected (plus I had a few household chores to take care of). When it became evident that something had gone wrong somewhere I found that I could bring up the menu & escape to the main game menu. I should probably try to replicate this a few times but I thought I'd better report it first.
  21. Every so often the zoom bugs out (I think sometimes when I alt tab? Not sure.) and it'll only zoom the Fog of War and some visual effects like shadows, whereas the actual view stays the same. Reloading fixes it. I can't attach an image right now because I can't reproduce it, but it's happened twice.
  22. Flames of Devotion lists +10000% burn damage on hit. I assume this is supposed to be +100%, as stated in the more verbose description.
  23. In slow motion, battle sounds echo continuously. When I go into normal speed, it stops.
  24. Running windowed 1920x1080 and the screen blacked out departing the broken tower. I could ESC to get to the menu -- sort of -- to quit out normally, and the pointer occasionally showed up, but the screen was black. Hardware: SLi 2x GTX 560 Ti with 340.43 drivers installed. SLi disabled for the duration of Beta operation.
  25. Reproduction: 1. Create a new character 2. Sex: Any, Race: Any, Class Cipher or Chanter (most likely any that choses spells/powers/phrases, etc) 3. Chose any two powers. 4. Deselect one of the powers by clicking it again. 5. View the power description on the right without moving the mouse. Expected Result: The power description should follow mouse-over as it did before the spell was deselected. Workaround: Move the mouse cursor off the spell it is currently hovering over and back over it (or any other). The power description will show the correct information. Alternatively, select any spell (including the one deselected) and the description corrects itself. Impact: Minimal to none. The problem corrects itself by the time both powers are selected.
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