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Everything posted by Janmanden

  1. Kinda reminds me of a danish uh, ebay'ish alike site, where I sort of bid on a CPU and the seller send me a note with his bank account and signed off with a different name, than that which were used for the seller account.. I mentioned that and never heard from him again. You could check if he's got or had other offerings on ebay, if that's an option, to get a feel for his legitimacy. So these Magic cards are they expensive or hard to come by? I guess you could offer him to pay just for the delivery part of cash on delivery in advance, so that would leave him indemnified in case you regret and it would be less of a cost to you if it's really a fraud. If it is a fraud I assume that ebay got a form of complaint that will address the issue by banning him from making further transactions on ebay. The only real alternative is to not use ebay ever again I suppose.
  2. Welll.. "Schubert said it's a question that has been asked increasingly in the MMO community of late, with the conventional wisdom being that MORPGs were only for those willing to group with others" What bubble have you been living in?! WoW has been full of single-player quests and etc since.. well, I only played from the fall of 2006 to the point where I cancelled my subscription in 2008. Playing MMO's solo is as old as MMO's itself from soloing through text-based DikuMUD's in the early nineties (multiplayer adventures in textual virtual worlds; singleplayed) to the point'n click graphical MMO's of today. Killing time between wating for groups to assemble or just killing time. There isn't anything new in that article about MMO game development other than explaining what it has been about for nearly two decades, but since it has evolved from being fairly geeky to public acceptable I guess it makes more sense and interesting to turn that into a science now and spread it like ripples in the water to all kinds of sociological and antropological sciences or whatever the intent may be. But.. Nothing beats having some professor or Biowarian Designer tell you, what everybody knows or could figure out themselves on the first day of any subscription by observing the players around them, but just in a lot more words posed as if they were shocking news.
  3. Actually I felt excited as the intro started.. But there was too much JOY in the controls for my keyboard.. And the game in itself was too much of WROM.. screech.. WROM.. turn.. Turn! TUUURRNNN!!! *crash*.. And unfortunately I had to quit the race to reconfigure the controls, but then the intro played again and I realized the lack of a cut-this-#%
  4. Women are the most biological creatures of the human race.. They got that bioclock constantly ticking.. They got their periods, they got the time leading up to the period, the few days before the period.. voice change, walk change, mood change.. there is so much change building up and stepping down, that they (and anyone else in proximity) are constantly reminded of the burden or joy or however they feel about it. And in the end, so much work and trouble for nothing? Kinda makes sense, that they want children to get a moments rest in between the nausea and belly-kicking baby feet. Next time you meet her, you could just ask her what's the time on her bioclock.. she could be late for an appointment.
  5. I'm not familiar with Dell's prices or supply, but the price of ATi 4870 and 4890 has dropped quite a lot lately almost to the point, where you can run a dual-gpu Crossfire config of one or the other respectively for the price of one Nvidia GTX 285, still, with 4870 slightly below and 4890 slightly above. But you can't really go wrong with either of them.. or well, maybe you can I just tend to forget to include the cost of aftermarket coolers and general airflow.
  6. I know how hard it can be to wait a lil' while longer once you have given in to the hardware side, but I'd recommend waiting awhile (longer) deciding on a gfx as AMD is on the verge of introducing their next generation of ATi graphics cards (EyeFinity'n stuff) in a few days or months or at the same time as Win7, in any case it's close. Maybe you'll not be on that wagon, but it seems very likely that it'll put extra pressure on Nvidia's prices.. All though I'm not sure how much you can squeeze a lemon, before it turns to dust..
  7. It has been quite hot in Denmark in July and at night too. While the air isn't very hot, there hasn't been much of a wind and the old house works like a stone oven heating all night. I'e never had a Zalman cooler, which were actually quiet under any other setting than the minimal, but everyone of them was completely useless, when cooling was really needed. They look nice, but that's all they do. I suggest getting something like the Thermalright SI-128 or one of the Thermalright Ultra-120 or any other model designed for a 120mm fan.
  8. You can download and install the Microsoft Works 6 Perte_de_chance_FINAL_worddoc.zip
  9. Let me sum it up for you: it's an overclocked (slightly tweaked) 4870. It's a good card, but Nvidia has an equally good card in the 275, at almost the exact same price. It's a matter of which drivers have been most friendly to you: ATI's or Nvidia's. I do know, what it is and it's not like I'm actually looking for a new gfx, but I like to keep up to date with ATi releases and read as much as possible to be better able to filter out the bias. I wouldn't call them equally good, because each card clearly have different advantages in different games. They are both good on their own turf.
  10. I tried to read a review of the new ATi 4890, but there was a really distracting obnoxious commercial in the left, right and middle section and all I can remember from the review is that there is a new game about shooting nuts and there is no greater shame, no greater glory and no greater victory.. And that I really really hate commercials. I think my eyeballs have had enough of exercise for one day.
  11. If you haven't already gotten it I would suggest getting the complete MSDN Library for Visual Studio, which is quite a guru in its own right. I used to have it on disc, but I think I read somewhere, that's it's free for download and not just for subscribers.
  12. You can't really associate a program with autorun.inf, because it's a kind of autoexec(utable) associated with the current disc, which is triggered each time the disc is read. There is just a switch somewhere, that can be turned on or off for reading the autorun.inf or not. There is a neat litle tool called Tweak UI which is a PowerToy for Windows XP, which will give you easy access to a of options, which sometimes can be a little hard to find. There is a section under My Computer called Autoplay, where you can assign drives, types and handlers. Maybe you need to enable a few things here or there.
  13. Well since you mention System Shock 2.. Bioshock has a lot of that and some really dreadful places, that can somewhat easily, unfortunately, get lost in a bit of too fast paced action and respawning. Some of the older Adventure Games too, like Zork Nemesis and Myst, while I wasn't too exited about the puzzles there are a lot of dark atmosphere in those games.. or were.. it's been so long.
  14. The absolute lack of criticism in this thread confuses me.. except one, the exception that confirms the rule, somehow. I have played this bastard child of Fallout and the bloodline is clearly broken. It's a fake. No wit or charm or attention to detail. No humor, atmosphere or depth. Nothing except cuddly, sweet and rude. Out of character, out of context, out of style. Completely shallow. No one to love or hate. To sum it up: it's everything I have seen and come to expect from Bethesda Softworks. Well.. All of you Bethesda fanbois, you have finally gotten your Oblivion, but I have lost my Fallout!! This is what I had foreseen, but I am still disappointed..
  15. I can't believe anyone voted for FO3, because.. "FO3 is a Bethesda game, and by nature, that means it sucks. " That was my initial assessment as well, before I started playing FO3 and as I much as I hoped to be proven wrong - I wasn't. It took me about 3 days to finish FO3 and afterwards I've spend about two weeks trying to prove myself wrong again, but it's a really ungrateful game and actually quite off-topic. I played FO2 first for months soon after it was released. Playing the smart, playing the dumb, the good and the evil and variations it was all very rewarding with and without followers (evil was kinda lonesome in the end). The first Fallout I played a few years later and I was ready for at least a whole weekend of fun and gaming for the first run.. but it only took me little more than a day.. to finish Fallout?! Huh?! I was shocked.. I remember that quite clearly. I voted for FO2.. of course.
  16. None of my five previous monitors in the last two years ever got that far.. 2 CRT's and 3 TFT's.. Gotta love the TFT's they are nice and soft and fairly cheap.. But those CRT's, damn they are hard, busted my knuckles a couple of times.. I think pain-pads could solve this, but that's another story.. *Ahem*.. what?! oh right, there are small grievances like clunky interface, controls, console to pc-ports, deathtraps and other erm, surprises, which really doesn't bother me relatively speaking, no.. offline singleplayers are quite safeguarded from hate and OOC action, well at least before FO3, but online multiplayers.. - Configs, tweaks and cheats. When fun and skill is offset by funky bitstreams and laggy connections and updaterates.. and.. and the game (or engine) support and sport the abuse with tweaks and cheats. I absolutely hate that. VAC?! Pftth!! - Corpse retrieval, grief play and ressurection sickness. When dying becomes a part of the game and it's a puzzle and the pieces are made of meanness.. It's a really long pointless waste of time to run from the graveyard to the scene of the crime where some high level asshat is waiting to do it again and the alternative is to get ressurection sickness for TEN minutes.. Wtf?! This particular game design was obviously made to annoy and bore.. Especially after an update, where it was changed into that you have to be online for the duration to shake it off.. Ffffff.. It's not really a 'new' thing and therefore not just WoW of course, but it's still terribly annoying. - Ladders.. getting on and off and being stuck on it.. would be nice to try without the hassle, injury or death.. and with at least a one-handed weapon at the ready, when just hanging there.. - Crouch-jumping.. to enter tunnels and jump on crates.. that's really one of those silly moments, where I feel a bit old and erm, rheumatic.. - Getting stuck in weird geometry.. or objects that are stuck in geometry and making noises, because it's trapped in animation as well.. happens to a lot of 3D games.. - Console-style non-multi-purpose buttons.. Maybe more of that oldness, but I simply can't keep track of more than ASWD + a jump, sprint, crouch and a prone button and the mouse and wheel buttons.. and that's already too much.. more keys and it's hell.. Having the mouse as a multi-purpose button have been used in a few games, but it's not all that common, unfortunately. - And of course, any shooter-port from the Console to the PC HAVE TO HAVE ASWD + mouse support.. unlike RE4.. Urgh.. and when the game takes over and starts playing itself and leads you with hints "Press 5 + 2" or some such just like in Tomb Raider.. where I had to cross some bridge.. and "press some arrow key" now.. erm.. d'oh. Yep, that pretty much sums it up for me. All these immersion breakers, where you have to switch your focus from the game to the lame and fiddle and twitch with controls and horisontal bungy jumping.. It's making me angry and you won't like me when I am angry, I don't even like me when I am angry.. and my monitors they are scared to death.. actually more like pummeled to death.. but.. well.. .
  17. I think you should try cleaning up the sink and fan and applying a bit of new thermal paste like Arctic Silver 5 to the CPU, before remounting the sink. You can use a swab stick or cutton bud or what's its name, to clean it up i.e. the CPU, fan and sink, with. My system gets really dusty after a few months, but I'm using some pretty big sinks from Thermalright and there is a good airflow in the case so it's not that critical, but it helps to clean it up still. You got any new hardware lately?
  18. It's a pretty yawn-inspiring game, imo. I have never yawned as much or as hard as I did, when I was playing Anachronox. I too was expecting something quite, quite different considering the legacy of the developer, but in regards to the genre, the title reads "sci-fi role playing adventure".. and since you do play the character or role of Sly.. then, that's Sly-role playing, uh, that's a pretty shallow interpretation of roleplaying, but that's all there is. There are a lot of one-liners and a "LEMME SKIP THIS" option to skip parts of the game you don't want to bother playing.. Sometimes the mention of "role playing" simply cannot be abbreviated to or tagged as RPG and not in a context known to this particular community with games like FO, BG, PS:T, NWN, KotOR.. can't compute. To me it's an adventure game. There are a few entertaining and funny moments, but unfortunately they are not interactive, but made as cutscenes, which is just totally unfair. All this work and then some cutscene takes the credit.. The highlight is a two week cutscene of drifting in space and then docking in some kind of space station, imo. The most peculiar part is a small ESBR rating on the cover: 15+. That's pretty weird, since it's really suited for a much younger audience like 6+ years old, but that's probably just my antipathy towards the nasty cuteness of the game.. which is actually quite an accomplishment considering the chunky graphics.. if that even qualifies as graphics.. as I didn't quite realize that it was possible to make games that look this ugly - or I forgot. I happily forgot. Forgetting is good. Yep. Could we please advance research and scientific progress into cybernetic memory implants?? I want to replace mine!! I never completed it though. I got as far as level 39, but the original CD cracked and I had to find a NO-CD workaround and then I got hit by a major bug that.. well.. combined with the general feeling of disappointment I just couldn't be bothered with it anymore. I was being very stubborn, but not suicidal. Maybe this game is perfectly fine as it is, but it's simply not my kind of game. Just in case someone should want to avoid the same bug in Detta's Fortress (why would they?! Hmmm..): #Spoiler begin: #Spoiler end.
  19. The only time I felt like getting an actual sound onboard was on the EPoX 8RDA+ with the nVidia nForce2 Soundstorm eons ago. All the latter Realtek and AC97 has been like *Bleeps* compared to the relatively cheap Audigy 4 OEM card I got two years ago, but I don't see that particular Creative soundcard in shops anymore, now it's only Audigy SE, Audigy 2ZS and a ludicrous amount of variants of X-FI, but getting a real soundcard instead of anything onboard is going to make a huge difference.. I guess even the cheapest $40 X-FI card will be better than that Audigy 4 card.. I kinda swore that.. Well, just the X-FI then, but don't tell anyone.
  20. I've had this rig for about a year next summer, except the ATi 3870, which replaced the ATi X1950PRO a few months ago. The one component that has seen the most upgrades during the years is the graphic card. The last two years has seen 6800XT, 1800GTO, 1650XT, 1950PRO and lastly HD3870, but I am getting really tired of replacing factory coolers with efficiently cool and quiet replacements. Just can't trust reviews or users saying it's 'quiet'.. sigh. It's very unlikely that I will be upgrading to Vista anytime soon, because I'd be uncomfortable with anything less than a dedicated system for that (I hate multi-boot setups, but I like KVM switches). (Windows XP SP2) ASUS P5N-E SLI (nForce 650i) Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3.0GHz (1333) ATi HD3870 OC 512MB GDDR4 2GB A-DATA DDR2-800 Dual kit Creative SB Audigy 4 Samsung 250GB HDD ATA133 Samsung DVD-RW + ASUS CD-RW Enermax Noisetaker II 485W VGA Cooling: Zalman VF-700 Cu CPU Cooling: Thermalright SI-128 Chipset cooling: Thermalright HR-05-SLI x 2 Fans: Scythe S-Flex 120mm x 2, Papst 92mm. Antec Sonata LS-138 Cooling paste: Artic Silver 5. I still got an old system too for mudding and really.. sort of old games, but I haven't done that for almost two years. (Windows 98) Athlon Thunderbird K7-800MHz 512MB SDRAM PC-133 ATi 9600 PRO VE Maxtor 80GB ATA100 No-name CD/DVD Creative SB Live Player They both use the same monitor, keyboard and mouse connected through a KVM switch. I have reversed to an old RIC X-996 19" CRT, after.. my erm, temper got rid of the two TFT's I had before. I seem to have cooled down a bit since.. so now I am pondering whether I should jump on the Widescreen wagon eventually.
  21. Death is not scary, it's what happens before you die, that's scary. Reloading saved games or using vita-chambers; it's the same kind of cheating, except reloading is worse.. imo. Permadeath? Imagine that, worst case scenario: you die.. last screen you see before the game exits to windows and uninstalls itself permanently is "Game Over" and then 2K's homepage is updated with your retail copy as "R.I.P.-OFF". Hm.. no thanks.
  22. Yep. Well... Maybe not, but I'm guessing that Nvidia plans to strike so hard at the first launch, that the thought of ATi ever in the lead with the 3870X2 will be completely obliterated. Besides it's likely that Nvidia wants to make a new crown, now that it has been tainted by ATi.. but erm, the new 'old' 8800GT/GTS, the 256bit 512MB versions are actually using the G92 (of the 9-series).. It's a (mega-)bit confusing.. and they too have been overthrown, so.. hm.. well.. GX2!!
  23. I think I just read a couple of reviews that said that the 790i chipset was every reason not to buy the 780i. Apparently the 780i is just a 680i with PCIx 2.0 support, while the 790i has a new memory controller with support for DDR3 and all the PCIx lines going through the NB for increased performance. Maybe more, but I wasn't paying too much attention, because I was looking for something else.
  24. Crap or Die: Flush with pride Collective works
  25. Well, If it doesn't look like crap it's not Fallout. And.. the screenshots looks like crap, so I guess it must be Fallout.
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