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Everything posted by Janmanden

  1. Plan C.. I think you forget that it's vital to the Reapers that they manage to erase all traces of their master plan and leave no witnesses alive to record the horrors of it. I guess the Reapers somehow exploit the fact that all spacefaring races use their technology and they are thus somehow able to quarantine and isolate each harvest zone during the raid. Using the Mass Relays to swiftly conqueror and annihilate each system is proabably a vital part of that plan. If they had to travel from system to system wihout the use of the Mass Relays there would be too much time left for the affected systems to sound the alert and make preparations for an escape or hide records of the imminent doom for future generations.. Like the Protheans somehow managed to do with their Beacons and sanctuary on Ilos.. The Reapers may be able to track any spacecraft by a Mass Effect signature, but considering the existence of the Prothean ruins on Ilos they do have some limitations. But.. Considering the premise of ME3, as shown by the demo so far, it seems that careful planning of the harvest have failed already. Maybe this is the first time that humanity is reaped and thanks to Shepard we seem like such a sweet treat that all the Reapers hurry beyond reason and caution in a bid to get a fair share of the human goodies, before it's too late.. They are just machines, but they are also AI's and broken. Sovereign was both delusional, suffering from visions of grandeur and having a grudge with Shepard. That's pretty broken up for a machine. Shepards problem is that he is the only one who have had any dealings with the Reapers and since he can't prove their existence (and as long as none of the crew members count in any way; they have experiences and could offer testimony too) he just seem like a madman to the rest of the galaxy.. until it's too late, but maybe it isn't this time. Yawn. Just reaching for straws..
  2. I don't think there is any level limit to ME. I've got an old game where I imported my ME character and continued to level 58.. Nice thing about ME is that the import is as is, completely as it was, except for Renegade/Paragorn points being nullified, but then again dialogue is not tied to the RP meter, but to the Charm and Intimidate skills. --- I don't really mind that you start from scratch in a new game and that it's only the choices of past games that is carried over, but it would be nice if you could skip the tutorial each time or maybe have some CHOICES. --- I wonder would it really be so hard to be able to choose between different HUD's and skill layouts of past ME games.. So you could play with the skills and setup of ME, ME2 or ME3 in later games, thus choose the design you liked.
  3. Anyone could have made that analysis, but what would be the point of stating the obvious? Boredom, unemployment, literal practice, the joy of bashing? Bioware has been using pretty much the same recipe since Baldurs Gate.. But now it's just more storytelling and completely linear and rigid in that way. It's an action adventure, a slightly interactive movie with action sequences as minigames, not a role playing game. Let's not forget that this IS fantasy and it's Biowares FANTASY. Suspension of belief has always been part of the challenge of playing their games and enjoy them, but I think they are making too many completely unreasonable requests lately or maybe it's just because they offer so few bribes that I just can't accept it anymore.. Eye candy is nice, but I need some mental food too.. Some energy. ME Zero.
  4. Saw the omni-tool as a melee weapon in one of the early trailers. Was looking quite intriguing, but it turns out to be rather slow, inflexible and very clunky. It takes about 1½-2 seconds to execute, maybe because it's like a mini-cutscene with animation and battlecry, which is a very long time in a game with moving targets. Tried that af first, shadow boxing.. At least the game is so linear and predictable that you can just camp it out near a spawn point. The Soldier got an Omni-tool, while the Vanguard got a Biotic Punch. Considering the loud roaring battlecry I guess it's pointless for sneaking up from behind on unsuspecting foes.. Kinda hard to remain hidden after such an announcement. Both played on Narrative.. Which actually seems to be like god-mode. The Vanguard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnszFJyT-Cw The Soldier: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZIOKp5F1fg
  5. Well, actually the fastest way through the 'game' is to set Gameplay to Narrative and Narrative to No Decisions. On closer inspection it seems to me that the Action mode constantly switch between Paragorn and Renegade.. 1-2-1-2.. But I just don't see the reputation bar change, but then again none of the options matter much anyway.
  6. I am not sure if Renegade and Paragorn still exists for the game, because then.. erm.. Choosing the Action mode would sort of require a bit of branching out I guess into Renegade, Paragorn or sort of neutral..
  7. In the case of Samara, it's not for lack of trying Unfortunately being Renegade is a bit of a heartbreaker.
  8. Probably being in line with what you come from. I was cheap and got the Canon IXUS 105. It's a nice and shoddy little camera who is mostly a pain in the back side, but once you fully understand its limitations it can do some pretty nice shots, but it can do vids too. It actually do vids better than pictures and sound is pretty decent too considering the cheap plastic feel of it. Unfortunately the vids are extremely large and low resolution and it also seems to have a build-in anti-squirrel filter.. Zoom doesn't work when making movies. It shoots and films nature pretty well as long as it's standing still.. Had the camera for the most part of a year, before I realized that the reason why my pictures were full of annoying shadows on the edges was because of the way I held the camera with my big fingers.. I was partially covering the flash.. I felt very stupid and silly afterwards. Anyway I wouldn't recommend getting that, but I wonder what kind of movies and objectives you intend to shoot?
  9. Played the ME(h)3 demo, if you can call it play. I felt like a puppet strung up by Bioware's rigid storytelling. It took me awhile to realize how to move on from the first part to the second.. But as a I noticed how the Reaper cannibals kept respawning.. It could have taken me hours to complete it, but after that it was hardly a minute.
  10. Well, romancing Miranda feels a bit too much like a greek tale..
  11. Can't say I am disappointed, because I expected the worst and I got it. It's a bit funny to see how 'real' action games have evolved by adding more and more content, story, scripts and narrative while Bioware on the other hand have been cutting more and more choice and action.. There is practically nothing left in ME3. Calling this Role Play that's really quite a stretch. I guess this is what Blueray movies aspire to be.. Semi.. uh, tertiary.. uh, quartely.. uh, barely interactive. It's a bit puzzling why Bioware didn't add a 'Video play' option to those three experience modes. It's also quite weird to think that this is the same company that made Baldurs Gate or even the first Mass Effect.. I guess I should rejoice at the two small improvements, local cool-down of powers and exploding heads.. Think it was exploding heads or maybe it was just that sound of a squashed melon that fooled me.
  12. Had a feeling I was missing something, because it was just too boring to watch, so I looked up the demos via Bioware's own site. Aha.. (oh noes!!11!!1!) It's all about Kinetic. So that's the fun factor.. Hmm..
  13. Erm ... Gossssssszzzzzzz.... Watching those demos was a truly yawnsome, monotonous and boring experience. No witty remarks, no irony, no humorous battlecries, nothing to break a laughter, chuckle or a smile, just noise, strings in the background and kill this and more of that remainders.. Can't really say it was spoilerish, because it was pretty much what I was expecting and fearing.. More of the same pompous nerf-hearding slightly interactive video play.. Phew. That was quite a toll.. I wonder.. Seriously.. Erm.. What's going to keep me awake through this game? I am baffled, bottled, boggled. Ugh. Pardon me, I think I am having a fatigue attack. The only thing that really kept me awake through this was that loud german commercial that started playing everytime I turned my head in my sleep on the keyboard.. Wish Bioware would replace Mark Meer as the voice of Shepard with Jon St. John (Duke Nukem). Hail to the king. Seems that there are a few improvements, more powers, grenades and acrobrrrratics.. but everything looks more cluttered and confusing somehow. I didn't see much use of the melee Omni-tool.. Not sure if it came up once, my brain was beginning to lag.. I am really curious about that Choose Your Experience option (picking Action, Role Playing or Story).. It was just a demo.. Hopefully a very old and scrapped demo..
  14. Last game I bought on Steam was all of the DLC's for FO:NV a few months ago when they were on discount, but I haven't played any of them apart from the phenomenally OWB.. A dosage of the original spirit. Funny, I have been using Steam since 2006, but I find myself more and more divided about the merit of it. I think I actually prefer to own a hard copy of a game rather than a digital version, even though I have to include the noisy sound of a spinning dvd drive and disk errors from scratches into that mixed pleasure.. it's a sentiment from the same alley of thoughts as keeping dusty old books around even though I prefer those with pictures of ducks and text in bubbles. There was a time that games came in boxes full of posters, flag and trinkets.. I miss those days. Only good thing about Steam is that I don't seem to care as much about the cost with digital money.. Hey, wait a minute, that's bad.
  15. I hope that's a joke, because otherwise there should have been a big 'frakkin' spoiler warning here. It kinda makes sense, but I don't like things that makes sense like that.
  16. Scout Snipers. SS. Blame it on Hitler that scary, cool and menacing rune S's is forever tainted. I think maybe some people have moved on and others are still stuck in history.. I wonder when if ever these symbols can be used again without that historic taint or ambigiouty. What the hell, why is this text so small.. Hm.. Ah switching editing mode.. Sub?! Delete done.
  17. It's a litlte funny to think that when the Reapers grind all the advanced species of the galactic empire into a soulless meat paste they are actually making Reaper babies.. That's pretty much how I see the Collector project. I just don't get why all the reapers look alike. I imagine that an entire race of people is used for the construction of a Reaper or maybe they just use us for batteries. Maybe that's why they need to hurry back, because they are running out of organic fuel.. Maybe they harvest both skin, bone and flesh and use the deathcries as sonic fuel or maybe they are just playing with their food. I don't think Bioware really thought it through. I just play and grind my own way.
  18. I haven't really thought it about that way. I would like to order a size 11 keyboard, please. Would be nice with intended hand size listed on keyboards.
  19. Hmmm, choices: 1. Well, I was born.. No wait, that probably counts as a disaster. Ahem. 2. I presume that the reference to playing God comes from trying to create life by unnatural means, rather than restoring an existing one to full health. 3. People have died through the ages of all kinds of reasons and diseases, that seems quite silly today. The cure, which was sometimes as simple as just washing your hands, came from a greater knowledge and understanding and often by chance. Working to improve hygiene and public health hardly seems like playing God, unless that's what it's all about, but it has the same effect sometimes. 4. Because 'we' (someone else) can't help but try to fix all kinds of problems. Insert something about human ingenouity.. 5. Erm.. wait, is the intention of this thread to list 'miraculous' events, rather than answering the question? Hummmm.. Can't decide. Need a five sided dice. Play later. (<- only smilie working atm, limits my choices)
  20. This is new and.. interesting. I guess it takes a few days to get used to. It's a little funny with all these buttons I get so distracted by wanting to push them all that it's very hard to focus on anything else.. What was I saying, erm.. Well, okay, there aren't really that many buttons, but they are so colourful and fresh that my optic nerve blur out anything in the background.. Hey yourself. I thought the old one was pretty modern itself, but maybe I am just getting old. I notice that there is a view changer on top.. Regular view, basic view, I wonder would it be possible to add an Old view? Insert smilie here, but they seem to work atm or maybe it's just the quick reply.. no it's the same with More reply options.. Try different browser, not IE8 perhaps, hm, maybe later.
  21. I am playing a bit of ME(h)2 with all the DLC's that I added posthumously.. I really regret adding the Genesis, because I thought it would be more like the character creation in Vampire Bloodlines, but instead it's just another staller. A cartoony intro of about 15 minutes of length with nothing but that nasal twang of Commander Shepard as the narrator all the way.. Now the intro alone last almost 40 minutes, before the escape, and my patience is already stretched thin after 30 seconds. Phew.
  22. As long as it's just your keyboard you ruin.. I have a disturbing number of broken monitors on my rapsheet.. I have been trying to break the habit especially because the bigger monitors are so much more fragile than I thought, the first one I barely touched it, just a soft punch, I was shocked, but it took me two broken 26" to fully realize just how more fragile they are than 22 inchers.. I had actually decided not to break more than the one, but I just couldn't contain more than a year of repressing my urges. I never used to care much about it, because broken is broken and bothering about them isn't going to fix them besides it was really quite a gratifying experience each time, don't ask, but the big monitors are just so much more expensive and the old resolutions of 16:10 is getting more rare.. I am afraid that the realisation has gone a bit too far, because I even have nightmares about busting my screen occassionally. Now I have invented an arm-strap to limit the reach of my arm and it has already helped me a lot sleeping. I wish I had thought of that a few years or $3000 ago.. I could have had myself a really cool graphics card instead of making constant monitor replacement purchases. Since I switched from optics to laser I have had quite a few mice like the Logitech G5 and the Ikari Steelseries, but I really prefer the A4-Tech X7 model, because it's big enough for my hand and the wire is not too stiff and heavy unlike the Logitech G5, which really carry a lot of weight behind it. I had a MSI X7 at some point which had such a soft and light, but incredible sturdy wire, that it felt completely like a wireless mouse. The X7 from A4-Tech is unfortunately a bit more sturdy, but nowhere as bad as the G5. The Ikari Steelseries was really too expensive and smooth for such a cheap rattling plastic mouse, quite a paradox. It was a pretty nice, responsive and smooth mouse, but it was really too small for my hands and it was a really poor and cheap production with the wheel making a cheap plastic rattling sound when it brushed against the house. Unfortunately the Ikari was also to smooth for me to get a good grip.. I have noticed that I have a tendency to lift the mouse and the Ikari just slip through my fingers. The X7 on the other hand has a nice button on the bottom, which disables the mouse on lifting. Really nice and cool feature. The X7 also have a triple-click X-Fire button, which is actually quite usefull for other things not related to gaming. Keyboard wise the constant replacements is more of a problem as I see a trend towards smaller, cheaper and crampier keyboards that change the layout too much, at least in the supermarket.. Once I got the Microsoft Wireless Desktop 800 keyboard I realized how much my hands rely on spaces between groups of keys to navigate in blind.. I was totally lost on that keyboard. The Wired 600 is more traditionally in the layout, but the function keys (f1 to f8) are so small and indented that my fingers are still baffled about what the heck they are feeling.. The only real gaming keyboard I have tried is the Microsoft Sidewinder X6, but the extra column of function keys on the left side just confuse my hands too much.. Besides the space between the A key and the Caps lock is too narrow for me. It was really nice to have a keyboard with light in the dark, but.. I can't recommend any mouse, but I would definitely recommend trying before buying.. The same for keyboards.
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