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Everything posted by Janmanden

  1. The subject on whether the Ebon Hawk should be replaced by another ship or left in Orbit while using a small shuttle to enter planets or limiting the size and keep a larger pool on planets has been briefly touched a couple of times. All in all ideas to increase replay value. In additiion to that I propose: (Reminiscent of Frontier Elite II) Shipyard(s) With the intent of trading your ship for a bigger one or upgrade the current ship with shields, weapons, cargo bays, crew seats, fuel tanks. Alternatively you could acquire a ship by Piracy: Seize and board a ship and take it in your possession and recruit a new crew or persuade the current crew to keep working for you. Ship rooster size Depending on which ship you buy and how you upgrade it there will be more or less room for party members on board. And if you don't have enough crew for a ship then you might have to abandon it and pick a smaller one. Imagine that the size of the ship you left Peragus II in only had room for 3 members. Which would you leave behind and how would it affect your decision to destroy Peragus II to escape the Harbinger? And how would that choice affect your crew as well? Mobile NPC's Sometimes you need to drop a party member on some planet in which case your influence with them would decrease substantially, maybe someone in your party would really miss the company of that one to the point where you'd either lose influence or he might leave to join that one as well. Maybe they would take hire on another ship or party or move to another planet while you were away, making it harder or impossible to group again. Bao-dur might understand your reaons, but he'd start a war on Czerka in your absence and get into trouble. And other likewise scenarios that your other ex-party members might get entangled with. Highly unlikely but...
  2. Mmm... I have always pictured Peragus II as just a humongous meteor/meteorite. Is it actually a planet? (in K2)
  3. *cough*Silent Storm*cough* " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I also read good things not just only things.
  4. PS:T's combat is a complete flush out, as all the semi-automatic isometric click and kill games are, but it has one redeeming quality: the spell animations are just plain AWESOME. In BL you actually have to use skill and be within range (melee/brawling). Neither can I. Ditto.
  5. No need for shops when you have got the Force and a saber.
  6. I was making the joke from the beginning, but noone picked up on it. Even though the notion is a bit revolting it's also quite refreshing to see someone leave the roles behind, to step out of that context and see the face value, what a waste...
  7. I think the right way to look would be described as exotic, warmblooded and wild since the DS is all about passion and freedom.
  8. If you do my order it makes more sense to me. You get Visas during (2) and you can only leave dxun for onderon with max two extra party members (Mandalore being one of them) anyway. If you go to Dxun/Onderon last then you still have to go back to Nar Shadda and Dantoine to do Mandalores 'quest'. It just seems to be less work to do it my way.
  9. And that's your reason for loving it? ewww... :D
  10. At least he didn't kill his father... With all the single mothers out there it's actually a bit amazing that it doesn't happen more often, but maybe it does - they just don't go to restricted areas to be caught. Kinda tragic that they chose the stereotype over true love, but it's still an enlightening experience to realize that your parents are real people too.
  11. I know both separately, but never together. You can try the Home of the Underdogs as it sounds like a bit of the same thing.
  12. A part of Finland was once under danish rule, but you were so busy getting lost and boozing in the woods that you never really noticed, wait, why am I speaking in the past tense, you still do that.
  13. It's actually a pretty good idea. I can deal with violence, wits and women, but vs. addiction I'm helpless. If all games were boring, uninspiring, unchallenging and non-immersive I would have no trouble letting go and actually have a life too... :D
  14. Are you finnished? People from Denmark = Vikings a.k.a. Danes...our white flag fell from the sky and it was soaked in blood. God was yielding and bleeding... edit: something deadly.
  15. Because they are mostly played at night. While everybody fears just how exactly Bethesda is gonna rape FO3, my interest hasn't waned yet.
  16. Try it sometimes, it's not really that bad - to think.
  17. When you realize it's past your bedtime and you are already late for work
  18. Added some style and grace, because it was needed. Where?
  19. Unreal1 (which just happen to be the only one in that series I've got) wasn't exactly underappreciated. On the contrary, the AI was all the hype once, but without a decent multiplayer and Quake II still around...
  20. Don't know the first game, but if it sucks too, then swapping sucky games from cd to cd sounds equally wasted - Pool of Radiance 2 was a complete waste of time. While waste is generally not appreciated for what it is, underappreciated games are generally wasted for what they are not. edit: AAAARGH! ...people that post when I'm posting should be shot on sight, except when they are moderators of course - then they should be spanked long and hard first. I'll make an exception this once for a well made point. Quotes added to avoid confusion with the ONE good game PS:T.
  21. Gorth could go on and on for hours about how he likes to suck on crunchy sewer rats, but I never really used the sewers except when I had to go between towns and separate areas... If you get to close to non-interactive or 'normal' npc's it's time to move on, except when you are thirsty of course, but most of the dialogue is still open to you, even though initial reactions may be a ... bit special sometimes.
  22. Duran Duran - Wild Boys. I've never been quite able to make much sense out of their lyrics and this song hasn't changed that...but it sounds sleek.
  23. Well erm... Looting stuff that doesn't belong to you is actually stealing and why every room, that isn't a shop simply isn't locked is beyond me. Only one guy or two guys ever bitch about it, which is a bit shocking each time because stealing is so common... I guess the notion is that most of the rooms that are empty has been looted before you or people simply left and moved somewhere else. Only thing I find really weird is that some lockers can't even be targeted as if they were actually wallpaper...
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