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Everything posted by Janmanden

  1. oh well saves responding to the rest of your post. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I should have said Out of *that* picture with FF and blargh, but... well... no loss, I feel dirty already.
  2. A lot of partybased 'events' happen on the ship, but I think you probably obstructed one of these events. Kreia wanders quite a lot on the ship, actually, and only Disciple ever seems to be close to awareness of it.
  3. Consumed by the dark side they said... The DS: *crunch-crunch* BURP!! Let FF be fluffy cuteness and anime crap and leave Knights of the Old Republic out of the picture, please. Well... in (real) games like Baldurs Gate all the characters had a background resum
  4. I can understand that and felt the same way before reluctantly giving Bloodlines a try. To be or not to be that's a question for developers that fans like to answer. Who knows what kind of results 'force bonds' can have on the opposite or same (ew) sex ...both in K1 and K2 and the Exile and Revan. Neither of us do, therefore it's completely open or?
  5. Well.. Correct me if I am mistaken, but Atris' Handmaidens also 'greet' the Exiles handmaiden who deals with them... Their corpses are littered about at the end of that confrontation. What's missing?
  6. I know. Adding a couple of car batteries and a pair of wheels to the tower and a table to the screen isn't quite as handy, but...
  7. You need to talk with that Twilek that gives you the pylon quest and ask about the missing ships and get a meeting with the hutt about them and how you would like to find them. I think that pretty much triggers the main story of Nar Shadda. Ref: 3. You also wiped out the exchange from the refugee sector? Crossing the exchange is a 'good' way to force a confrontation. edit: added reference.
  8. Of course I don't have to mention Electronic hardware stores (with those non-computer related electronic gadget thingies and transistors) as a source for cooling fans, because you've probably already been all over them I guess... My first and last branded pre-made computer was a 386SX AST ('Victor Bravo' or something) computer in the early nineties, which taught me once and for all that that is simply too stupid to bother with... Home made or 100% custom-builds that's the way.
  9. So I've mentioned this already, but I can't quite let it go because... We got all the romances from previous installments and nothing to show for it? What's the point, apart from dodging responsibilities( (w00t) ) ? Another offspring of Knights of the Old Republic might as well be exactly that. No mention of past heroics or
  10. Maybe. But what if the reason for Carth or Bastila's interest in knowing the whereabouts of Revan was because of the 'lovechild' of female Revan + Carth or male Revan + Bastila. In the first case you'd find yourself on the brink of the universe in the trail of Revan and in the second you'd be in Republic space known or unknown to the Jedi order... Likewise Luke, but not that Lucky - partially thanks to the player and the developer. "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic III: The Prodigal Child" (Return of the spoon)
  11. If there is a reason for turns, then by all means make it turnbased, but if it's just a way to make a really short (and boring) game really really REALLY long (and boring), then *yawn*. To me it's really a question about compensating for handiCaPS and having fun at the same time. I can't be in complete control of a partybased isometric game as long as I've got ten thumbs and have to use the mouse as well - in real time. All that micromanagement and pathfinding is just plain awful and LEEEERRROY JENKINS...
  12. Erm... Use the ATi Catalyst Control Center and use costum settings in the 3D options to force performance/quality settings. Deselect all the "let the application decide" checkboxes and use settings that favor performance over quality.
  13. Hey Mus! Hm... Think I just posted something, but I'm experiencing some heavy lag on this server or this part of the world and it seems like it got lost. I agree and more. Fortunately BioWare (ALL HAIL BIOWARE!!!) came to the rescue, BUT... I think Obs still owes us for not extending the gratitude by showering us with a rocking awesome sequel to K1. K2 is not even close to the best of Obs abilities. Pretty staggering performance saved by great skill and routine, Obs, but don't let it consume you...save some for the dark side too. Hopefully the time used on 'ignoring' and 'stuff' is spend on improving the rest.
  14. Originally a week was only 4 days: tuesday-friday, Tyr, Odin, Tor, Freja/Frigg). Maybe it was a working week and when everybody was being sick mondays, it was kinda pointless to even count that day and since they were probably drunk the other two days as well, noone could remember they had ever existed - and later more days were added due to to religion... That killed the spirit. What else is symbolism? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This is one of the places where a fundamentalist Christian and a Christian that is not fundamentalist would disagree. It just seems like, when you read the passage, that it isn't talking about long periods of time, rather, a day as we know it (the original text's word for "day" is the equivalent of a morning to night cycle. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So God worked 24 hours a day plus nights....and until IT created light it was a pretty long night, as far as the story goes...right?
  15. Destroying telos was a bit rash and impulsive and a little stupid, but it still shows him as a leader with resolution and strength, which is kinda needed since he failed to capture his prey. Who needs food when you can feed on the force of a LS Jedi? Gotta love that sucky feeling when you drain them, yummi... And how many bananas did you actually eat in KOTOR? That's right... and pray there will never be an actual need to eat, sleep or **** in KOTOR! edit: just one, but many...
  16. Too bad for Leeroy that his friends like to talk monsters to death with their incompetence... I mean "Pals for life" - that gotta hurt. Leeroy is my hero!
  17. Well, the intro is a pretty neat Cyber-punk thriller in itself... But the demo does start the game at a rather basic medieval level: A knife?! The 'beastmaster' talks about weapons...but a knife and a crossbow schematic(??)...I was hoping for a gun, something sci-fi, augmentated, to go with the Cyber-punk theme... After about an hour I've found all the parts needed for the crossbow and then I also need to upgrade my Design skill and Weapon skill and it's a rather sucky weapon...that needs ammo. The few dialogues in the demo are of the oneliner 'click' to move on variety, where you have to click both on your own and theirs to move on, like Deus Ex...and this dude got his priorities all wrong: the first chick he meets...he dodges conversation and moves on. For chrissakes, grrr, wait!! Game graphic and sounds are rather crude...a little better than the Arx Fatalis demo, but not that much. The models looks kinda nice, kinda. It could be interesting, but I really doubt it. If you are totally hooked on Deus Ex and shun games with dialogue options then... But that's not me.
  18. Malak behaved as any Sith/DS Jedi do when they see an opportunity for power and the time is right: They take it. Only think I dislike about him is that I didn't get an invitation to witness the defilement of Bastila or the chance to do it myself.
  19. Feh... My eyes have not been tainted by reviews about movies that told me what to think, unlike some people that just can't make up their own minds and completely fails making up the minds of other people as well. Keith Richards? Sounds like Rolling Stones, but the last song I heard from them was about pimples, bubblegum and getting no satisfaction. Is that song about Johnny Inepts performance in PotC too? I picked up the movie because it looked like fun... Kinda hoping a bit like Yellowbeard (the one with Graham Chapman and other members from the Monty Python and more) - That's insane. My beef is I am always aware that Johnny Inept is acting, since he's playing Johnny Depp as Johnny Inept the Pirate... Because he's completely out of character and lacks conviction and weight in his performance, dialogue and voice. Even when 'crazy' it's so pretentious, that it will only work on kids as if he's actually the undertalented overdramatized part of an otherwise fair schoolplay in kindergarden. Maybe Johnny Depp simply thinks too much about how to say and act his lines as Johnny Inept, that the moment where everybody including himself hold their breath in complete silence and anticipation of the wondrous moment where Johnny Depp proves that he isn't Inept, is foiled... Sure was a lot of those moments that failed. Maybe I'm just too old for this, 35 is the limit? *suddenly aware of the silence of the grave the poster slowly turns to face the gaping frozen audience* In...my....o...p-i-n-i-o-n. *and then continues to scroll down the page without a sound except the loud 'clicks' of a mouse wheel followed by a draggging sound across a rugged surface as the cursor of a mouse is moved towards the "Add Reply" button and then a 'click'*
  20. Ouch. Species in KOTOR? That's gonna be a whole new level of romancing, the male leading character is seduced and raped by a ravenous hottie that then turns into a hideous monster and tries to bite his head off... KOTOR III: The Return of the Crazy Mating Bitch... To disguise the amount of reuse of identical models among 'grunts', colours works pretty well, even though adding a few extra in the last minute might cause a little confusion I doubt they are any different, and it's the same kind used in the manual as well.
  21. No, you are the idiot. This thread is about Pirates of the Carribean and the new Dead Mans Chest trailer, not any of those other movies you mention. 'Depp' may (try to) be a lot of things, but he is not a pirate(!). It's kinda funny. I've got a great movie called AI, but it wasn't until I saw Johnny Inept in PotC, that I knew what Artificial really meant... ("Breath of the Ancients" Flaming Sword +5) I don't know about Oscars nominations - I don't watch glamour. Right on sister, I wanna be painted retard too so I can be worshipped by Bastila lovers...I just need some paint. :cool:
  22. Yeah, don't rob us of the opportunity to see all the players come here and whine about how they can't kill the first Jedi Master/Sith Lord they come across, because they didn't pick a Jedi and he totally pwns them... That's gonna leave a scar to miss that. Let them play as mindless gizka and dodge poachers all day if they want! I wouldn't mind something like the non-jedi class system as in K1 with the later option to join the Jedi, Sith or Mandalorians in their struggle to dominate or fortify their position in the galaxy...but just as a freelancer - not unless it's gonna be a new MMO and I'd really hate to see that.
  23. When reading the english I feel like I'm having a stutter. Bad rhythm and too longwinded in a civil service kinda style (Kancellistil). Totally unlike the danish ones, actually...or nearly, as there are a few foreign words or words that just feel foreign there too. That's my general beef. Unrelated to that at first I read this "Et v
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