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Everything posted by Janmanden

  1. Not if you are a biker... But... She looks pretty gay in that picture, why can't you just be gay about it too?
  2. Hey, Admin/webmaster dude, if you got time could you fix: Color tags, currently they negate font sizes tags. It's shown correctly in preview, but not posted on Forum. highlighting of words in search stops working on subsequent pages, because the key changes from <highlite=searchword> to <hl=searchword> and code doesn't check for the <hl> key. Reedit adds extra newlines around Lists tags, which messes up the view when it's re-posted. Here some floating text with an empty newline above and below Newlines are lost between previous item text and next item. Testing Tag order outwards with largest text(7): Size + Color + Bold Color + Size + Bold Bold + Size + Color Bold + Color + Size Color + Bold + Size Size + Bold + Color
  3. Bah humbug. Or perhaps I just shouldn't visit that site when I'm grumpy. That's the spirit. You really need to be down on your knees to suck this up...it sucks. Think I made joke...that I shouldn't elaborate any further. :D The jews are not that juicy, but they can make you smile. The angel SONG was kinda uh, amusing. edit: did I hit my quote on quotes or what?
  4. Thought it said Lobotomized. I was happy. The world was rotating happily. Now, I'm not and it's cold outside...and I'm pretty sure that star is going in the opposite direction now.
  5. Legolas16, I thought it was "God hates FAQs", but reading one such as Forum Guidelines before creating a sig like yours would be a go(o)d idea...
  6. Hm... *confused sigh* I guess I should check those security page settings. Seems I have to fire Netscape up each time someone post a link with activex content, because I blocked that somewhere in IE.
  7. Neither am I...major that is. I like that line just the way it is. I'm talking to an adult that's behaving like a child and I have no reason to be polite, hate or like her. Gruff. It's mine and I want it back and she must hand it over. No questions asked. End of story. This expresses concern for Atris' life. would I wanna do that? Sounds kinda childish too, since she'd know that's what's gonna happen, because you always fight over stuff...alike. Why This is both too polite and too vague. Should be "That saber is as evil as it's wielder, yield and I'll redeem you and destroy it for you"... This seems rather stupid and a bit to hostile, to blow your cover all at once. If she says "no" then you'd say "Then I'll take it by force" *combat starts*
  8. Didn't I just... Several times here. Too many threads look alike. Picking DiaLocks is ... something we have always done in games like Fallout, BG, PS:T, K1 even. And it's fun and immersive of course and romances has become the lovechild of virtually everybody. Remove it and the world will literally flood from cries. But influence ... it looked better on paper, but it's only like halffinished in the K2 state. If the Influence message instead had said: Kreia gained *influence* (on you). It would be working and true, but the alignment shifts would still be a puzzle tho...very puzzling. One important thing is missing: If their Force alignment keeps reflecting your own even when you become the exact opposite of what you once were, then there must also be room for that change in them. Not necessarily automatic, but thru actions as well... Or just thru actions only. It's simply to easy to run thru all the dialogue options on the ship and get Influence. It would be much better if influence was based on actions. Killing someone, helping someone, defending someone, standing up for someone... solely. Then you'd actually have to play with those characters to get to know their worth, story and so on. It's just too much of a piggy bank as it is.
  9. And she can be shared with your friends, hey ... (w00t)
  10. I think it's best if we leave REAL LIFE out of the picture. There are just too many concepts in play here that would be removed from the game if that was the reason to keep them in the first place.
  11. Some people have all the fun and they don't appreaciate it Blargh!!
  12. From one stereotype to another. Go beyond the stereotype and all the sentient beings of the forgotten realms are "funny shaped humans". In case of Drizzt there's a problem however: He is a male. nitpicking: If exceptions were the rule and not proving the rule, stereotypes would be memorable. Drizzt also have a very special name to set him apart, even I can remember him, even though he's just a nobody I cut down from BG2. I can think of a lot of characters that have been unique, but CRPG just tend to rely more on stereotypes for the masses and a few (sometimes) unique characters for henchmen or main villains...for deadlines, cost and effect and all those reasons.
  13. Rancor: Huh, That's a deathwish and not a pen you got there, because the pen would clearly defeat me, being mightier than the sword and all, MUAHAHAHA... COME HERE LUNCH!! " <Default user mode (troll): OFF> Bastila was ripe for the picking - by anyone - and she readily turns her back on her newfound masters, because she obviously prefer the doggy style and when faced with a master - she's always the servant. Bastila is a completely corrupted opportunistic whore...and that's why we like her. Sleezy and demure. Love has made you blind, fanboyorlesbogirl! Go play DS. There is no emotion, but peace - obviously means that the Jedi couldn't care less about the fate of a few planets and the deaths of a couple of billion people. As long as it ends in peace (as in Rest In Peace), and if they can just stay out of trouble themselves and defeat the Sith, thus remaining in control as dictators themselves, everything is dandy. I can understand why you think they are on the high ground here...it's a long fall down. And it makes absolutely sense why Bastiala would join you on your dark side and also kill Juhani and Jolee...to maintain the illusion of course. Revan: stand still, why won't you stand still? Jolee: *grumbles something about kids with blasters* I'm old and obviously both senile (since I'd join with you in the first place) and got the shivers too...what do you think? It has to look real. Now stop wasting my time and kill me! Revan: DIE SCUM!! Jolee: Messing with the old mans head now? *ouch* ...Hey! That hurt!! Juhani: Humans! Fech!! You kill me, ME?! That's a disgracssss, who ever thought about thiz..hssss...game must have been a complete cathating retard, tch... Revan: DI...oh, uh, die Juhani(!) Juhani: Mathssss!! Tch! Humanssss!! 8 livesss to go... Juhani: Sssseven! Juhani: Five... Revan: What?! You forgot six! Juhan: Fech, Just kidding puny human, Ssssix! Definitely a True Sith Lord controlling those morons, weakening them all, they just don't know it...the Republic is severely weakened and in K2, the Jedi, Sith usurpers and the force sensitive are near extinction...just a sitting duck waiting for the hunter to return. Ever thought about that, witch? That's right, Revan was faking all along, toying with their emotions, pretending to be brainwashed and redeemed... long story cut short: Revan is still the master. Have you never wondered why Dodonna never mentioned the losses suffered because of her Battle Meditation? - Because it was somebody else, dispensable grunts with wifes and kids, known as cannonfodder for poor tacticians and Admirals, Forcefully enlisted, without a voice or choice, that died? I got a blank spot where that name is...tatooed on my head. <Default user mode (troll): ON> Uh, who moved the rock? Anyway, I was puzzled, but I didn't really see Bastila coming around like that. And going DS after being LS was a pretty bad move too, since I couldn't wear any of the SF Robes...being gray, which was really unexpected too.
  14. 5 letters, first is a 'T' last is an 'S' and it's the first planet...it's to close to be sorry and I'm not. TELOS!!!
  15. I mix a lot, since I think it's just plain STUPID to do the exact same thing twice (Unlike the makers of Deus Ex), but I also think there must be a 'perfect' order. This order feels.. *close* to me. (Telos) Telos first of course...like you had any choice. Dxun/Onderon - Get Mandalore Need some more xp before starting on the masters as DS. Vrook is pretty damn hard early on. And since you don't finish off Kavar on Dxun/Onderon on your first visit it feels like a 'safe' starting point. Nar Shaddar - More mandalorians for Mandalore There are a lot of solo moments here that makes me think you need to be a little more rugged and experienced before taking this on early. You'll also have a full party by the end. Dantoine - More Mandalorians for Mandalore Vrook is a badass with a severe need for a good long spanking. and it's also a good time for a personal gem.. Korriban ('Final Enlightenment'/premonition of doom to come) Korriban in K2 is like doing Kashyyk in K1 after the revelation. It's a late 'revelation' planet, not necessarily the last, which the level limit on the cave also suggest. It's sort of a high level (relatively speaking in light of the level limit) solo area. Imo. edit: first planet...5 letters...first is an 'S'...last is a 'T'...what is it?
  16. If you play a monstrous evil character you shouldn't even be human, but a beast...only the Halforc Berserker is really suited for that...and that's even an opinion garnished with racialism. A point of view. A Lawful Good NPC Paladin would just slay 'Evil' (even the friendly Orcs/Ogres, Orc = Evil) in Umar Hills as a sheer stereotype of a LG. Even in Roleplay there must be room for creating more than stereotypes and using the Chaotic Good rangers approach here (to use them as guards) isn't really incompatible with the Paladins chest here.
  17. Even for a spoiler forum this is like INSTANT HOLOCAUST. MEGA SPOILER: This is le numero uno of the line for me.
  18. BLOODLINES Totally unbelievablunderappreciated. Such a title and the dev shut down... edit1: uack...WHAT...size negations by COLOR tags...DIE!!
  19. Picking DiaLocks is ... something we have always done in games like Fallout, BG, PS:T, K1 even. And it's fun and immersive of course and romances has become the lovechild of virtually everybody. Remove it and the world will literally flood from cries. But influence ... looked better on paper, but it's only halffinished in the K2 state. One important thing is missing: If their Force alignment keeps reflecting your own even when you become the exact opposite of what you once were, then there must also be room for that change in them. Not necessarily automatic, but thru actions as well.
  20. As I've said previously somewhere, Bloodlines is the game that (imo) totally redeems Troika to the claim of being creators of Fallout. A line on their website that always bugged me until that point was made. It's easy to get the wrong impression of Bloodlines if you don't try the different clans: In my first game I played a Brujah - to pick up from 'Christof' the Holy Crusder from Redemption-alike - and I saw how Disciplines were replaced (as in KOTOR) by level upgrades. And that clan was only a choice of vampire 'race' and sets of disciplines. And there was no group members. And brawling was like some arcad'ish mortal kombat game (can't say which, since I never play such). All things compared to Redemption I felt a big BIG loss of especially Disciplines, due to the limits and fixation of only 3 disciplines = 3 powers...and no feral claws?! Malkavian really changed that view. And the Nosferatu way of dealing with the food critic by sheer presence and the voice acting alone was worth it all. Lots of Value! :D
  21. For a relatively slow connection like mine that would take about 2-3 hours to complete... Not bad actually. Bigger and Better of graphics and etc. just means bigger and bigger games... Not unreasonable.
  22. Is this Part 16 of the K3: Ideas and Suggestions thread or just some lazy bugger who doesn't feel like reading thru 4657 posts of ideas on K3 before repeating stories of old (nothing new is here)?
  23. I felt similarly in the beginning and lost a lot of hair bitching about controls, but the game grew on me and I learnt to appreciate it. Give it a chance to surprise you. I felt that Bloodlines was more of a Thief game than Thief was towards the end and while the combat may seem clunky in the beginning it's just as much a matter of experience and learn to do it right. It's also a must to try out the Malkavian and Nosferatu clans. Dialogue and options change a lot for some and especially for these two.
  24. I know. Makes you wish more enemies would be like that, actually. SO close and SO cruel that you could actually taste it. It was torture and GOOD.
  25. Prodigy present The Dirt chamber Session Volume One - Track 4.
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