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Everything posted by Janmanden

  1. And if you get completely lost out there, then the hand is a pretty handy tool that's always at hand for a little shaking, slapping, smacking or smoking or whatever that seems handy edit: even worse.
  2. Gene Wilder & Richard Pryor, that's a big loss.
  3. Front Line Assembly - Insanity Lurks Nearby.
  4. Don't worry about it, I've got a great personality and I wouldn't be surprised if they can even detect me in Horsens...until I shower that is. *sniff* Nah not yet.
  5. <-- Actually I am from Ry, but that pointer is Aarhus, where I currently live.
  6. In hell. Ever notice the first post...by Fionavar...there's a funny list with numbers...don't click on them unless you are looking for trouble...ooops spoiled you...not sorry.
  7. YAAARGH!!! (Yeah + ARRRGH). What I really need is for you to distract anyone from posting anymore BS in part 15 and generally kill all those people using hidden text, red text and no spacing or formatting of huge chunks of boring text intertwined with storylines and ideas. Pretty please, daddy?
  8. @Darth Schmarth: Well, I've actually read some of contributions in the K3 suggestions threads Part 5 and 6 and I appreciate it. Did that turn you on? edit: damn fast posters.
  9. Actually...NOT. Troika made that totally unbelievably stupid mistake of thinking that they could pull both ToEE and Bloodlines off at the same time. All the tech-heads went into ToEE and all the creative minds into Bloodlines. Dum!! Combined it would have totally ruled... Sheesh.
  10. I'm currently reading thru the K3 Suggestions threads. So far I've knotched nearly 6 parts and I am in hell. I really wanna kill somebody. That's also the kind of person I am: A 35 year old 205 cm tall 250 pounds pure muscle killing machine with a lot of stamina.
  11. Well, I guess we are all here to chew bubblegum and kick arse, some people just chew more and kick less.
  12. Really? I thought that was a reference to a particular contest in Monkey Island.
  13. AAAARGH!! Flattery works too. Nice try ***hole! :D
  14. I don't actually look like my avatar, but I'm getting closer.
  15. I've had that problem too and it's related to you being to effective with your force powers. Just be a little patient and assist her rather than taking charge. Iirc.
  16. I don't really think RT or TB has any significance on RPG since it's actually more tied to the entertainment value and or managing chaos.
  17. I've got a ATi 9600 PRO with the Catalyst 5.11 and I've got no problems with either game. (Win XP Pro SP2, XP 2700+, nForce2, 1GB RAM). Just in case it's really something else do try to kill all background apps and anti-whatever.
  18. On RPG's. I make a distinction between roleplaying and playing a role or a profession. Not the same thing. In my opinion Roleplaying is a mental exercise while playing a role is simply adhering to a codex or style of play. The fight in itself is really pointless beyond the intent to kill, unless you have to make a choice on the actual outcome as well like an opponent that actually pleads for his life for instance...otherwise it's just entertainment. I am a bit hesitant to call Deus Ex, System Shock 2 or Silent Storm RPG's as there is very little or no choice, qualms or moralization on the matter of the role or the character defining dialogue and content. Deus Ex have some, but once you realize how futile and limited everything actually is then...play that role and maintain the illusion or quit. Slabbing a pair of character development **** on a game doesn't really make it female... Create a medic and play as a medic, while it's being a profession is it roleplaying in itself? I think not, it's just a task, job, profession, some tedious thing that has to be done. Classes or profession have very little to do with Roleplaying - even though it might actually help you survive it or do it more brashly. On TB vs. RTS. If you are counting on an element of surprise as in a backstabbing thief then TB is really no good as it obstructs the natural 'flow' of the obvious thing to do, but if you fail that and get into trouble and actually have to *think* about your next move then TB really has a point or points...of strategies and alternatives. I like the way that Fallout: Tactics includes both. Can deal with all the riff-raff quick and easy and go TB whenever you actually face a challenge or you need to coordinate attacks...but despite a few RP choices it's mostly a tactical game and I regard it as such too. On both. Somehow I doubt that you can actually RP in RTS, because thinking about actions and consequences requires a 'little' thought, or TB for that matter, since the combat in itself isn't really genre defining or limiting in any way, in my opinion. Maybe it's just a matter of experience and routine and fleshing out your character from the beginning...but that reallly sounds like clich
  19. That's... Gross. :puke: I used to dislike Richard Gere, but after seeing him in Internal Affairs I thought he was a pretty swell guy. I appreciate the courage to change. Probably why I still hate Sean Connery.
  20. It's not so much the birth as it is the moment of terror I like.
  21. Like behaving a certain way will have NPCs labeling you a certain way? (ie. You heal a lot of NPCs and make a lot of medpacs, they'll view you as a medic or doc) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Like having a 'karma' from the onset of the story that might cause Kreia and every other npc to approach you in an entirely different way from the very start...even before you say anything. Accusing a person that looks like a paranoid homocidal maniac of grave robbery kinda seems like a bad/suicidal thing to do for instance. Having the heart of a coward (and not in a glass jar on a table) might have turned her more dominant and condescending...in that kinda way. edit: damn quotes.
  22. I wonder why the initial character creation in itself is so one-dimensional, empty and inane: Just picking initial strengths and skills without any background or inclination...from scratch, level 1, neutrality, tabula rasa, no name (as least never spoken)...defining your character through dialogue and action from *this* point and onwards...getting to know yourself from what anyone tells you about yourself. Like Bao-Dur addressing you as general...it's like "why didn't anyone tell me?!" ...disbelief... Class is briefly reflected upon in dialogue in K1, when Trask for instance makes a reference to your 'smuggling' ways as a scoundrel and even Carth too I think, but otherwise it has little to no affect on the story if, iirc. The question based character creation for your custom merc in Jagged Alliance 2 both affects your traits and your personality. Depending on how you answer you can actually become a bit unnerving to yourself and other party members as well. With a borderline 'psycho' trait in JA2 you will sometimes lose control and spray bullets all your enemies HA-HAAAA!!! Of course I'd like to play a completely customized character, but I'd also like to see the relevance of it and an impact on the story...as the low-int char build in FO2 "ungh?", but I guess the Jedi Order would naturally root out chars like that...
  23. Well, uh, It kinda looks like the bottom line, shake that butt...om.
  24. I've tried that 'faith' thing before and had to 'flag' it not working even with your contribution "Word unworkable comes to mind"...but I appreciate the attempt despite the fluffy cuteness. This is about general appreciation of... of what?
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