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Everything posted by Janmanden

  1. No passengers thank you. Are you dutch...That's starting to sound like a ghost ship. edit: something ch snuck in.
  2. I was actually picturing yours as kayaks or canoes. Not quite the introvert anymore?
  3. Steady as she goes in the waves up and down...she needs a firm hand, but not too firm or she'll break instead of bend. Got a nice little crew too. Any passengers in your relationships?
  4. You are a bit dense aren't you? Relationships, can be small rowboats or large cruisers or even bigger made for war. Some float, some sink and some are more or less permanently docked. Some are shiny and some are rusty... which are yours?
  5. :D :D :D Thanks for a clear case of formalism, please add something constructive next time. Here's why that's just plain lame unconstructive narrowminded medieval BS, that Herve Caen would love you for: " Flags is a "By Users - For Users" concept. It's about having fun and be respectful to each other. Not mutually exclusive. It's about adding readability for whatever read you desire. If you prefer BS then you can use the BS filter, if you prefer the thread filtered with any other flag then use that. Thanks to these Flags devs will find it a lot easier to read thru ideas and finish K3 faster. And because you would like to see that too you'll be happy to use those flags. On-topic isn't whatever discussion someone decides to pull at any point in a thread, but the general idea of the thread starter. PM exist for any other purpose. Exceptions do exist where it's allowed to go off topic and enter social chat mode, but it's still off-topic and should be marked as such and any amount of such futile crap can be added with flags in place. Flags mean you can can cut the bs, ontopic, spam or whicever if you so desire, it doesn't exclude reading the bs since that's just another flag. Each flag equals a filter if used, and if you don't use them, you just get the chunky pages. Flags will make catching up with the pointers of any thread a lot faster, anyone that feels like adding constructive thought and ideas shouldn't suffer from brain overload of any other kind than what he chose to see. anything that was made prior to incept date will simply return no results used with any filter...just like that empy result, a thread with nothing but ontopic posts will display, with a show bs only filter. Well if users can bash at redundant threads and quote each other obviously they are not totally inept as you'd like to believe. But to keep flags simple, simply put a Must read on flags in Forum Policy and keep them simple and self-explaing otherwise and let regular users correct newcomers out of the kindness of their hearts. mods? You are really desperate to mention that...we manage quite well on our own and have no need for police - mostly. Why don't you extend your horizon, what's that? Too hard? Yes. Thanks for the feedback, I guess.
  6. Whoa...flip a page, wake up on slab and...is that a floating skull? darque:"And add robes with hoods"
  7. A Split Second - Colloseum Crash No more human sacrifice she said I'll just have a dry martini Just want me to put my underwear in your computer and I will have orange software babies two minutes before she stuffed her brain of course she realized she was at the wrong stake in she had another taxi for breakfast and started breathing exhaust fumes and drinking diesel...
  8. Well... I guess I should be glad that you at least read my posts and memorize them even though some of you did edit me out of your posts at some points. What kind of relationships are you actually buliding around here, the floating kind or?
  9. Wouldnt know never played it. Is it religious ? In a way - it's propaganda...used to recruit people.
  10. Ah... The source of fog of war, wasn't aware that place could dry up so...not after the closing hours was extended anyway - cheers.
  11. Well, I'm sorry but I don't have the Obsidian Sound-plug installed so I'll just have to read what the 'talking' heads write. What country is that by the way?
  12. Doing Korriban DS with HK-47 and Canderous is pretty damn funny.
  13. You don't need to kill, just suck her brain out and leave her standing there.
  14. I don't think 3DO's Requiem: Avenging Angel was ever launched as a christian shooter, but it fits just as easily. In a way I guess it's a kind of taking responsibility for their upbringing, which isn't so bad: Teens and kids should be utterly repressed and molded into crusaders and righteous super-soldiers.
  15. Yeah, but not killing the cattle after you milk it, has stayed my hand so far.
  16. Taking on a superior enemy with a little fragile char build that's the exact opposite of wimpy...
  17. The first one of many presumptions counting from now...things can so easily get swamped around there.
  18. That state is also known as Finland, I presume?
  19. When the two ambassadors from Morocco were taken hostage and the Morocco government was talking about declaring war on Al-queda if they didn't release them right away I was kinda hoping that the terrorists would feel lucky...would be nice to have the muslisms themselves headhunting those retards, but I guess they're just spineless as long as US are hurt too.
  20. AM I THE ONLY ONE WITH A DIFFERENT OPINION?! You don't have a opinion, you're just trying to be rebellious. Darn teenagers... If it wasn't because I hate teens myself...and I'm getting close to 40...think it's more grouchy than rebellious, but thanks I guess. (w00t)
  21. Another slip up, I got that too when it was first released. Was rather disappointed about it considering the developer, but it *was* an ok game...I never played it since.
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