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Everything posted by Janmanden

  1. Yeah, you were dancing cheek to cheek until this point, the next post was just totally blown away...
  2. Oh like that, yeah I'm a totally newcomer to spam unlimited that is the current state of these forums....and you are apparently the exact opposite. "
  3. It was flowing like <insert black screen from fallout or k1> but someone got a bit dense about it. Are you married?
  4. That's nice, you probably read one of my early posts, but Newcomer? I was here long before you...I just took a long break...or what is the context?
  5. Words are shallow, especially on print, unless you write a novel each time. Are you aware how many layers of meaning that are lost each time I post...it's a lot...facial expressions, emphasis, sarcasm, irony...and a zillion different emotions all at once. Oh please, finish that finnish!
  6. As long as you don't dream that we are getting laid...keep on dreaming.
  7. Expand that to both LS and DS as they aim differently.
  8. When I dream that I'm gonna be late in a dream I make a mental note and keep on dreaming, if I'm late, I just reload and try again...that's why I'm late.
  9. *redundancy check error: buffer flooded, to much spam in previous threads, analysis incomplete* - Tough enemies: I want fewer, but harder to kill enemies, that'll each have a chance to ask for mercy i.e. no more or much less cannonfodder i.e. fights that matter. Also longer fights where you get to use more and different force powers. - Tactical combat: I would like to see critical hits that visually affect the enemy other than simply hitpoints i.e. a chance to decapitate or cripple limbs (tactical hits, like in good old Fallout, should have a higher chance when using those truly devastating lightsabers). - Fighting moves: If more moves (to hit or parry) are added that would be really cool, like and not like power attack and flurry, but more like actual fencing.
  10. You just go with older men, when you need a man or several women. You want a candy?
  11. Underneath all this clothes, I'm naked...does that turn you on?
  12. Pea or pie a flea will die adds some meat cherry is sweet not swede, but dane this rhyme is so inane no more clothes for you no more clothes for me let it be, just let it flee
  13. Peach is a lie, there is only passion fruit.
  14. Depeche Mode - Monument (Broken Frame) When the site was found We laid the foundations down It didn't take long before They came back tumbling down Don't build at night You need a little light How else you going to see What it's going to be like So we picked up our tools And we worked in the morning light With the last stone placed Wasn't it a wonderful sight But it fell back down And scattered all around Anything passes When you need glasses My monument - It fell down My monument - It fell down Work all of my days for this kind of praise It fell down Work all of my days - it fell down
  15. I've got the "Rammstein - Stripped" Maxi-CD and Rammstein in english sound kinda funny, not bad but coloured by german "ve have vays of making yu talk"-a-like...keep singing in zhe german, Rammstein!
  16. Well, Atton and Bao-dur are 'influence' substitutes at some points with Atton taking precedence if both are in the party. Weak. Wouldn't be surprised if that were true for a lot of other combinations. Bao-dur compensates for the lacking influence options by being one of the most active crew members on the ship. There's a lot of leben on that ship if you just keep entering and leaving...which adds some influence too.
  17. Words like violence break the silence...on the internet noone can hear you scream. I'm a people person. Find the right shop. Meet the people. Learn their hearts hear their appreciation. See the game. Feel the box. Bright colors. Can you smell that? Argue. Relate. Discuss the game. Lots of shops where I live. Shops with and without recycle. Pretty easy to find any game (almost) around here. And yes I've got a pc-aficionado and I prefer pizza over mac.
  18. I want to face the endboss as a level 1 LS, because every foe begged for mercy and I thus never got any xp for anything... Just seem so inconsistent that only top-of-the-line villains ask for mercy...while the inferior hordes are so easily murdered. Somehow each murder(kill)l as LS should be counted towards the DS, whether or not foes asks for mercy.
  19. If you complete it at the hardest difficulty you get a different ending. From a noir story to a rouge story perhaps?
  20. Hm... I thought it was only in those threads, but it seems that the mere mention of K3 creates those floods everywhere. If you got anymore add it to the top.
  21. Considering that that particular thread is redefining pointless spam by the second, any new thread with a line-up of ideas in the first post is a vast improvement. Either that, flags or a Fast Read link next to fast reply.
  22. Making 'lists' really sounds like WORK and I make a great effort of keeping work and leisure time apart.
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