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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Funner?
  2. I'd rather poke out my eyes with a spoon.
  3. Detachable moustaches are evil.
  4. Did I miss it. Dang. I have to go and play it again. (I thought it looked like Duke Nuken Forever: have you got an advanced copy?!)
  5. Wow, look how young Sulu is! He's got acne! (And Kirk has a waist!)
  6. You could always read the memoirs of the big spies ... :D
  7. Yes, but can you imagine the publicity and revenue generated by a class action against Mattel (and counter-suit) ? The lawyers would be laughing all the way to the bank, win lose or draw ...
  8. But watch out for:
  9. A good stealth mission would be ideal. Instead of being in the Republic space, where Jedi are at lest tolerated and often venerated and definitely feared; set beyond the Outer Rim where an outed Jedi (or Sith) would be toast in minutes, overwelmed by superior numbers. Then have an underground network ... in the sewers. And a crowbar. And a HEV suit. And some great guns. And tunes. And ...
  10. that, and in terms of political disscusion, the election is over and/or it's been done already <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know this might come as a shock to you, Mr Kumquat, but there are other countries in the world, and they have elections, too! For a political discussion, how about this: Yesterday, insurgents timed three explosions to go off in quick succession. This had the effect of killing loads of people with the first explosion (a busstop, I think), then a car bomb went of a few minutes later, killing and injuring the medical staff who were attending the scene. Then a third bomb went off. I find it indefensible that these people (who aren't killing themselves, these were vehiclar bombs on timed / remote detonation) now target doctors and nurses.
  11. Throw yourself at the ground and miss. No one reads anymore ...
  12. Why are those little fireflies annoying Kate Winslet?
  13. That doesn't look like any part of K2 that I visited.
  14. No, but the are very prone to malignant melanomas ...
  15. I think the problem will be the technology of the setting. Covert Ops have been around as long as humans have had secrets (that's a long time). Technology directly effects the covert ops, because it can help hide the existence of a person, as well as detect them.
  16. Only matters if they counter-sue ...
  17. The "unique" high level items become the membership criteria for the cirlce of fruitcakes that grind to get them. If you haven't got the Dragontooth Sword of +19 Sex Appeal, then you don't get to hang out with the homies.
  18. Washington Post, Summer, 1902. Plans for the German armed forces have apparently been intercepted by some unknown intelligence officers. The documents have appeared in Luxembourg, although the Prime Minister's office was reluctant to comment. A senior public servant, who wished to remain nameless, instead said "Ve are neudral. Ve haf no armed forces. Ve just reqvest dat 'omever vins ze var vill respekt our zovereign borderz, and ve fear ze
  19. No, it is, in fact, 512 megabytes LInk, search "512" Link2 LINK3 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Let's just hope all their sources weren't the same ... ... have they actually produced a model yet, or is it all still vapourware?
  20. Lots of big words. I have to break out my dictionary. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The internet is your friend.
  21. Well, that eliminates any legal action, in esse, but not any lawsuit in posse. Perhaps there was an implied threat, or other form of extortion (no more free pre-release game demos) ...
  22. Please submit all your wishes to me in email form.
  23. The point of the poll was to get people to (re-) evaluate the importance of the sound dimension of a gaming experience. Talking is good! Can't argue with any of that.
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