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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Is the K2 article still available?
  2. Depends how soon the game is announced. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're an eternal optimist, aren't you ... :D Let's just hope that whoever is in charge of writing any mooted sequel is already through about ten drafts (not alcoholic) ...
  3. This doesn't mean anything. He's hardly going to badmouth LA on his own blogsite; he could very well face a libel suit from them, and I'm sure there isn't any evidence ...
  4. What role might LA have had in this?
  5. I thought it was a still from Dr Who and the Green Death ...
  6. *sigh* Link (try number four) That would be a libeller, I think. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> follow your own instructions ... And the point of the man/woman debate is not to accept the woman-demeaning assumption that "man" includes them; it would be better to say "women", or "human".
  7. Is that a caterpillar's face?
  8. Yeah, the leader of the Illuminati needs to die. Wait, what were you talking about?
  9. Aren't you from Finland? (Pretend, we all know you're part of the simulation ...) And you have a punctuation mark terminating your identity ..!
  10. I got a Wisdom of 44 without cheating and starting at 14. Not sure about the availability of items with Charisma modifiers, but there is no cieling for attribute bonuses (like in NwN, which only permits an adjustment of +12 to any score).
  11. Really? I've never seen any calculation of sales, let alone LucasArts' internal projections. Share! ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just plain old deductive reasoning. The first game broke sales records, made history for RPGs, had girls jumping out of cakes, interdimensional beings dropping by for photo-opportunities ... The second would have been pitched as "like the first, only bigger and better, for less money (because the engine is already built)", and it didn't achieve the same sales and probably cost more to develop than they planned, which equates to less Return on Investment, which means suits are not interested in spending good money after bad. Phrases like "pouring money down the drain" and "cut the losses" are bound to be being bandied about. ...
  12. Blinking drow? Do they blink because of the lack of exposure to sunlight? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. And disolve into dust (unless it is 3.5). And fraternise / rape elves to abandon lots of half-elven-drow children that grow up to want to kill all drow ...
  13. Maybe it's a racial identifier, y'know, like the elvish names have more apostrophes than letters? Maybe that's a Finnish pointer ... :D
  14. Revan's dead, Mothie. Revan's dead.
  15. That comes under the heading of "prosaic implementation". Call it artistic affectation, if you like.
  16. German Game (take the map, below) Star Trek game 1 (English rules that are comprehensible)
  17. Then it might be a more prosaic implementation: a poetic assignation or a metaphor ...
  18. How do you know that the abbreviation isn't for two words that co-incidentally form that word? (It might be Sarjahurmaaja asshats et alia, or something ...)
  19. I. Hate. You. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  20. I hate half-orc bezerkers. Hate. Bloody orcs. Worse than elves and blinking drow!
  21. There was another bug with the mercs on Dantooine. After I'd finished the planet (and a few others, iirc) I went back and had the conversation with the woman who has all the Jedi artifacts ... only then did I have the dialogue options to collect the wills and give them to her (I could always give them to her, but I didn't know why).
  22. There isn't such a feat - NPCs can't take persuade points. If they could, they might start influencing you, and that could cause the influence system to implode completely. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mandalore has points in persuade, doesn't he? It is not sufficient to have the skills/feats/talents/quirks/blemishes/etc recorded; they need to be utilised in the game ... Not very charismatic or wise of you ... Charisma affects how much penalty there is for using a Force power from the opposite side of the Froce (e.g. lightning for a LS or healing for a DS). Wisdom affects saving throws, as well. I personally hate wasting points on pushing a basic skill about 14 in the initial build. Hate. If only Darth Frog were here, he could give you chapter and verse, pro et contra for each feat, attribute, Force Form, and every possible combination ...
  23. Stop taking credit for my ideas.
  24. Abbreviations that do not end in the same letter as the original word include a full stop.
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