You make some interesting points; the one I have quoted above I would add a small clarification: if the Exile was deaf to the Force, that doesn't mean the Force wasn't still a part of the Exile. Beethoven could still feel the effect of the orchestra's playing through the wooden floor, for example.
Because that was the fate he resisted at Malachor V.
How do you figure that? I would argue that if the Force makes fate. So the only fate for the Exile was for the Exile to survive M5 and complete this quest. Just like every time you watch Star Wars, Luke always hits that vent shaft, even though it's not much wider than a Wamprat that he used to bullseye in his old T16. :D
No, I don't agree. If there is one thing consistent about Kreia throughout the game, then it's that she cares more about being right in her theories and teachings than anything. She constantly wants the Exile to listen to her advice, but she has problem being threatened or used as long as the Exile does so. Kreia was exiled by the jedi, because they [viewed] her teachings as misguided, flawed and corrupting. If Kreia wanted to kill the force, then why did she wait around on Malachor V for the Exile to stop her? Because her intention wasn't to actually kill the force as much as being confirmed in her theories and teachings and proving that the jedi were wrong about her.
Well, the explanation I understodd as to why Kreia waits at the end of the game (apart from the obvious) is that she wanted to kill the Force, by creating a new, bigger wound out of the previous Wound. (And she was going to do this without the Exile if necessary, by committing suicide and causing the Bond to transmit the fatal Force wound, but I digress into highlighting poor plot progression. I won't even bother raising the point about how the death of Nihilus, another Wound in the Force, didn't seem to achieve this.)
So Kreia was waiting to kill the Force. When she failed, then I guess she was just being philosophical about it ...
PS I wonder if they were leaving Bao-Dur as a place-holder for any future K game. After all, he was left without a clearly vocalised destiny ...