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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Just try looking for the main words in the search phrase (it will be several orders of magnitude faster, too), like: "Bao-Dur" and "talk". You need to take him out exploring with you, so that your PC might gain some influence and further the conversation.
  2. Kewl! Well done, that takes initiative!
  3. WTF? Javascript is a BASIC-based language and Java is a C-based laguage. To call them the same language as misguided as saying that Visual BASIC and Visual C are the same language!.
  4. C# is not a Windows-specific language. It can be used on every operating systems which have a .NET framework. (For Linux, there is Mono.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But .NET is still M$ proprietary, as opposed to the open standard for C/C++.
  5. So, where is this patch?
  6. Yeah, and my back garden needs weeding, while you're at it. (You've heard of copyright, haven't you Belhawk?)
  7. How is an incorrect vision of the past equate to the past? I'm not following your logic. "... she obviously wasn't there during the recruit thing but like I said, she did join them eventually." How does that work?
  8. Dear god only if they write some decent story around him. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've said it before, and I'll repeat it. I think the problem with Mandalore/Canderous in K2 is all due to the rushed ending. He *could* have been an interesting party member if those missions to gather the Mandalorian clans had more of an actual impact on the story, or were more indepth. But IMO those "missions" (if we can even call it that, since there was no XP to be had for convincing the clans on Nar Shaddaa and Dantooine to go to Dxun) were the result of a rushed product, and thus Mandalore's part became quite inconsequential. And since his "story" in K2 wasn't really all that important, we couldn't even fall back on his backstory since we already knew most everything about him from K1. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Still stealing my ideas? Just say "I agree".
  9. Yep, female Revan and Batila all the way. (Okay, throw in a female Exile, as well.)
  10. Perhaps if you post on the Holowan site?
  11. Ohhh.. I didn't see this one. I only saw the Holy Grail :D Was this one very funny as well? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Seminal. It is their best work IMO.
  12. There is no "big deal". It is just another example of LA milking a dead goat, after milking it to death in the first place. Fanboys of KotOR seem to be possessive of HK-47 for some reason (well, that's part of the definition of "fanboy", I suppose), but the real news is just that LA hasn't learnt to be a better publisher.
  13. Monty Python and the Life of Brian (Look for Dennis. )
  14. No, please. No more non-Valve games using Valve technology. We all know what the result of that was, last time anyone tried. KTHXBYE <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Tooooooooooooo late! Super-duper-linkie-lookie
  15. They were part of her past in a distorted way. Even one of the dialogues options says something like this (not a precise quote) "Bastila what are you doing here? You were not a part of this." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You just provided your own rebuttal. Thanks for doing my work for me.
  16. If they make it a decent planet, it is quite conceivable that >gasp!< the whole game could be set there. If that is one way to guarantee a good planet design, then I'm all for it. The notion that "more planets = good", resulting in shallow, one-dimensional (literally) geographies to explore is frustratingly bland.
  17. You missed the reference.
  18. ... But you support the idea that the Israelis have more right to the land than the Palestinians? Careful, your bias is showing ... "It's too hard, so let's just forget it and make something up." Did I miss anything from your theory? Really, this is why mediation is so tough. It ain't simple. There is no magic wand to fix the problem, it will take dedication and sacrifice and compromise on both sides, and from the mediators. Otherwise the seeds are sown for more trouble, later. This place has been in dispute since before the Persian Empire ended c.550BCE. This problem may take a little while longer to fix than the US has time to devote to it. Look at the peace process in Northern Island, and that has only been occupied by Britain for a couple of hundred years. Oh, the irony. So the Israelis get the land by default? Sound argument, that one: you have just elucidated a precedent for genocide. (After all, if the people are all dead, then there's no-one to argue the point, eh?) So much anger. That's a pretty broad brush you're using to paint all the Palestinians with, don't you think?
  19. I'm not.
  20. ... From the original KotOR ...
  21. As long as it doesn't end up as a clone of Taris. Bigger. Better. More levels. More options, more areas with more connections and ways to get to them.
  22. ... And there was much rejoicing.
  23. He should be the leader of the secret underground society: now that Telos is rebuilt, the drainage and irrigation conduits are a perfect place for espionage. Dear god only if they write some decent story around him.
  24. Is that with or without pixelation ...?
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