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Frog Man

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Everything posted by Frog Man

  1. Agreed OP. This could be a great feature for Beraths blessings, given that they are in place as replayability encouragement.
  2. Don’t think you need to be an oracle to know Obsidian is strongly considering turn based for future Eora-style games, especially given Josh’s preference for it, background of tabletop RPGs of devs there, and their recent experiment. Shoot, even if none of that was true, look at Divinity 2’s sales numbers. That game destroyed, and I think virtually everything about Deadfire was better. TB wouldn’t be a problem for me. After playing several hundred hours in both games, I’m finding POTD TB run on Deadfire incredibly fun. Slowing everything down considerably is really highlighting all the intricate systems and design of combat that often gets glossed over and missed even with slow mode turned on in RTWP. Specifically, big hits and crits feel GREAT, I’m noticing each individual debuff my team is applying, and finally each character really gets to shine (as opposed to RTWP, where in my experience I deck out 90% of my teams activities with robust AI scripts and manually control a little spell casting here and there).
  3. Recent posts on here have confirmed one thing for me - I hope the josh sawyer tweets and teasers thread on this forum continues for the rest of my life
  4. More interesting to me is WHY he asked this question; just looking back over the process and curious which worked better? Or more tantalizing...early considerations for PILLARS OF ****ING ETERNITY 3 THE LIVING LANDS.
  5. Eder and Serafen can make for a sufficiently beefy frontline for your squad. Swashie Eder as main tank with sword and board, Serafen 2 hand barbarian with morning star (willbreaker from crookspur) to debuff will and fortitude (helps your spell casters land abilities). If it were me and I was looking to round out that team, I’d want the following: 3) priest 4) support/summons 5) an AOE caster Xoti works. Vatnir can be Priest and summoner. Tekehu is great for healing as a theurge, or nuking as a single class Druid. Aloth is a powerhouse as a wizard. So figure out what companions you want for your main squad (to take into DLCs), and make your MC fill the other role. Keep in mind, the possibilities are endless and almost any squad you put together CAN win. Some might just need more tactics and consumables and scrolls to get the job done. Make sure you can debuff defenses and take advantage of the debuffs (hence my recommendation to debuff fort for casters and deflection for melee guys).
  6. Assassin is the exact class i am playing in my turn based run! I love the character concept but never had the desire to micro to that level in RTWP with so many characters and summons. Now, turn based basically forces you to micro. I’m still on the first island but it’s a blast so far ...
  7. That sounds really fun in turnbased mode. I’d be down!
  8. The subject of this thread is not "what makes the best tank" it's "best ways to gear Eder specifically." If you're not going to stick to the subject at hand and just inject your own opinions, then you're better off not posting. The OP mentions Eder being a tank. I found his post relevant as I play Eder similiarly. You guys and this mob mentality smh. Before you come rushing in to defend the troll you might want to actually read the thread in question, Verde. No one had a problem with Marigoldran commenting on Eder tank builds. The complaint was about him shoehorning Heralds into every single thread despite them having zero relevance to the thread. It’s impolite and lazy.
  9. Why do you have another username Cartoons Plural? Also when Boeroer mentions Morningstar in every thread you and the cronies slob all over him. But someone else gets excited about something different and it's 'off with his head'. Keep the peace yall. Lmao. Just have the one username. But nice sleuthing Sherlock Holmes! You’ll catch the villain next time. Your comment strongly suggests a lack of intellect. Speaking of intellect, anyone know of a multiclass combo that benefits from high intellect? Maybe something tanky that can summon and heal? I like chanters and paladins. Any ideas?
  10. Say what you want, I, for one, am enjoying the successive episodes of the "Marigoldran 'discovers' all 66 potential class options, one by one" show. Lol
  11. Obligatory Eder swashbuckler sword and board (club and board with kupana tanga) reference. Build for engagement. Strap on some REGEN gear.
  12. Man this is so cool. So encouraging to see Obsidian thought putting this much effort into Deadfire was worth doing. The game is tremendous and if this gets it in the hands of a more mainstream audience then that’s fantastic. Looking forward to my turn based playthrough!
  13. I’ve always wanted to run a 5 man ‘boring’ no magic fighter team (maybe a rogue or two thrown in). No magical weapons or armor, just gear these dudes to the teeth with superb armors and Spears and crossbows and win fights the old fashion way!!!
  14. I have a solution to this. I keep a lvl 10-ish save in Tikawara that has a good amount of coin. Anytime I want to try out new characters I add them to that save, and run them through the surrounding battles and Lagufeth Broodmother, and if I need longer testing I’ll run them through Poko Kahara Btw, for those of you who were beta testers like me, it’s a wonderful bit of a nostalgia playing through those experiences again. Dead fires beta was one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. Not sure how many hundreds of hours I put into it.
  15. Well then apologies for two things 1) reread my comment and I sounded like a jerk, not my intention! And 2) not being aware that that was an issue. Hadn’t seen it except for when I didn’t know how to use the system. But obviously I believe your extensive play testing.
  16. Not to derail, but what are the best ways to stack Party ACC if you don’t have a priest in the party? I can think of Paladin’s ACC aura, and maybe some individual buffs like eldritch aim.
  17. Pretty sure you just don’t know how to use the system Dude. This never happens to me. Hasn’t since my first playthrough. Watch a YouTube video or something.
  18. This Konstanten build looks awesome, especially given that I’ve always had trouble making him useful. Which teammates benefit from the defense lowering the most? Maybe aloth throwing missiles due to fortitude debuff?
  19. LOL. Love that dude. Actually used him in my first playthrough for Deadfire bc I was drawn to him. Going to give this build a go!
  20. It’s been months since Justin Bell said they were polishing everything to have it ready to release on Spotify. I’d pay whatever they want for this thing, I adore the soundtrack and want to listen to it all day including while pooping, working out, and engaging in sexual intercourse (maybe ‘the watcher prevails’ for that one?). Anyone hear anything?
  21. I think Serafen and Xoti make for great candidates to come back. I’d love to see a character or two that wasn’t playable in Deadfire join as a companion as well: Furrante, Governor Clario, Aeldys, Atsura, Nemnok! Also not sure what they’d plan for the stronghold, but I’d be thrilled to see the ship back!! I know not everyone was thrilled with the entirety of the systems involved, but it was fun as hell having my own ship
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