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Everything posted by Marky

  1. I haven't finished Pillars yet, but man is it awesome.
  2. Heck yeah!
  3. A Dune RPG would go very well with Obsidians writing and the Pillars engine.
  4. So when those purple ghostly scenes happen, there is some flickering happening around the fog of war which I assume is intended. Is there any way to disable the flickering? I find it very annoying when I'm trying to read the dialogue. Perhaps it could be disabled with a console command or by editing a file? By the way, the game is totally awesome. Well done Obsidian!
  5. Well, goodbye everyone. I'll seeya maybe in a few few weeks when I am immune to spoilers.
  6. Ah.. the Digital Strategy Guide is missing in the Digital Fun Pack... I see. I bought that as an addon... so... yeah... ****. In that case, you could maybe contact support and have them upgrade it for you.
  7. Come to think of it, I do have a friend who might want it, but i'm not sure if his computer could run pillars. Edit: gog i guess.
  8. I'm going to guess... 91!
  9. Could you send away Pillars of Eternity for my friend to play I actually don't want a copy (also not for a friend), I just thought the challenge was fun.
  10. Combat should be optional, just like cutscenes should.
  11. I don't envy the mods who plan on playing through this game.
  12. Thanks for the warning.
  13. I get the feeling that all godlikes are supposed to be very unique. There aren't just godlikes that fit in a type of various elements - that's just to make character creation doable.
  14. Pillars of Eternity will come out in a few days and even though I will be playing it like mad, I expect it will take me at least two weeks to finish my first playthrough. It would be awesome to visit this forum and join in on discovering this game in between playing sessions, but I'm afraid that I won't be able to dodge late game spoilers. How are you guys going to deal with spoilers? Wíll you ħide from the spoilers and live under a rock like I'm considering?
  15. Wow, Obsidian really loves to throw in those little details.
  16. Pillars of Eternity is probably gonna go through the same route as those games. An expansion pack was already announced back during the kickstarter.
  17. I strongly recommend trying a sweet weather mod called Nevada Skies: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35998/? Here are some more graphics related mods: NMCs Texture pack EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements Enhanced Camera
  18. You know, I think Willow Fruitpunch should have an evil twin:
  19. It would be nice to have all the portraits on the screen at the same time, kinda like Neverwinter Nights 1 did.
  20. Following the development of this game and reading all the updates has been really fascinating for me. I feel like I have already gotten my moneys worth for that alone, and with that in mind, I would totally back another Pillars of Eternity.
  21. No problem dude. Have fun!
  22. Awesome music and I can't wait to hear the rest. Thanks for sharing.
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