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Everything posted by Marky

  1. I've been waiting for a modding subforum, before getting deeper into modding. I think a lot of potential modders might be waiting for a unity 5 upgrade. Also some parts of this game are pretty easy to mod, while some parts are really hard. I think with enough time and sequels/ expansion from obsidian, modders will eventually solve all the big modding problems.
  2. I agree, great ending.
  3. Implements need some kind of buff. They seem just shy of being useful.
  4. Oh I wouldn't dream of it. ...What's your price?
  5. I hope that only Charleene, Falk Slag and Team Creepy survive.
  6. Yeah it took me a while to realize how this was a real "dungeon crawl" (is that the right term?). Next session my characters will hopefully have a better survival rate.
  7. You guys all did such a great job roleplaying, and the chat was hilarious.
  8. I've seen similar remarks a few times and I don't understand it. Why not just wait until the second part is out? As far as I can tell, the only difference is that now you can play something a bit earlier if you want to.
  9. 2.0 seems to be bringing some pretty sweet changes, like individual stealth and party A.I.. If you've waited this long, I would suggest waiting longer. Edit: Having said that, I think the game is already fun in it's current shape.
  10. I think Dalhara decided to give up on the game.
  11. Yay! Writing the summary is going to be fun.
  12. Hey everyone, here's the link: https://app.roll20.net/join/900307/F6ha6g
  13. I'd like to play too, but, If nobody wants to GM, I'll do it. What game will I GM? It's a surprise...
  14. If nothing else works, you could try pressing "a" before clicking on enemies. Pressing "a" should change your icon into a sword, which means you should be able to attack.
  15. Sorry for the late reactions. I didn't realize this was a module. Do they want feedback on anything in particular? It's been very fun, I especially enjoy how we have a ship and crew to take care of, as well as our own characters. I remember Joxnir saying "Just like my mother used to make it". I don't remember the sessions very distinctly from one another. Has it been 7 sessions so far? I think the events went roughly like this: Session 1: Fubsy and Vycarion met and started an expedition. They found a walrus skull and had an epic bar fight with some skeletons. Session 2: Joxnir joins the fun! Session 3: Nothing big happened here; we explored a bit, started considered the possibility of having a crew, and Joxnir pirated a lot of alcohol. Session 4: We visited the heavy metal church and showed them how to rock! We also visited the prison and stole the key for our ship. Session 5: The big heist! We stole the blue gem and recruited almost our entire crew from the heavy metal church. Session 6: We spent the whole session worrying about the ghost ship that was approaching, and upsetting the local island. Iceberg plan was not yet ready for this world. Session 7: We left the island with a scary ghost ship pursuing us. End of prologue/Chapter 1.
  16. It sounds to me like your game is not installed properly. Since you using steam; try and verify the game cache integrity: Load Steam. From the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu. Select the Local files tab and click the "Verify integrity of game cache" button. Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes. By the way, what version of the game do you have installed? Is it 1.06?
  17. Nice. I have a noob question; why does it run via web browsers instead of as an .exe file?
  18. Why not ray of frost? I'm tempted to roll as well for joxnir... but I'm afraid of rolling low.
  19. OK, I'm going to add this feat to my character sheet then: Tireless Werebeast Your mastery over your shapeshifting abilities increases; you gain the following benefits: - Whenever your shapeshifting would end, you can choose to remain in wereshark form. You still lose all related combat bonuses, but retain the advantage on Strength checks (not saves!) and your capability to breathe underwater. - Ferocious Bite: while in wereshark form, you can make bite attacks as a bonus action for 1d8+Strength bonus damage, but the taste of blood drives you into a frenzy that makes telling friend from foe all but impossible. You always have to attack the nearest eligible target until you change back to human form or the encounter ends. - Gain advantage on swimming checks; swimming no longer halves your speed. I'll also add bite as a weapon. Is it a pierce weapon that does double damage on a critical hit?
  20. You designed those well; they are all very tempting. I think I'm going to pick: So, at level 6 I could pick another. Do I get any other chances to pick more later?
  21. How about: Gam Island Kraken's Den Skull Isle Yar Island Yar's Revenge Ray Island Ray Isle Blood Isle Roger's Home (my favourite) Leviathan Reach Knuttin Atoll Pirate Peninsula Monkey Island King's isle Some of those might be joke names.
  22. I'm assuming that you are translating from English to Greek. In the "localized" folder, make a new folder named "gr" or what ever you prefer. Put everything you translate into there and make sure everything has exactly the same name and file structure as the English folder that you're translating from. Come to think of it, It's probably simplest if you copy all the contents of the "en" folder into the "gr" folder before starting to translate. Finally, there is one file called "language.xml". Open it with notepad/wordpad and change <Name>english</Name> into: <Name>greek</Name> Then do the same with <GUIString>English</GUIString> into: <GUIString>Greek</GUIString> You should now be able to pick "Greek" in the options menu. You could also compress the entire "gr" folder into a .zip or .rar file and then share it as a translation mod. by the way, in the latest update, badler said that there would be a translation mod or something coming out later. Maybe that will help somehow? EDIT: maybe it should instead be <GUIString>Ellhnika</GUIString>? I don't know if that sounds stupid as I don't speak Greek.
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