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Archmage Silver

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Everything posted by Archmage Silver

  1. Cont'd. Heart of Stone +3. Full plate armor. Cursed, can't be removed. Medium bonus to AC. Immunity to Charm. -2 Charisma. You are compelled to ask for a reward upon completion of a quest or task, even when it's going to ruin someone's life or force them to sell their children to slavery. (Technically this would mean hiding certain dialog options when the armor is worn by the protagonist.) Hammer of the Legion. Artifact-quality warhammer with a quest. High attack roll bonus. High bonus to Strength, Health, and Stamina. Cast Mass Haste once per day. Cast Mass Charm once per day. Your AC increases when party members are near you. You gain a bonus to your attack rolls when surrounded by at least 3 enemies. Ring of Roses +4. High bonus to Dodge/Reflex saves. Medium bonus to pickpocketing, lockpicking, disarming traps, and stealth. Ja'qon Delri. A repeating crossbow named after its creator. High attack roll bonus. Very high attack speed bonus compared to a regular crossbow. Uses more bolts per combat round. The Master's Grimoire. Medium AC bonus. Bonus to casting speed. Cast Thunderbolt once per day. Cast Circle of Entropy once per day. Cast Missile Volley once per day.
  2. You can also get the smaller DLC packs for games you already own.
  3. The easiest way to leave feedback is to post in the update comments.
  4. Great update, thanks for the detailed information! Re: UI. I like it, it's organic, and it doesn't really distract you, although I'd think about leaving the bottom part of the wood without nails, there are quite a few of them now. The nails in the corners could be replaced by carvings. As for the dialog itself... it's a bit heavy on the quotation marks right now IMO. You could use brackets, italics or equivalent for actions, descriptions etc., so you wouldn't have to use quotation marks for the actual character speech options. Summary: Less nails, more carvings. Less quotation marks, cleaner & clearer dialog.
  5. I like this topic, I've always enjoyed coming up with items (and modding them in after one playthrough where possible). So, let's see... Mask of the Eighth Circle. Prevents Ciphers from reading your mind (dialog). +2 Intelligence. Increased chance to resist mind control spells like Dominate, Charm, and Confusion. Stone Shield of Aigon +3. Medium Bonus to AC. Makes you immune to Paralysis and Turn to Stone effects. Requires high strength. Staff of the Restless Seas +4. High attack roll bonus. Cast Depths Below once per day (summons the drowned dead). Cast Summon Water Elemental (Large) once per day. Waterbreathing (don't need to drink potions of Waterbreathing). The Old Man's Drinker +2. Assassin's dagger, which steals life force from your target proportional to the damage done, healing you. Can be used against party members. Ineffective against undead and creatures without blood. 5% chance to summon a Shade, which may turn against you if your health gets too low. The Red Ring. Cursed, can't be removed. Bonus to Strength, Health, and Intimidation. 30% chance to succumb to bloodlust when in combat or provoked in dialog, ending the conversation in violence. If under bloodlust while in combat and the enemy surrenders, you slay them.
  6. I don't think this should be a game feature for balance reasons. It's highly probable that a mod will accomplish this very soon after the release anyway.
  7. Kind of like the Dead Nations in PS:T? I'm game.
  8. Project Eternity: The Official Trailer feat. Marilyn Manson... oh, wait, it was that other game.
  9. Hm... I wonder if Bethesda would let Obsidian get away with similar designs given their working relationship? ...
  10. Regarding the shadows, I think it's important to remember that all environments are WIP unless otherwise stated.
  11. What, you're worried about the game? Pff. It'll be great. What I want to know is, how is Tim Cain's Cookbook coming along?! Pasta with ogre-green pesto, troll(ing) tofu, goblin edition guacamole, wizard's tower cake, dragon's breath drinks... the possibilities are endless! ... Jansen turnip pie.
  12. I thought the trolls, ogres and magic did that. I must have been wrong.
  13. Maybe it's the phrasing that's putting me off, but you're not a bot are you?
  14. The Baldur's Gate series. Minsc & Boo, Edwin and the rest! I can't help myself... Tiax Rules! (I don't know why the video has Black Isle all over it - BioWare was the developer, although Black Isle did help Interplay with BG's publishing.)
  15. For male characters, an ability/item to toggle beard/mustache on and off. Add an appropriate in-game cooldown if you want more realism.
  16. Sooo... Game of Thrones coins, anyone else backing it? You could get an iron coin of the Faceless Man from their eighth pressing. OOoE and eight go together, no?
  17. Nah, I know it'll start on a ship. Then the ship crashes and sinks, and you'll wake up on a beach, but you're tied to the ground with stakes and rope by some wild orlans. I got this information directly from my Subway cashier's second cousin's brother's best friend's internet acquaintance.
  18. Not yet, but if it ever becomes so, I'm sure he'll be here to sue us.
  19. Re: How far should PE go? I'd say include the elements that support the overall story and gameplay, but don't go adding crap if its only value is shock value.
  20. Ok, this one is about currency... namely coins. Westeros coins. Westeros as in the Game of Thrones. I've just backed them myself, and I've got to say, those coins look pretty darn good! They're also minting some coins based on Pat Rothfuss' work. Take a look and decide for yourselves if this is worth your support: Game of Thrones Westeros "Golden Dragon" Coins @ Kickstarter
  21. Post-Kickstarter Backer Syndrome or PKBS. It's real, it's serious. Like Dr. House serious. Your car crashing through a supermarket's seafood counter while you jam to the tune of Irenicus & You Must Gather Your Party Before Venturing Forth and wear a funny hat kind of serious. Word!1
  22. Love the update illustrations... Kickstart an art book? I'd back it.
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