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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Continued from old thread.... https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/128546-what-youve-done-today-dream-as-if-youll-live-forever-live-as-if-youll-die-today/
  2. Except "Gas" is called "Benzin" in Europe. Whenever Americans talk about "Gas", A Europeans first thought is LPG in bottles Edit: And down here, "Gas" is called "Petrol". Not that people really fill up their cards with Petroleum (being used as a paint stripper or a foul smelling lamp/torch fuel instead)
  3. The forum has a "quirk" (to put it nicely), where the forum software eats the rest of a post if trying to create line breaks with the return key. I suspect that is what happened to the poor guy (and he wouldn't be the first one to start with an introductory line being the only thing remaining of the post Admin is currently investigating why it happens
  4. That's the kind of garbage you would expect Murdoch to push on his media outlets... boohoo, I lost my privileges? I got called out on my fascist leanings? Mandatory book burning ceremony in school at 8:30am on Mondays? What happened to let private companies manage their own business rather than the government running it for them? It sure didn't work for the Soviets.
  5. Lets see if justice is blind and works both ways... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63676446 No, the irony isn't lost on me, but lets see if the west can truly hold itself to a higher standard than those they condemn...
  6. Off cut from old thread.... Looks like things are getting even hotter in Iran https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63681472 "Protesters in Iran have set fire to the ancestral home of the founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Images posted on social media show part of the structure in the city of Khomein being set ablaze."
  7. Apparently they also want to ban journalists from the WC... Of course, Danish journalists do have a tendency to not shut up and just report what they see. Freedom of expression may not be rooted in any Danish constitution, but you bet it's very deeply rooted in Danish culture https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/nov/16/qatar-world-cup-organisers-apologise-after-threats-to-danish-television-crew https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-63655870 https://7news.com.au/sport/world-cup-soccer/qatar-world-cup-security-caught-threatening-to-destroy-danish-reporters-camera-on-live-tv-c-8882193 https://news.sky.com/story/qatari-security-threaten-to-break-danish-tv-crews-camera-during-live-pre-world-cup-broadcast-12748868 https://www.newsweek.com/danish-tv-live-broadcast-shut-down-qatar-world-cup-1760108 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-11432775/Qatari-officials-threaten-DESTROY-Danish-reporters-camera-LIVE-TV.html https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/qatar-authorities-apologise-threatening-danish-film-crew-world-cup-2022-11-16/ https://www.timesnownews.com/world/qatar-officials-threaten-to-break-world-cup-reporters-camera-on-live-tv-issue-apology-later-watch-article-95574591 Yes, the WC is off to a "good" start, highlighting why it was a bad idea letting them buy the rights to host it.
  8. Autodesk is still alive and kicking. Not that I would ever be able to afford their flagship products (Maya/3D Studio Max) 3Dmax is a $1800 USD annual subscription fee (subscription only, you can't buy it anymore). Blender... has most of the features (and all those you could possible need for printable models). Costs $0.
  9. You can use most 3D modelling software. Cinema4D, 3Dmax etc. Or like me, going cheap and use Blender and Hexagon depending on what I'm doing. This creates a file (*.obj, *.stl or similar) which you process through a special (often printer specific) piece of software, where you "slice" the object you've modelled. I.e. it gets converted into those slices that gets added to the model every time it gets dipped in the vat (the last sentence sounds like cyberpunk meets fallout, I know). The vat is that little basin where the liquid resin is in. Depending on your printer, each "slice" will be a fraction of a millimeter thick, which is why printing larger things can take a while, as it only adds that fraction of a millimeter each time it gets dipped in the resin in the vat. There are websites out there too with tonnes of free (or cheap) ready made models to print out. E.g. I found some nice Adeptus Astartes shoulderpads at cults3d.com which I can use to replace some of the plain ones I already have (like one with a medic symbol on it)
  10. I got my miniature collection insured for $25k when I got it shipped back and forth between EU and AU...
  11. I have a resin printer and an automated washing and uv curing station (the mini "tanning bed" @Raithe mentioned). It's mostly used for creating building parts (modular buildings), ruins, scifi structures etc. as terrain for tabletop wargaming. It takes a bit to learn how to model for and slice the objects you want to print, but once you get the hang of it, it's a nice QoL upgrade for an old wh40k player
  12. So, I got some terrain and a nice playing area for games of Kill Team (skirmish games set in the 40K setting, I have a Veteran Guardsman team and an Ork Kommando team). But, building an Alpha Legion army for Horus Heresy, I'm going to need a larger playing area and the table in the garage/gaming room is too small for that game. Ordered the timber and boards necessary to build my own "overlay" to put on top of the table and give me a 4x6 foot gaming surface. IT people are not known for their practical skills, but anyone who has lived in Germany for any amount of time as a tenant, knows you can't do that without being (or becoming) a qualified kitchen builder I still have the power tools and everything else (including the experience) from those days, so I look forward to rolling up my sleeves and start building something suitable for Alpharius and his legion... It will probably be early next year before I have something worth taking pictures of, but then I'll if I can't get a pic or two of my legion.
  13. I know I want to play a demon at some point just to get a hot date with Nocticula (sp?) But for now, I really just want to finish the blasted treasure islands (probably never to be visited again to be honest, unless the final chest of the DLC has some "must have" reward). I know I've heard here that Lich may be overrated, but I think I would at least try a game starting down that path to just see how it plays out. That is, after my first game as legend here gets completed. Short term plan: Treasure islands and Iz. I suppose there is an act after act v, as I have quests in my log that are open, but will not fail if not completed in act v (which if there is any logic to it, means they will be doable in an act vi)
  14. *Groan*... a third map of islands in treasure islands to wade through. Having an internal debate whether to complete the DLC or play it as standalone (if possible) at some other time. Too much repetitive combat and too little story/motivation to keep it going. It's entirely down to whether I'm stubborn enough enough to continue (the DLC) or not.
  15. I think I was still having the Trickster levels when Trever joined me... not sure why they would be mutually exclusive? One island left to do of treasure islands (besides what looks like an end destination after the island). At this point, it feels a bit like a repetitive chore. Yes, a few interesting conversations do take place on the ship as you progress (I'll save the spoilery stuff). But the story is just... not captivating. More like taking condensing all the mini games of a crpg into a stand alone package and throw the good parts out? The loot parts have also been a bit underwhelming at this point, although to be fair I didn't keep track of how much gold I got from selling a tonne of +1, +2, +3 and towards the end a few +4 things. But at this point in the game (end of act v i assume) it feels a bit superfluous I also conquered the last enemy tower quite a while ago, so if my army starts losing morale because I don't take anything, well tough luck, no fortifications left to take
  16. Australia's history as a tank manufacturing country... part hilarious, part interesting and part informative!
  17. An oldie from my favourite Faeroese songbird. I know she's a classically trained soprano, but I'm just impressed by what she can do with her voice (and play the guitar at the same time)
  18. More trouble for my friends down south of where I am... "The Lachlan River at Cowra peaked at 14.28 metres around 01:00 am Tuesday, and is currently at 10.59 metres and falling, with minor flooding. The Lachlan River at Cowra is likely to remain above the minor flood level (8.50 m) through to the end of the week. The Lachlan River at Nanami peaked at 13.79 metres around midnight Tuesday into Wednesday and is currently at 13.51 metres and falling with major flooding. The Lachlan River at Nanami is likely to remain above the major flood level (10.70 m) through to the end of the week." I used to joke, that my place was "flood safe" located on a hill top. I'm not sure it's 14-15 meters above the surrounding terrain
  19. Waiting for @LadyCrimson to stop by
  20. And the rain just keeps coming. When it rains on the east coast, it pours This is a bit south of where I live, so it didn't affect me personally. Still, a lot of peoples lives destroyed Edit: Ironically, this one just popped up in my messages a short while ago... we could use a bit of all that wet stuff they're hoarding south of here Fire Weather Warning - Extreme from Tue, 15 Nov, 5:32 PM GMT+10 to Thu, 17 Nov, 12:00 AM GMT+10 Fire Weather Warning The Queensland Fire and Emergency Services advises you to: Refer to your Bushfire Survival Plan now. Monitor the fire and weather situation through your local radio station, www.qfes.qld.gov.au/current-incidents and www.bom.gov.au. Call 000 (Triple Zero) in an emergency. The next warning will be issued by 5:00 am EST Wednesday.
  21. if you're not afraid of PETA, you could give them to the seagulls
  22. Just checked in on my friend in Melbourne. A bit wet but otherwise Ok... Phew Wasn't there a famous book somewhere that had a chapter featuring the world after 30 days of rain? (No idea if this is region locked on Youtube)
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