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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Dang it, now I need to go start my VPN again to watch Youtube videos Edit: So, CBS doesn't like Australia. Luckily I'm now suddenly in LA, California
  2. I think the largest Aussie note I've ever seen (once) was a $100 AUD. Normally the ATM's give you $20 or $50 bills. A quick wiki check tells me there used to be a $1 note until 1966 (which replaced the 10 shilling note) The $1 note got replaced by a $1 coin in 1984 With the current inflation, I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with new $200 and $500 notes some day 2025 prediction... going shopping after payday
  3. Wut? Cookies abusing the samesite property? Send for Marie Antoinette immediately!
  4. Waiting for the day where the unmanned planes controlled by Alexa decides to slug out with the unmanned planes controlled by Siri.... who needs Skynet?
  5. It wasn't just the FIFA World Cup that Qatar bought through bribes... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63952993 "Greek MEP Eva Kaili has denied involvement in an alleged bribery scandal involving World Cup host Qatar at the European Parliament. She is one of four suspects charged, after Belgian investigators found large sums in cash in homes and a suitcase. MEPs have voted - by 625 to one - to strip Ms Kaili of her role as one of its 14 vice-presidents. Parliament leader Roberta Metsola has spoken of "difficult days for European democracy" --- "Qatar has denied any wrongdoing." --- Part of the generous "gifts" offered by Qatar to members of the European Parliament seized by police
  6. Finished episode 5 "The Calling" of 1899 today. I'm getting some very strong The Matrix vibes by now...
  7. The theory of stupidity and its implications/consequences
  8. Watched second episode of 1899. The mystery deepens. The soundtrack is a bit anachronistic, but otherwise a very intriguing mystery so far
  9. Because genetics always interested me... https://www.bbc.com/news/health-63859184 A teenage girl's incurable cancer has been cleared from her body in the first use of a revolutionary new type of medicine. All other treatments for Alyssa's leukaemia had failed. So doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital used "base editing" to perform a feat of biological engineering to build her a new living drug. Six months later the cancer is undetectable, but Alyssa is still being monitored in case it comes back. ... They started with healthy T-cells that came from a donor and set about modifying them. The first base edit disabled the T-cells targeting mechanism so they would not assault Alyssa's body The second removed a chemical marking, called CD7, which is on all T-cells The third edit was an invisibility cloak that prevented the cells being killed by a chemotherapy drug The final stage of genetic modification instructed the T-cells to go hunting for anything with the CD7 marking on it so that it would destroy every T-cell in her body - including the cancerous ones. That's why this marking has to be removed from the therapy - otherwise it would just destroy itself. If the therapy works, Alyssa's immune system - including T-cells - will be rebuilt with the second bone-marrow transplant. ... It may have been a fluke, but maybe they're on to something. While Mama Merkel's billions swayed Biontech to change their line of mRNA research from cancer to covid, I do believe the "reliable" cure for cancer is through targeting the cells with a scalpel approach rather than the sledgehammer/tnt approach of chemo and radiation, trying to kill the patient as much as possible and hope the cancer cells dies before the patient.
  10. I used to be the same... but these days I prefer Coke Zero (or whatever they call it now) as well as the "Diet" Schweppes Ginger Ale. Not out of health concerns (that would be hypocritical of me considering what else I expose my body to), but because I prefer the flavour over the regular sugar sweetened versions Not that I get them often, but it happens, especially when the weather's very hot, as drinking filtered water all day long gets a bit boring (and you do drink a lot of water when it's hot and humid down here)
  11. I wonder how many years I have to be reminded about that one
  12. The forum just ate one of my posts, but luckily I remembered the remedy from last time.... hit page back, page forward, click on the (empty) reply box and your unposted text magically reappears (so you can copy it to the clipboard just in case and try hitting submit again)
  13. Continued from old thread: I did something unusual and watched an episode of something.... (that hasn't really happened since I bought GoT box set with all 8 seasons) (this was recommended to me by @BruceVC, thanks for that) Saw first episode of 1899. Excellent thriller/mystery/horror. I expected Chtulhu to rise of up, out of the waves any moment. Even if it didn't , there is something "Lovecraftian" about the whole atmosphere of this episode. A nice mix of languages too (I speak several of them). Me likey very much so far
  14. New thread here...
  15. So, we're just waiting for the announcement that WoW becomes an xbox exclusive? I don't feel like I have a stake in it anyway. If it comes on PC and it looks like I would like it, I buy it (unless a demo convinces me otherwise). Never owned a console. Don't have any plans to own one That being said, it was actually a PC game that "forced" my hand and made me abandon my Commodore Amiga and build a (my first) PC. Damn Fallout Demo didn't run well enough on my PC emulator on the Amiga
  16. If she runs out of things to do, she could always go back to school (a bad joke based on memes, I have absolutely no knowledge of what her true attendance is)
  17. Ah... but navigator houses are often very powerful and big time political players (if was such a thing as a ruling nobility class on Terra, it's the navigator houses). Unlikely your navigator would get her own hands (or third "warp" eye) dirty. Pull some strings to have a horde of assassins converge on Winterscales or get them declared hereticus extremis by the ecchlesiarchy? Bear in mind, I know nothing of the backstory of the families and navigator houses in your campaign Edit: An example of what the Primarch names are based on: https://www.thedarkfortress.co.uk/librarium/lionel_johnson.php#.Y5KM8X1Bx3g "Lionel Johnson and his poem 'The Dark Angel'"
  18. All he had to do was take off the wrap around his third eye and say 'hey, look at this!' edit: some of us are old enough to remember how the Horus Heresy came about in the time after Rogue Trader. GW needed some kind of justification for why there were 6 identical plastic titans in the Titan Legion box, 3 bad guys, 3 good guys, but other than the colour of the plastic, being the same model. Hence, a random comment about a civil war named The Horus Heresy was mention in passing. It was a cost cutting measure because they couldn't afford the tooling required (plastic is cheap, making the injection molds is very expensive) to put two different models in the box. Thus the heresy came about. Don't get me started on the primarch names (which came about when the GW guys met in a pub and started noting down names while slapping their knees in laughter in a drunken stupor... mind you I love the lore to bits, but half of those names are just cringe worthy (and that is me being nice)
  19. If I understood this correctly, the justice department has two goons (hired by Trump) word for where the missing documents were found, not observed or confirmed by anyone else?
  20. I miss the good old days when it showed member numbers... i occasionally got asked why i had number 666
  21. What if you're half dead/half alive? Get half the insurance sum? I have a bit of insurance together with my pension fund. A lump sum In case of permanent disability and a two years income insurance if not permanent. Less if I die outright, then just enough for a nice funeral.
  22. Rear facing machine guns... yikes. Talk about 1970's technology level. Looking at the before, after and side views for the first plane, it looks like someone blew up the tanker parked there.
  23. I couldn't say. Never had a shingles vaccine. Got a tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough) and Diphteria vaccine a year and a half ago. I think it cost me $30 Australian or so (22-25 USD iirc). I really only needed the whooping cough vaccine, as it was all because of friends of mine having a baby and that thing is detrimental to the future of babies if you bring it to their home (I got to hold the little girl two weeks after she was born ). They didn't ask for it, but I thought it prudent. Only after she pulled the needle out of my shoulder did she (the pharmacist) tell me it could be a bit sore because it also had tetanus vaccine in it (which I had no idea about before getting the shot) But it wasn't exactly a financial burden (like 3 cups of Cappuccino at a cafe) and it was entirely optional. Covid vaccines have been free so far. Edit: Doctor visits every 6 months, getting prescriptions and requisitions for blood tests etc. are free. Because of my geezerdom I assume. Old and frail people like me need help after all
  24. A number of dead tank operators where the reactive armour was missing the explosives, may disagree on that. If it can be sold, odds are, somebody might have tried to pawn it off for a bit of cash and a bottle of vodka. Edit: Who's going to discover it anyway, there are so many missiles and Russia is not at war after all. It can't hurt with a little bonus before the holidays (which is in early January for the Orthodox Christians, if I remember correctly what my Serbian friends told me)
  25. @Raithe confession time, the only one of those I've seen is the 73 version with Christopher lee I've read the books a couple of times, but the last time was probably 30 years ago. I think I would like to read them again (as well as The Count of Monte Christo, also a book I used to be fond of)
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