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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Maybe they decided to come out of retirement?
  2. Dammit Ember, what kind of head games did you play with my future girlfriend?!? Finished the game. Some of the "set pieces" were truly horrible. Especially one where two of those Tsunami loving demons were hiding around the corner, so getting washed away, landing flat on your back was almost (not completely) unavoidable. Nothing 15 reloads couldn't fix.. In my next game, I think I would like to play a spell caster. Always fancied a necromancer. Not sure if that goes well with Lich or if I should try something all nice and good and angelic instead. Maybe turn all demon so I can hook up with some nice demon girls... That's a decision for next week (because work is a pain in the rear and working late hours this week)
  3. It is indeed... speaking of which, I seem to remember they released another set of songs besides the old boxed set I bought some years ago (2 cd's plus a tentacle stocking to hang over my fireplace for when Chtulhu brings gifts)
  4. It's a full hour, but I thought it worth watching (life in the Ukrainian "Foreign Legion")... some surprising feedback on different countries fighting forces at times
  5. This guy sums up my thoughts on the new Indy trailer pretty well...
  6. I suspect Owlcat suffers a bit the same as Obsidian when it comes to backers. Having to add stuff they committed to adding rather for commercial reasons (pledges) rather than making sense to adding. Not sure what my issue with POE is, but something about it just feels "sterile". The lore and setting didn't appeal to me. The writing and companions feels like... an AI wrote them? Technically smooth but with no soul? Anyway, now rummaging through Threshold. Killing lots of demons. Then killing more demons. Finally killing a lot of demons. Also, met my old flame Nocticula at the entrance. Sadly only offering a profane gift (which I accepted) and not a night out
  7. Sorry... I do a brief check (the user list at the bottom of the forums has a feature showing what currently logged in users are currently doing), but there is a slight delay between checking and actually getting around to locking it. Third time that happened in as many years About to go to a place called Threshold in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. I suspect the end is near...
  8. Welcome to the world of software development...
  9. Mostly about recent (last three decades) Australian political shenanigans, but the principles may apply to other countries too (and @BruceVC likes JuiceMedia)
  10. To be fair, that was how my post could be understood, because I accidentally left out the first part of the quoted post But reading your reply, I figured it would do nicely for both purposes
  11. @Azdeus How about Dead Sea trips? Better yet, Turkey. I had a friend who had rather severe psoriasis. Not quite "The Elephant Man" bad (80% of his body, all of his face and limbs), but enough to negatively impact his self esteem and the lowered "quality of life" as a result. He did have quite a bit of success with the "Doctor Fish" in Turkey (aka Red Garra fish). They nibble off all the dead skin cells leaving pink, smooth and way healthier looking skin after they're done.
  12. I think that was meant to be 1966... It's a running joke that England comes up with all the sports and the proceeds to suck at them
  13. Should I root for Denmark or Australia today?...
  14. Sort of completely unrelated to Owlcat and their games, but my favourite (Guild Wars 2, the only one I play) mmo has had the same level and gear cap as it had at launch 10 years ago. I'm not playing it for the time being, because part life part Pathfinder is taking up my time. I do know if I return to the game in say six months time, I won't have to worry about entering the gear treadmill on a lower rung of the ladder than when I left it, I will still be max level and state of the art gear. The rewards for going beyond the required minimum to complete the main story line are "prestige items". I do think this only works in a multi player environment, as it is a reward you can show off and impress your peers amongst the player base with, leaving the next monster/boss/enemy quite unimpressed. It's a strategy that works for that game. Sadly, probably not transferable to single player games. Not even with an achievement system. At a loss what would work for a majority of (single player) crpg players. But then, it's not how I make my living, I'll leave that headache to people who have to survive in that particular line of work. I spent 4 years as game designer in a MUD game during university and it taught me a lot about how annoying players are
  15. I suppose that makes me the bland, middle in the road option? I hate it when that ability I've been yearning for the last several hard fights is something you finally get to select while the end credits are playing. C.f. my old example elsewhere, where your reward for killing the last spider monster is a spider slaying sword. Emphasis on 'last spider monster'. What's the point? I feel cheated and strung along, chasing a carrot. The devil is in the pacing (imho), let people reach max before they finish the game, but not too long before the finish. It feels good to enjoy the rewards of your efforts for a little longer than just the ultimate boss encounter. It even feels satisfying to go back and mow down some enemies you struggled with on the path to in-game divinity (because I'm petty and I like a little bit of vengeance on enemies that made my journey towards to the goal hard). It doesn't feel good if the majority of the game becomes a pointless time sink where you just have to go through the motions and do token combat (because combat is expected) in your journey from point a to point b. Only thing worse than obvious filler combat is gamey puzzles that are obviously there because the developers wanted puzzles and not because the inhabitants of the game world have any puzzle fetishes. edit: speaking of filler combat, I hate level scaling random encounters passionately. Let the encounters fit the location, not the player level...
  16. Implying 4 shots at close range and no single vital organ of the target hit in 4 attempts... making up for it with the sheer amount of ammunition (and lives) spent sounds like the Russian army alright
  17. The Chinese are getting restless, adding to Xi's headache. Recent incidents has led to riots (something generally unheard of outside Hong Kong) https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-63772365 There is one subject at the forefront of Chinese people's minds, and many are increasingly fed up with it - prompting widespread pushback against the government's zero-Covid restrictions. This has come in the form of residents smashing down barriers designed to enforce social distancing, and now large street protests in cities and university campuses across the country. --- Add to that a not insignificant demographic problem with gender balance, where there are now 37 million more male Chinese than female. Generation of men growing up with no chance of ever finding an opposite sex partner (the one child policy led to, especially in rural areas, girls being killed to make room for boys). Guess what happens when tens of millions frustrated young men are getting angrier and angrier... they need more than Taiwan to attack
  18. Finished my business In Iz. Grabbed a key and a drop of crystallized demon blood (using midnight bolts) along the way. Not sure if either really serves a purpose when playing Legend path. Still, they were sort of up for easy grabs. Not that the demon boss wanted to part with his blood voluntarily Luckily my level 40 Barbarian/Warrior managed to stay somewhat out of mind affecting stuff (even if all mounts ended up as horse d'euvres early on). Did take several tries before succeeding, so ransacking Areelu's old haunt afterwards felt like poor package holiday by comparison. This is where I left off yesterday, busy learning a lot about what went on before Sarkoris and led to The Worldwound.
  19. Continued from previous thread... edit: Need suggestions for title text
  20. Roaming around Iz. Spent the last while exploring a house. It seems like I was presented with a choice upon arrival. Curiosity got the better of me, so I went for knowledge first. Could care less about some old rag, so I went to her highhandedness next and gave her a piece of my mind and told her exactly where she could shove it. Stopped short of picking the "Attack" option, although I was sorely tempted. At this point, banner was gone. I wonder if I had gone to the banner first, maybe I could have saved the banner and the knowledge
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