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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Same here. Darn best mouse I ever had All 5 buttons still working flawlessly. No cordless stuff for me either, it isn't worth the hassle.
  2. Yeah, except Microsoft is like EA. Prepare for the 2008 version, the 2010 version, the 20?? version etc. Same game, just with added incompatibility with previous saved games and a few new flashy gimmicks.
  3. Why do I find myself humming the tune from "Police Academy"... I am not sure lowering physical standards is such a hot idea. It depends on how important physique is for their particular line of work I suppose. Is it that essential?
  4. Is this thread approaching unconsciousness?
  5. Give it up Shryke. In the world of crates, a barrel is an alien concept (personally, I am more worried about the lack of sewers in NWN2, I hope that isn't a sign of things to come) *Starts counting fingers... gives up* Where did all these developers come from? :ninja10: Hi
  6. He and Jorian could probably have an interesting discussion about that
  7. Game over Man, game over! continues here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=49251
  8. Start of old thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=48832 End of old thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...5&start=495 Yes, yes, I know. The old one was a few posts short of a full thread. It is just so nice and quiet at this time of day Still plugging away at VMBL, doing the lazy thing (sneaking with obfuscate on).
  9. Sort of what I was thinking (being in the middle of a game of VMBL)
  10. About the gender thing, I can't help but feel that those games that offers female protagonists have them there more to please male than female players. Maybe it is just my imagination, maybe there just is too few females working in the gaming industry? I wonder what a game would look like if the protagonist was actually designed by females to be played by females? ...and the first one to say 'The Sims' gets a kick over the shin
  11. Lets for the sake of argument agree that human brains operates in ways similar to neural networks, trained through experiences and pre-programming (things you've learnt through your life time so far and things you were born with). All signals are impulses of some kind that can (or not) affect the state of nodes. I see two possible ways of creating a replica of a state of the brain, you can either train an empty (no previous state) network until it matches a given target or you can rebuild it with exact values and use the "Power On" switch. The first option might take a while. Needs a few generations of AMD's and Intels for that to happen (like the Intel 700 Petaherz N-dimension Core LGA60000 chip). The other option is not really an option either, what would we do? Send in an army of nano-bots with orders to attach themselves to chosen brain cells, check the meter reading and return to base? The interesting hybrid, doesn't deal with the state of the brain on a synapse level, but with how to view the brain through frequency analysis of brain waves. Fourier transformations are one of the few math disciplines I ever found useful (I used it for pattern recognition in images in a project). As I see it, the technological challenge is to scan and analyse the frequencies fast enough to get an "atomic" snapshot, i.e. not getting your left brain half today and you right brain half tomorrow. That consciousness would probably end up insane if inserted into a clone. I might agree that it may not happen in our lifetime, but then, when was man ever to back down from a good technological challenge? You just need to convince somebody that there is a tidy profit to be made in cloning and eternal life Edit: I guess what I am trying to say is, we need to free our minds from traditional thinking that the mind is a computer and not try to replicate it with a computer, rather we should examine the state of mind and figure out how to transform that state of mind.
  12. Gorth


    It is not something limited to young people though, I've more than once experienced little old ladies (wearing expensive looking imitation clothes) in the supermarket with "manners" that made me want to trip them, take their walking stick away, something, seriously Ok, so one thing is not having manners. I guess what ticks me off is rudeness.
  13. Krezack... are you *really* sure that this belongs here? Edit: Moved to Computer & Console
  14. Gorth


    Sorry to hear that If you don't mind me asking, what kind of enviroment do you live in? Doesn't sound like a healthy place. I am slightly privileged (lucky?), living in am "attractive" neighbourhood, but I am quite familiar (much more than I would like to remember) with the less than attractive parts of human habitats.
  15. Interesting theory. I always imagined memory working like a jpg compression Not having an opinion at the moment on the theory linked to, it is interesting in it's implication if it were true. Then you could actually take a snapshot in time (technology allowing) of a persons consciousness.
  16. The kid was about 9. I'm 15 EDIT: Why? Because I was going to say playing "swords" isn't very normal unless your under 15 or over 40. Heh, tell that to my little brother He is 34 and way into the Medieval Re-enactment thing. Although I think they use halberds and pikes just as much as swords when they fight.
  17. Gorth


    I don't know if anybody really appreciates good manners these days, but I still try to practise it to the best of my abilitity in my daily life (I was raised like that, yes, be nice and polite if there is no reason not to be). Sometimes I get a smile in return which makes it worth it, sometimes no response at all. I supposed that, in many ways I actually assess a persons worth partially based on their manners. That being said, I can be a devil too, taking great pleasure in seeking out persons like the brat Walsingham described and tell them to "Move it!", and if they refuse to, I simply sit down. They will either break a leg, get their sports bags flattened, whatever I don't care. I am 190cm and 105kg, moderately muscular, so I got the physical size and the viciousness to backup my no nonsense attittude most of the time. Funny how they suddenly make a seat available in a hurry when they know that bruises are on the way.
  18. If they sell it to most of the companies on the list, they make just a little short of 150k, not bad. I wonder how they compare a company that releases max 1-2 games a year to say Ubisofts 22 releases? And how are the "anonymous" industry professionals picked. Do you need to be best buddies with gamasutra to do well? I would insist on knowing the methology used before paying a cent for a report.
  19. Taken a bit out of context (why it feels good to eat meat), is still illustrates the line of thought, that giving in to instinctual behaviour gives a certain kind of satisfaction as reward. There is room for experimentation, but we are given a set of rules from which we need to cross a certain threshold in order to deviate from and make decisions that are radically different from "who we are".
  20. Lets see if we could stay on the topic past page one. This thread is not a platform for a personal rants against metaphysical beings >_ Edit: In case somebody is missing a post, the thread got pruned a bit.
  21. Still playing VMBL... My female Malkav 'Malissa' (her outfits are just as wacky as the male malkavs apparantly) just managed to bungle the mission to infiltrate the Metalhead Industries warehouse for Mitnick. Time for a reload. Seriously, using obfuscate, there is *no* excuse for not completing that one
  22. You really need to get away from New Zealand some day I wish I could enjoy the FF games, but my one and only try was the FFVIII demo for PC and frankly, I found it to be a disaster. Hopeless control scheme, characters I couldn't relate to and a protagonist with an attitude problem that made me want to put him over my knee spank him
  23. I liked Waterworld. Even bought the DVD.
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