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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. There's a BG for XBox??? There was a Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance game for xbox and ps2. As far as I know, it had nothing to do with the Bhaal Spawn saga though. Edit: Yeah, what Deraldin just said
  2. Thread trimmed a bit. I wonder if it has outlived it's usefulness?
  3. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ag/20060607a Pick a map in your preferred size. It is in the SW corner of the map
  4. But... but... if it doesn't take place at least partially on The Sword Coast, it will be NWN2 in name only! I would like to see more of Chult, that is, if it wasn't for all the Yuan-Ti. I sort of got enough of those in the Icewind Dales. Some Zhentil Keep intrigues? Kara-Tur? Some Celtic inspired adventures on the Moonshaes? Some underwater realm? All else failing, they could try to convince us that this takes place before Icewind Dale and that it was the sword of Gith that eventually got stuck in the chest of that big white dragon
  5. You make it sound like my comparatively trivial and boring work today is something I should celebrate :sad:
  6. Maybe she was able to "mask" her presence? Or maybe the writers just overlooked it I would guess the latter.
  7. Sad but true. Same thing applies here
  8. Man, Fallout 1&2 never looked that good. Who vonlunteers to do a remake?
  9. She tells the exile he is not a jedi, because he was cast out by the order. She then tells him that she is the last jedi... Didn't the Exile get the idea about being the last jedi from Kreia? It really is too long since I played this game. Currently waiting for the TSLRP
  10. I can't remember the exact conversation, but isn't it said something to that effect when the Exile talks to Atris the first time, that the Sith is hunting him because they think he is the last (implicit, nevermind if he really is the last or not) and Atris think them silly because the Exile is not a real jedi anymore, since parts of him are missing?
  11. Aren't you supposed to be working on Purgatorio in your spare time?!?
  12. Gorth

    Cold War

    Closed part on thread starters request and part on the suspicion that it would be hard to add anything that beats Nick and Llyranors contributions...
  13. Maybe they put the remaining bugs on hold to focus on restoring the remaining few things on their list?
  14. oh great, so basically it only likes my RAM lol Sorry to hear that. Only having some rather old hardware myself, the game runs nicely, so I am afraid I can't help you. I hope somebody else might chime in with some advice.
  15. I think this thread became rather self explanatory. Too much immature ranting and personal insults at the moment, so I suggest people take a time out and think very carefully about the way they discuss issues.
  16. Sometimes, it is the journey that matters, not the destination
  17. Tombraider Finally found a program, "Tombraider Advanced Installer" by Slobodan Ratkovic, which runs the original in all it's 3d accelerated glory Just finished City of Vilcabamba and started on The Lost Valley
  18. I believe it has been started and cancelled a couple of times. Sounds frighteningly familiar to another games third release, doesn't it?
  19. Actually, it isn't quite that simple. It reminds me of basic firefighting training (as an analogy): A fire needs three things, combustable material, heat and oxygen. Remove one of them and you have no fire. A similar thing applies to "school shootings". It takes somebody to pull the trigger, it takes a trigger to pull and it takes somebody to pull the trigger at. Why did this guy want to kill people? Why did this guy have a gun? Did the guy want to kill these people in particular (as a group, not necessary as individuals)? And so forth... Lots of questions. Until somebody figures out the answers to all of them don't be surprised if it happens again as you won't know what warning signs to look for. Edit: Substitute "figures out" with "understand" as opposed to "know". Knowing the answer isn't good enough, you need to understand the answer too
  20. That is very much a taste thing. My top 5 (currently) crpg developers would be Beyond, BIS, Obsidian, SSI, Epyx (and probably Bioware somewhere around place 6 or 7, competing with Electronic Arts). Mind you, I haven't played The Witcher yet (needs hardware that can run it) and I haven't played any of the japanese stuff nor any console games.
  21. *Knock, Knock!..* Villain: "Who's there?" Gorth: "This is the LAW" *Ka-Boom!!!* Villain: "Eek, ouch, oww... sheesh thats my guts on the floor!" Gorth: "The LAW won" Jagged Alliance 2 is to squad combat games what Fallout is to roleplaying games. I still keep an eye on JA3, but can't really bring any enthusiasm to the table at the moment.
  22. Last thing I heard, they had dropped destructable environment :sad: My interest started dwindling after that. If they also remove sectors and everything else that differentiates the game, what is the point then? That would be like X-Com without the research and base management parts
  23. If you have force speed and throw lightsaber, you can outrun them until they stop chasing you. Then, from a comfortable distance you can just keep throwing your lightsaber at Kreia. You can kill her with one hand on your mouse (clicking the "throw saber" button) and drinking a nice cup of coffee with the other hand at the same time
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