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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. As long the name of the file isn't pagefile.sys... By "folder", do you mean archive? I.e. did he extract something from e.g. a zip file? Sounds like it is time to try some other scanners. There are quite a few free on-line scanners.
  2. I recognise the name and the avatar from my lurking at NMA, but I don't recognise the book description. The plot sounds superficially similar to Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader though
  3. I wonder where that leaves people like me? I never cared much for politics, previously always held politicians in contempt and for a number of years now, I've been living in places where I can't vote for anything anyway.
  4. Heh, woke up once after having slept in a phoetal position on a small recliner chair. Walked around like a penitent the rest of the day. Humility indeed I wonder how much it would reduce the worlds scam attempts if places offering free mail services were held responsible for activities taking place. Not just the site from which it originates, but also the destination addresses where scammers collect info. It would be nice to hold them responsible for damage done if they through negligence allows people to be ripped off. I sometimes think that the (virtual) world would be a better place without free email addresses.
  5. A couple of states tried that once. The rest would have none of it. Iowa wasn't one of the confederates, was it?
  6. Singha is good Also, Kingfisher isn't bad either. Sort of goes well together with indian food
  7. Not exactly 'poison' data, but when in a peevish mood, I have sometimes disabled my filter for the most obvious scammers (the ex treasurer of a former country and the uk lottery winners) and fed them each others contact email addresses, pretending to be interested. Let them spam each other for a while. Not that it really helps anything, but it makes me feel better A 'marked' credit card number would be great though. Something that points the bank (and by extension, the law enforcement) to the location of the transaction immediately. It's usability might depend on how the scammer abuses the identity theft though. @Krezack: Not sure what you are trying to imply?
  8. The only things I've been able to dig up so far is this: http://www.beyond3d.com/content/news/540 715, 1160 & 1366 sockets if I understood the the analysis correctly.
  9. A favourite of mine. The Corona isn't really bad either. I think I prefer the Coopers Pale Ale when running out of Stella though When is somebody going to tell the germans that the Reinheitsgebot is unconstitutional and unethical? They have so much potential fot beer making, yet never truly make anything of it.
  10. I would say, wrong conclusions, wrong forum section and maybe a thread too many about the same subject? (you provided the link to the active, ongoing discussion already) Lets keep it in one place
  11. Snap! My theory is that women just can't resist internerds. Yea well we're the new breed of internerds; women hound us Admit it, it is your all american, all covered in chrome, Harley Davidson of a PC they can't resist Spent most of Sunday working from home until around 03:00 in the morning, yay! Still managed to get up at 07:30 for... yes, a new days work
  12. Yeah, maybe several people needs to take a deep breath here, ranting, trolling and name calling doesn't accomplish anything. Fact is, LA owns the game right down to the last script and pixel. They alone decides who gets to touch it, if at all. Chances are, LA is more concerned with their next game. If I should guess, I would say it will have something to do with the upcoming Indiana Jones movie.
  13. It might not be as simple as that. There can be all kinds of contractual obstacles preventing current and former employees from touching the game after release. The silence after the release of the game was deafening and I would bet, that quite a few developers were itching to say a few things, but couldn't because they were tied hand and feet by their contracts. Unless there is some kind of time limit on such a contract (which is hard to imagine), they will not be able to touch the product in the future without the express consent of the owner (LA).
  14. I can't really remember having seen an Alien flinch away from bullets and close infighting with them is usually 100% lethal in 0.2 seconds
  15. The Jesus and Mary Chain - Here comes Alice Yeah, dusting off old cd's, starting at a random place, I grabbed a pile of J's...
  16. Joan Jett - New Orleans
  17. Europe was in the middle ages because of Christianity. I'd like to hear you explain this one. I think he meant "Dark Ages" not middle ages
  18. I suppose they were as "real" to the old Norse as the Greek gods were to the ancient Greek. Which means, present just about everywhere with household shrines, church buildings, regular interpretations of signs and omens etc. Basically, if you died fighting, you went to paradise, where you could fight, wench and drink to your hearts content until ragnarok. Hel (or Helheim to be more correct) by comparison was a dull, grey and listless place. Whether a warrior culture creature a warrior pantheon or or a warrior pantheon created a warrior culture I don't know. But you had to spend as much time as possible with an axe in hand, cleaving skulls if you wanted a decent afterlife.
  19. I can only speak for the religion of my ancestors (I am danish), but having rules for who goes to Valhalla and who goes to Hel qualifies as "prescriptive", doesn't it? Most people find the idea of going to a "good" place rather than a "bad" place in afterlife more pleasant.
  20. It didn't help that they had to spend tiime on the E3 show either... precious days wasted making demos
  21. Playing NWN2, just started chapter III Playing as a fighter/Neverwinter Nine knight (the latter to get some diplomacy skill points). A lot of things feels easier in this game as a pure fighter. The arena, the encounters with Light of Heaven, just about everything. Almost like playing the good old "Rogue" again. I want to complete this character to take into MotB.
  22. I used to buy my games from **** Smith when I lived in Wellington. Is there an EB games in town???
  23. Gorth


    Some easily digestible stuff... Graham McNeill - "Fulgrim" Mitchel Scanlon - "Descent of Angels" Looking forward to the next book in the series "Legion" All set in the Warhammer 40k universe
  24. Not a lot of options where I live at the moment. "Where" is either EB or on-line and "How" is by credit card EB Games is the only pc game pusher within easy distance and I usually get the collectors or special editions where possible. A few games I've purchase on-line, but they make a total of 2 games. I wanted to buy Disciples II Gold Edition on-line, but I refused to pay the outrageous conversion rates and freight charges of Digital River. Steam is not an option as I don't like the concept of "Download to harddisk only" games and on-line activation is a big no-no for me. The only software that managed to force itself upon me with that "feature" was Windows XP I am currently considering Napoleons Ambition for EU III though, even though it is "Download Only". At least it looks like it can be archived on CD and reinstalled later at my own leasure.
  25. Sad really. Drunk driving is one of those things I find quite despicable and the offenders often get too mild sentences (at least in Scandinavia the do).
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