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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Crates... Barrels... they are such hollow things. What about the quality of our sewers and time honoured traditions like Rat Bashing? :sad:
  2. Time for a sequel... Continued here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=49343
  3. First page of old thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=48920 Last page of old thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...0&start=510 Listening to Duran Duran - Wild Boys
  4. "Poultry" ?!? Are they throwing chickens at you?
  5. I suppose some of the mutated fleshy blobs that tries to tear out your throat could have been chicks. I was too busy dodging them to ask for a date though I'll not spoil the endings for you, just give you a few hints. It depends on a mix of amount of money, prestige/rank and which ones of the npcs you run across during the game is alive at the end
  6. Good job at cheering him up Deraldin Which reminds me that I should go see a dentist some day... although... it is only 15 years since the last visit :ninja10:
  7. Anyone who has seen "Bad Taste" knows that you don't mess around with the Kiwi Secret Service! The Steyr AUG was also in Jagged Alliance 2
  8. @BG1 I thought that was the point of getting Xar and Montaron, cannon fodder I haven't really played BG1 that much, but I waited until a number of guards were concentrated in front of the Inn, then had Montaron lure him within range of the guards, then have the rest of my party gang up on him. The trick is to kill him fast Favourite hate/bad designs: BG2TOB: Peasants and beggars with +3 swords and enough gold to buy a small mansion. KOTOR: Beating the crap out of Malak to the point where he is wallowing around on the floor, trying to stuff his enthrails back in with his amputated hands, just to have that silly girl run to him, lock the doors and then surrender without a fight. NWN2: Forced companions, "Grind" areas. OBLIVION: Everything (maybe not quite fair, I only played it for 8 days) EUROPA UNIVERSALIS III: Cheating AI ALL: Quests that gets stuck in your "to-do" list when they have become unsolvable. Probably a lot more, but those are the ones that is foremost in my mind.
  9. If you have Qara in your party, you should be able to get a few chaotic points by agreeing with her actions in general. Edit: The merchant with the imps at the Academy should also be able to provide you with a bit of chaos.
  10. One thing that took a while to penetrate that thick skull of mine was, that I needed to stay focused on the main objectives. I put my self in a lot of hurt and unnessecary danger trying to solve each and every mission Since you don't "level up", there is very little benefit in just running around killing stuff. Better to conserve your favourite equipment and supplies for when you need it. ...and now I think I completed the thread hijack from Nolf to Stalker
  11. And some of us are really, really looking forward to that end It has been a long journey. Might as well savour the waiting for the final lap.
  12. So, anybody got something other than trolling to add? Giving it a last chance before cracking down on this threads independence
  13. Thread pruned a bit. Somebody enlighten me, what is the purpose of going on a personal crusade of intolerance because somebody wishes people a happy Easter? Forget that, don't answer it.
  14. Nonsense! *he continues affably* If you are sick with fever, and I kick a stone into a lake, that would be neutral. It depends... shouldn't you be trying to do something to help him cure his fever rather than kicking stones into the lake. Is not taking action the same as taking action as far as morality goes? >_
  15. Happy Easter old friend No church for me, but I think I have some decent Cognac somewhere, I might just end the week with a bit of indulgence...
  16. Odds are, if you wait 2 years, you will finally be able to get Windows 7 (formerly known as "Vienna", formerly known as "Blackcomb") which began development in 1999. Lots of trouble kept/keeps postponing Vienna and resulted in Vista being released as... not sure what it's purpose is really. A stop gap thing to ensure people buy Microsoft products? If possible, I would like to wait and skip Vista alltogether
  17. I think what China needs/is aiming for is more internal stability. For all it's size and alledged powerful communist party rule, it is a very frail country, weakened by lack of infrastructure, corruption, lack of national identity, governed by tribal traditions, family clans and a truck load of other problems. What the world doesn't need is a China falling apart like Iraq. Creating external enemies to deflect attention has often been a successful formula for other countries in the past.
  18. I have a cup of coffee here. I wonder if it is good or evil? That is, I don't really believe the world to be that black and white. Maybe you you can have actions that are perceived as good or evil by a majority of people? According to my own experiences, people perceive good as that which they agree with and evil as that they disagree with. That is based emtirely on subjective observation and not any deep philosophical reasoning
  19. Poor Nick and Bok :sad: Lets just say, this thread is not such a hot idea. As a rule of thumb, threads dedicated to discuss other posters are bad, no matter their guise or intent.
  20. The Hand is good. Full of dead elves too Edit: Trying to figure out if I want to play my fighter from NWN2 or create a new character for MotB. I would love to keep my fighter, but he is "Good". I want something evil this time and try out One of Many as a companion.
  21. I am so trying to get that mental picture out of my head.... Trying to decide whether I should go shopping for some furniture or spend the day in the garden. *looks at garden, whimpers...* (it is all dead from the drought) I should go look for furniture during the day. Local police left baffled by this anonymous caller, identifying himself as "Walsingham"
  22. Proof that sunbathing is not good for your health.
  23. Just in time for me to finish my game of VMBL and get my fighter character from NWN2 going again in MotB
  24. I am leaning towards Aliens at the moment, but that is based entirely on setting. I have no clue who Bauer or Bourne are and never got into the Frederick Forsyth stuff either
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