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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Is that the one where you are doomed if you select an option that goes something along the lines of dropping your weapons immediately? It is in the very first Q&A in the sticky thread in this forum section Edit: Oops, just noticed Steve's comment about the fix section being gone from Team Gizka. Well, time to prepare for some Kotor2 with the big mod hopefully
  2. It's a choice of strategy The long term future of humanity isn't/shouldn't be limited to Earth. Too many eggs in one basket so to speak (which Is why I prefer the above option that features some redundancy)
  3. I have gotten into a bad habit the last couple weeks, of being too tired in the evenings, falling asleep before I make it all the way into my bed Spending a lot of grey cells at work these days, working out some new designs for a variation to project in progress. It gives me (even) more grey hairs
  4. Sorry, couldn't resist I wonder why they think "Bigger is better" when it comes to vehicles? If I were NASA, I would rain a dozen or two of smaller vehicles onto the planets surface for wider coverage. Also, I would be surprised if they manage to keep the cost of the project at or below the budget (1.8$ Billion). That sounds like a bargain in the context of space travel and exploration. There must be a catch somewhere.
  5. That's a staggering number of people *starts counting fingers* I interact with 15 people on a regular basis if I stretch it a bit :sad: (Aieee! the forum is mutating while I am previewing this)
  6. Look at the bright side, the less he tells you, the less promises he is going to break, should he win A more serious question about his lack of experience, how much of the decision making is done by the president (current, past and future) and how much is the country run by the group of people backing him/her?
  7. Another interesting 'what if' scenario comes forth if the Germans had won and left the North Sea and Channel dominated by the Kriegsmarine (since airforces was of no consequences for navies yet) Sadly, it became a war of attrition to see who could kill off the other sides generation of young men first. The US impact was mostly the moral boost, which convinced friend and foe that only one outcome was possible now. Having bled France, Belgium, UK, Austria-Hungary & Germany dry, a new player with an untapped source of not yet dead young men was a major shift in the balance of resources.
  8. So, what did you guys do to take out the opposing teams players before the matches? In war and football... nevermind, congratulations
  9. Closed on request. Let's see if a fresh start, if Walkerguy is interested in creating a new thread, will have a more constructive and civil life cycle.
  10. I don't think he 'go around' the filters, but I would probably suggest a little less profanity anyway. Oh, and try and keep the personal bits out of it (goes for everybody). It *is* possible, I've done it myself before.
  11. My favourite german song (as in sung in german), would be Der Steuersong. Still gives me a good chuckle when I think of it Last listened to: Mike Oldfield - Shadow on the Wall
  12. Perhaps it was the cancelled KOTOR 3? Nah, I think the cancelled KOTOR 3 was started (and ended) as an in-house LA production.
  13. I am trying very hard to remember *ever* having seen blood in either Kotor... There is action and violence allright, but blood? I think this game would even be allowed "as is" in Germany, and they have some funny rules regarding blood in video games (Carmageddon anyone?).
  14. Cylindrical or spherical coordinates
  15. As a rule of thumb, my concern priorities goes something like: ME > Few > Many However, there could be all kinds of imaginable exceptions, are there people you care about or feel able to associate yourself with in the other two groups? Would we negotiate with a hostage taker to save the hostages? It might save a few hostages, but it would make hostage taking a viable profession and endanger many more people. Just a hypothetical example. I wouldn't be able to make a blanket statement and stand by it, it would depend on the context.
  16. We never found out what Project New Jersey was about :sad:
  17. I think once we get outside our "comfort zone", which often is a cultural thing, we start squirming and feel reluctant to even talk about it. Heck, I remember once seeing something from South America (I think) where natives of the Amazon were eating some awfully big, living and wriggling grubs. I felt rather uncomfortable. The same thing applies at the thought of eating something with human, bodily fluids in it
  18. You don't have a powersupply with variable voltage? Then you could have fixed it with some office clips and sticky tape. MacGuyver would have died of shame if he heard about this.
  19. How could that possible compare to getting Acrobat Reader 8.1 with the Dell?!? The Cyberpower didn't list any operating system, is that an additional cost?
  20. Are they also interested in a Personal Forum History Statement?
  21. Uh, why? i thought you guys would know alot about the game... I've played it a lot But as to why it won't run on Vista (which I don't have) with a gfx card (that I don't have) showing symptoms (that I don't have)... well, you get the point. Ok, so I am pulling your leg a bit, but moderators are not "know it all" about the game unfortunately, they are just gamers like everybody else. I run Windows XP Pro on my old PC, with a gfx card that is 4.5 years old, so I don't run into many "incompatibility" issues. Your best bet is, that over the next couple of days, some gamer with a similar problem discovered a work around and shares it. If not, maybe somebody can provide helpful links to places where people discuss technical issues with Vista and older games. In any case, I wish you good luck with it
  22. ...Uwe Boll could learn to make movies... But yeah, you got a point. I always wanted to learn how to cook. Living for a 1000 years, I might get around to it eventually
  23. Thread pruned a bit of the worst offenders (to which I shamefully count myself). I would suggest that people who have an interest in Stargate Atlantis contribute to this thread. Either reading it, adding to it and if not, either leave it alone or express it in a more constructive way
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