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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. I wonder how your browser is set up. I just tried DN's link and it worked nicely. Not that I really need a topless Carth (Arghh... I just went blind!). I think the only Kotor1 mod I used was a useful one (that removes all unscripted turret games), so it doesn't qualify for this thread :blush10:
  2. Wouldn't Darque be the right one to ask there? You could always try to PM her if she doesn't see this thread.
  3. Observed some birds on a wire for a while this morning. It looked like pigeons of some sort. The male was trying to impress the female sitting next to him (at least, that is what I suppose was going on), doing some elaborate dance motions, involving some sineous waving motions with his tale feathers. Everytime he had gone through his dance routine a couple of times, he would jump a few steps closer to the female. In his eagerness to impress her with his macho pigeoness, he suddenly jumped too close and instead of landing next to her, knocked her off the wire. The startled female began flapping around, trying to regain height and flew back up... right into the chest of the male (which I could have sworn looked stupefied that his "date" had suddenly disappeared), this time knocking them both off the wire in a bewilderment of flapping wings, feathers and angry screeching. I am amused by the oddest things sometimes.
  4. I loved the character portraits in the IWD games. I always wondered why the full sized pictures weren't offered for sale in poster size, as some kind of merchandise by BIS/Interplay (and now Obsidian as I seem to remember they bought the assets from Interplay) Baldurs Gate I and II had a different style, slightly more cartoonish, but I kind of liked them too. The only thing that struck me as slightly ridiculous was their haircuts. Everybody except Minsc (iirc) had dreadlocks of some kind. I wonder if a wish for better/more varied avatars weren't on most peoples wishlists though It felt like a step down in quality when playing IWD first, then installing HoW and all the nicely detailed avatars became the bland, uninteresting ones from the new IE version. Was there ever a mod that let you use the BG1/IWD avatars in later versions of the IE games?
  5. I suddenly feel like watching M.A.S.H. 4077 again for some reason
  6. My two favourite characters from the game would be T3 and Hanharr. Most of the rest (with the exception of Kreia) feels a bit "Klichee". Especially if looking at both games together. How often do you get a rust bucket for team member that is a manipulative, secret hiding, string puller? Not to mention with more personality than most of the other NPC's And Hanharr has to be my favourite Wookie in the SW universe. The first and only one I've seen that wasn't an angst filled, whining, walking carpet afraid of his own shadows. This one is actually a scary Wookie
  7. To those discussing torrents, a few hints: Using torrents for legal distribution is good. Especially for those who doesn't have the bandwidth to distribute large files, demos etc. Using torrents for illegal distribution is bad. Posting information about how to obtain illegally distributed products (or generally endorsing such) is a no go (which results in people getting warnings and moderated status). Lets stick to discuss the merits or not of GTA IV and the quality of reviewers.
  8. What a waste of talent Didn't he come from a MMO background before doing the MoTB thing?
  9. Hush, I am cheating Thats what I get for doing too much cut and paste back and forth in notepad. Lets reevaluate position 16...
  10. 1 - 18 2 - 28 3 - 29 4 - 30 5 - 31 6 - 33 7 - 36 8 - 22 9 - 17 10 - 1 11 - 11 12 - 32 13 - 43 14 - 15 15 - 10 16 - 17
  11. I am not quite sold on the combat yet, but the art direction looks very, very nice Worth keeping an eye on and crossing fingers for a demo to try out the combat first.
  12. Yes, what became of Brother Ferg and Brother Gus in Kuldahar?
  13. I hope you have the patched version of F2 Maybe it is time to give the Fallout games a go again. It's been ages since I played F1 now.
  14. That looks pretty good! I better go grab that one too. Thanks
  15. Gorth


    I have a couple of hobbies, none of which I do much about at the moment unfortunately. I would love to pick up miniature wargaming (Warhammer) again, but there seems to be no regular wargaming clubs within quite a few miles of where I live I still enjoy collecting and painting those little guys though.
  16. Which means... we've got the day off today! Happy birthday guys Walks away, happily humming the "You must gather your party to venture forth" song...
  17. Windows XP (sp2), P4 2.8 Ghz, GeForce FX5900 Ultra. No tweaking. Runs mostly nicely. I used to get the extreme lagging in the residential area on Telos Station. A few years ago, I updated my Gfx drivers and it went away. Now I get the lagging on the plains of Dantooine instead
  18. Maybe there used to be more diversity and innovation, back when production costs were much lower? Game developers still appeared and disappeared at a regular rate, but there were so many more the smaller ones. Maybe games have become too serious a business, going the way of Hollywood (i.e. taking themselves too seriously)? I asked a similar question a while ago in a different place, why I haven't seen a racing game that I really liked since Carmageddon. They may be all realism simulators today, but the fun has gone out of them Anyway, if you like HoMM3 then you have to give Disciples II a try. Beats HoMM3 in just about every aspect. And the gold edition is dirt cheap right now from Strategy First's homepage
  19. You must gather your party before venturing forth... You must gather your party before venturing forth... You must gather your party before venturing forth... You must gather your party before venturing forth... You must gather your party before venturing forth... Thanks, I will now run around saying this to myself all day long
  20. I think putting up with the public humiliation and the outrage over her (I did not have sex with this woman) husbonds infidelity at work shows exactly how far she is willing to go to satisfy her ambitions.
  21. 20 I am 41. I sometimes wear a 'Grumpy old Man' t-shirt to work
  22. Interesting... what did you guys do to them? It is their most closely guarded secret, never shared with anobody outside The Inner Circle. *Especially* The Inquisition can never be allowed to know that half the legion turned traitors, as that would mean termination with extreme prejudice of The Unforgiven (Yes, I am nitpicking) I hope you keep us updated on the hunt for Okida
  23. Speaking of Yellow, I ended up being a little yellow one with a name that sounds like sneezing
  24. In that case, I'll keep an eye out for it when I next go shopping. Thanks guys
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