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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Gorth

    Food Thread!

    Got home relatively early from work today (quarter past seven), and was almost tempted to make real food. My aversion to cooking won out though, so it ended up being some chicken balls from the fridge and some vegetables from the freezer, all going for a short visit to the microwave. I think the label on the vegetables said something about "stir fry", but who cares. Cover it up with a bit of black bean sauce and you would never know the difference
  2. That one, Alpha Protocol and Aliens. Moderately interested: Mass Effect for PC (I'll wait until some weeks after release and check the feed back from fellow forumites) Not so sure about Disciples III at the moment... Looks suspiciously like it is going the direction of the later (3D engine) Heroes of Might & Magic games. All flash and no substance (which reminds me, I should probably install HoMM III and have a go at it again). I wonder what happened to JA3
  3. Vindicator FTW. Alien Blaster makes a neat death animation. hehe yeah i like watching them get disintegrated i was disappointing that my followers didn't make it Dogmeat died in the opening round of the very first fight he'd been in (found the cafe of broken dreams just on my way back to san fran to go to the oil rig), and K9 and Cassidy both died in a rather large fight against about 12-13 enclave troopers in power armour You should have given Cassidy some power armor and a kick ass weapon. I usually have my npcs well armed and protected. i did! hardened power armour and a gauss rifle but he was no match for the swarm of enclave chaps I am about to scout out the area around Navarro before visiting the base itself. As an experiment, I am going up in the area infested with enclave troopers having Sulik and Marcus in my party. Vic is having a good time staying in San Francisco and Skynet and Cassidy are enjoying themselves at Ms. Kittys in New Reno Marcus is armed with a mega powerfist (it took me forever to figure out how to make him use that) and a truckload of stimpacks, Sulik has power armour and super sledge. On a sidenote, I noticed something new in NCR, a hooded guy who would fit a "blower" to my car. What the heck is that? I also discovered a guy in the bar outside town, "Merk" who has jobs for me. Never ran into that guy before
  4. Gorth


    Some day, somebody is going to have to give me the short version what this series is about. Like, plane crashes on island, survivors run around and do weird stuff. Except, it sounds more like a David Lynch/Twin Peaks kind of thing
  5. Well, if you weren't sea sick already...
  6. I haven't read all of them... maybe there is something in here? http://www.qmfound.com/army_subsistence_history.htm
  7. Vote Gorth's smileys! Lower taxes, better food quality, no unemployment, world peace, better education, free health care, everything you could possibly ever want. Therefore, know where to place your vote! This election year thing seems to rub off a bit...
  8. Playing Fallout 2 My Doctor/Science/Energy weapon geek has made his way to Redding. Got Vic, Sulik and Cassidy in tow. I keep wondering if there was an intended purpose for the generator/water pump in the Great Wanamingo Mine shack behind the ruin with all the rats. I Tried everything including an attempt at blowing it up with Plastic Explosives, but no disabling the pump. It would be nice if I could just have drowned all the nasty critters in the mines. Similar thing keeps puzzling me in Klamath, where there is a section of the great rats tunnels that hints at being "fragile". I tried to pull it down with ropes, bashing it with hammers, dynamite, crow bars etc. It is rock solid despite it's description, so no bringing down the tunnel on Keeng Rat, you have to fight it out with him
  9. Some kind of "no-name" PDA would probably do. Otherwise, it could be: Selfcontained Encyclopedia & Guidance Apparatus No agent should leave home without his S.E.G.A.
  10. Gorth


    I know how it feels. They are the junk food of literature. I just wish I had stopped reading any Eddings after "The Belgariad", as I really did like that one. "The Malloreon" is just a rehash of the same story and I made the mistake of reading "The Dreamers" while flying (picked up the books at the airport bookstore) which is... almost just a cut and paste job of previous characters and story bits. Way past it's "Best by" date.
  11. Very unlikely to happen, my grey hair is a dead give away Yes. I don't vote (I don't have citizenship). In the case of the airport, yes. I accept it as a price to pay if I insist on flying. I need to fly as part of my job, I can live happily ever after without a video game. A slight difference. Here I can exercise my free will and chose not to subject myself to it
  12. *confused* Now my reply to posts which no longer exist don't even make sense. Where did you move them? Uhh... was that a question to me? I didn't move anything "away", I moved something here from elsewhere (from Gromnir, Blue and Tigranes).
  13. ...moved a few wayward posts here, which seemed to have lost their way into another thread... They might be on some previous page now though. Bonus replayability value of this thread
  14. It looks that the original topic was abandoned a while ago. Continued speculation about Biowares marriage with Securom here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=49658
  15. Hanging out too much with Volourn again? Not really doing much these days, just alternating between work and sleep.
  16. It's the same thing in Denmark. Only movies/cartoons for young kids are dubbed. You sort of "grow up" with subtitles and original languages. It has the added benefit of making it easier to pick up stuff like English in school, when you are used to watch english language movies with subtitles
  17. For me it is a sense of violation of my privacy. The same thing as when you are under camera surveillance in a taxi or a public place. Besides that, the majority of the games in my cupboard is from companies that are no longer around. If those games had only been playable through online activation... *shiver* As for Securom and other things invented to insult the paying customer, I've experienced on my own body, that some of the games I have doesn't like my drives and only runs if tampered with. Things like that doesn't exactly endear them to me
  18. Gorth I scratched my name from the list of potential buyers...
  19. That one, and the enemy instant (re)spawning, which makes your tracking skill worthless just about every place where it could have been useful
  20. I sure that a smart guy like you can do that without the implied personal insults...
  21. You had me worried there for a moment Deraldin... that would have left me with the oldest and slowest computer on these forums :ninja10:
  22. Gorth

    Food Thread!

    I sure can The Aussies still have a thing or two to learn about coffee making from their cousins across the Tasman.
  23. And the groove goes on and on... http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=49643
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