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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Start of old thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=49403 End of old thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...0&start=510 What I did today?... I created a new "What you did today" thread
  2. A universal truth It sounds so simple, but it can be so hard to do. It should be part of some "constitution" for making it in the IT industry
  3. Nice to know if I ever want to play a game of File Copy Sometimes I really miss the "Good" old days of Unix and X11 >_ I am afraid that I might have to get Vista within a year. The next PC is going to be requiring x64, so not much point in trying to go out and buy an XP 64 bit, as Windows 7 will most likely be around before getting any decent value for money out of that investment.
  4. I knew it! >_ Ok, that was a shameless manipulative out of context quoting stunt It's an answer. I can understand the reasoning. Not everybody might and I am sure a few hotheads will argue for the sake of arguing, but that doesn' change that it was considered and got relegated to "irrelevant" for what people are trying to accomplish with the game Hint: If we had more tidbits of info about the game, we could quarrel about other things than ammo
  5. Isn't that why there is a bunch of belts/gauntlets of XYZ Giant Strength in the game? It just catches me by surprise. I'll always get a weapon or armor that she simply can't equip without the belt. I'll think "WTF, WHY CAN'T SHe... oh... yeah. d'oh" To be so repeatedly fooled is frustrating. Ok, I understand what you mean After playing the game the first few times, I realised that strength was a dump stat. Imoen can wait a while, my first earned money usually go to strength enhancing equipment (either for Aerie/Viconia or myself)
  6. Isn't that why there is a bunch of belts/gauntlets of XYZ Giant Strength in the game? Give her a nice belt, the biggest, baddest armour, the shield that reflects missiles (can't remember it's name anymore), alternatively some +5 shield and either flail of ages or a mace of your choice. She makes a good frontline fighter and a good cleric (high wisdom). Edit: I can't remember if there are things she can use that improves her innate magic resistance, I should keep an eye out for that next time I play
  7. Continued here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=49860
  8. Start of previous thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=48835 End of previous thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...5&start=495 Saw Quest for Fire, a slightly "primitive" film I liked it enough to buy the DVD from amazon though.
  9. Hepatitis A? Tetanus? I wonder what kind of University you are joining. Sounds like the kind of place where the accountant from "The Untouchables" would come from. Edit: On topic, went out with a client yesterday. Had some food and some beer. Then more beer. Then more beer etc. Ended up at home, falling asleep at 10 (or thereabouts) just to wake up again at 3, unable to fall asleep again. Finally fell asleep somewhere between 5 and 6, just to hear the alarm clock at 7. What a way to start a new day
  10. That's a whole other kind of stupid that only the southern american states could produce... To be honest, I don't think she is "stupid", just "un-educated". The dialogue between her and the host is hilarious in a funny way though stupid, un-edumacated, I don't care... I get all gooey over that kinda girl Well, she probably knew that she would be subject to some degree of ridicule and went ahead anyway for the sake of charity. Kudos to her for having her heart in the right place if not a minimum of geography skills
  11. I think this one just turned Zombie...
  12. Usually around the time they get hungry
  13. Why not? Your "incredible superspy" is not necessarily working for the CIA anymore. Regular supply lines may have dried up and you have to use a mixture of skills to accomplish goals. A good diplomacy skill might help you on the black market to secure new ammo.
  14. That's a whole other kind of stupid that only the southern american states could produce... To be honest, I don't think she is "stupid", just "un-educated". The dialogue between her and the host is hilarious in a funny way though
  15. interesting, so, in the MEPC forum, where this problem emerged, it is now not anymore allowed to discuss it or complain about it (not to mention petitions). your thoughts? I think spam threads like this belong in the Bioware Off Topic forum... Alternatively, Mass Effect and DRM has already been discussed ad nauseam here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=49778
  16. *pop culture knowledge check* CRITICAL FAIL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/River_Tam#River_Tam Heretic!
  17. I stand corrected. With my average lifespan in that game, it appeared unlimited
  18. Yay Hmm... I hope this game doesn't come out before my (overdue) hardware upgrade Unlimited ammo or not, I really want to play this game
  19. I love the way it tries to sneak it's way around the cat, just to end up startling it. Rawrr!
  20. See www.securom.com... Click on "Support" on the top menu, and then on "Support Info" on the left hand side for instructions.
  21. Ahh, sorry, don't know the answer to that one then
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