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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Actually, Fox is there for two reasons. She is a fast mover (for those scouting or encircling moves) and she has decent doctor skills. Doctors are the only way you can get your mercs health back in reasonable time. Get her a doctors kit if you already havent and then make her treat your worst wounded. You might want to take all of Drassen though, as you need the income from the mine. Not sure if you can actually afford to have Lynx around that early in the game I usually get a few of the low cost guys, just to get started
  2. You could drop your leadership some and your wisdom a bit to get the minimum 35 required for explosives. You can get Red to teach your from there until you get profficient enough to handle those c1 and c4 packages. Try give Trevor a crappy gun and enjoy his aussie swearing when it breaks
  3. Thought so For good or for ill, I just bought a Asus P5E3 Premium - X48 chipset motherboard. With Crossfire support Still looking for them gfx cards though
  4. Isn't that sort or the ATI equivalent of nVidias SLI?
  5. Yes. It is a "cut down" version, without the roleplaying and management parts basically. I think it is aimed at those who wants to just focus on the tactical (and often tougher) combat aspects of the game. A nice expansion for those who knows the basic game inside out though
  6. Ok, I am currently looking at the Asus P5E3 motherboard. It supports optional Water/Passive cooling to the fans and has 2 x PCIe2.0 x16 (both @ x16 mode) for the 3870 Ultimate card. (and 4 memory slots for 8gb of DDR3 ram) Any reason why I shouldn't go with this one?
  7. Yes, that was unexpected. A certain Czech goalie is not going to sleep well.
  8. It wasn't obvious to me The PSU may be passed on to a different PC later (next year), but for now I need some place to put the components and see it work when switched on.
  9. I can probably wait a week or two (I've given myself 4 weeks to build a PC) and have a look at it. In the meantime, I am looking for a store/reseller of the 38xx down here Taking notes... In the meantime, I can look around for motherboard, cpu and memory Edit: I am probably going to buy a new retail Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit (as I would like at least 8gb of ram for some gfx applications). Any special requirements for motherboard/cpu/ram?
  10. Well, you never know. Better to be on the safe side
  11. Ok, since I usually put my foot where my mouth is, I went ahead and bought the casing and power supply. It should arrive during the week. Antec Performance One P182 Antec TruePower Quatro 1000 While the P190 looked nice with it's built in 1200w PSU, it didn't look like it was optimised for "Quietness" the same way as the P182. Only dual layered soundproofing and a big gaping hole in the side where a lot of noise can escape. Unfortunately, they didn't have the gfx card You suggested, so I am holding off for a moment on that one. I'll have to browse a few more shops to locate one it seems (I found a smaller/older model, HD3450 or something, but why settle for second best?). Maybe I should look for a motherboard next...
  12. I am currently "investigating" (as in 'probably going to get') the Antec P190. If nothing else, for the convenience of already built in 1200w worth of powersupply (split in two and both in a chamber of their own in the casing). Plus, I found somebody who ships it to where I live Gfx Card looks good. I'll do a price comparison down here to find a reseller. Well, I hope to build something within the next 4 weeks I am curious about your objection to water cooling? I'll admit complete ignorance on the subject.
  13. Switzerland [0] v Portugal [1] Turkey [1] v Czech Republic [1] Poland [0] v Croatia [2] Austria [0] v Germany [1] Holland [2] v Romania [0] France [0] v Italy [0] Greece [1] v Spain [2] Russia [2] v Sweden [2] Austria - Germany... that brings back memories
  14. Thanks Mkreku, I'll follow those links and catch up on my reading when it gets daylight here again...
  15. Long story short, I have this antiquity which was scheduled for retirement when the prices for the up and coming Nehalem cpu's have dropped from their initial (ridiculous) prices, probably some time after New Year. I found out yesterday, that I have gotten an unplanned for bonus from work, combined with my old computer coughing and sputtering more and more (it's kept together by chewing gum and super glue atm), I thought I might get my self something to get me by until mid next year. Since my old rig sounds like a 737 taking off, threatening to give me tinnitus, I thought I would try the silent option rather than necessarily the latest and fastest. If it can run NWN2 as decently as my work laptop, then it's good enough for me. The point is, I don't want to hear it. 20 meters of monitor cable and wireless keyboard and mouse doesn't count Any advice on what to look for, brands, makes and models etc. welcome, as long as it is quiet. How good is passive/water cooling? Any pitfalls? Is it overrated? Etc. Oh, and it has to be available in Australia, so no newegg etc. Just what stuff to look for, I have to find it down here Anybody who can help me enjoy a moment of silence?!?
  16. Wouldn't it sort of insult peoples intelligence asking such questions? (Bachmann) Landau notation... It still gives me nightmares Your mileage may vary, but I wouldn't underestimate a CS degree
  17. Deathproof Not sure why, but I get a craving for Carmageddon again It started a bit too slow, but eventually got better. Not quite in the same league as Planet Terror, but good fun none the less. Now I have to see what is on disc 2.
  18. Muahaha... you all probably signed up on Facebook!
  19. You can borrow my "Grumpy old Man" t-shirt
  20. Meh, 57%. I am zombie food.
  21. Not really. VATS is just "real time with pause", where you can queue a limited number of special attacks depending on action points (KOTOR 1&2 by comparison had a fixed number of actions you could queue). This sounds like "many shots" (or whatever that Ranger feat was called in NWN2), where you can select the individual targets. There is also the possibility that I am just as confused as the gaming press as to what goes into which game
  22. We would rather see your work of dwarven intrigue and drama... Give us the Witcheta Chronicles (and for the NWN2/MotB engine please)
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