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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Where did you get the idea from that 2+2=4 ??? That is not necessarily the truth, only accepted by the the unwashed masses as such. Ever worked with complex numbers ? 2+2 yields and infinite number of possible values of which 4 is only a rare case. Of course, you could be assuming that i=0 always, but that is being lazy Hands up those who actually believed 2+2=4 ?
  2. Went through the site. Most shocking. If so many people feel the need to be the center of the universe, small wonder that the world is full of conflict. I guess "faith" whatever people believe in is exactly that, the ability to believe in something intangible (heart over mind). Either you have it or you don't. An old heathen like me likes to question everything. Often what was once unknown may be revealed in time (like the quote function, yipee!). If we didn't question our surroundings, who knows where we would be now? Yes, I know, a question open for lot of subjective interpretations. Cheers
  3. Sorry Craftsman, but your arguments begs for counter arguments... Before anybody declares religious war on me, i do believe in more between heaven and earth, just not in the validity of the three arguments presented. First argument, cause and effect. Who said something (or somebody) caused it to *be* It could just be in a state of constant change. Take a look at a ring and try to explain where it starts and where it ends ? An unrewarding task. Second argument, intelligent design. See first argument. With unlimited time for the universe should have learned its lesson by now and come up with a decent design. Ehhh.... how is it an intelligent design ? Third argument, moral foundations. Its called evolution. Different species, different strategies for procreation and preservation of *your* particular genes. If evolution deems it a better strategy to avoid senseless killing in a species, it will become part of that species nature only to do it, if there is a perceived advantage in doing so (fights over food, girls, prestige, whatever) Personally, I like to look for answers to the mysteries of life myself first, and if i can't explain it then, consider myself not bright enough to figure it out. And then try to look for metaphysical explanations. I haven't figured out how to use the quote functions yet, but i dont blame that on a divine being... Its just one of those things in life, that if i persevere, i will find an answer to it (like rtfm)...
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