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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Five worlds ??? That wouldn't happen to be Dantooine, Tattooine, Kashyyk, Korriban and Manaan ?
  2. Heh, that would also be a solution, them sneaky Sith The thought that you didn't have to fight them never entered my mind, being a big bad Sith lord and all B) Just thought it a "dead" end for hopeless students and too ambitious apprentices.
  3. What is Corthosis Weave ? It wasn't exactly explained in the game, other than as a reson for a blade not falling apart when sparring against lightsabers. Apparantly all swords in the universe is made of it, so it can't be particular uncommon. How did this end up being a discussion about lightsabers... ? Oh, yeah, because lightsabers had a damaging influence on the use of and balancing of other skills
  4. ^^^ You're probably right. One wonders how much artistic control they are going to exercise. Hopefully not as bad as the one imposed by WotC/Hasbro whatever on DnD seems to be...
  5. They do have a rigorous training system. Perhaps they have different categories of tests for students. Deadly and utterly deadly ? The Sith training program is not only a combat training program, but also hones lobbying, scheming, manipulation and backstabbing skills. As Hk-47 (is that Hk as in Hunter Killer ?) would have said, Extrapolation: Master, perhaps you could convince the meatbag to send another student for that test and you could end up with one that is only deadly ? He didn't actually say that, but I'm sure he would have... Just an idea
  6. Ok, I'll eat part of my words, perhaps BIS' jokes weren't "better", but more "appropriate" for especially mean/evil situations. My favourite dialogue is still between Minsc and the Pirate Lord on spellhold
  7. If I remember correctly, the story said you had been exiled, without the trappings of a Jedi, hence, no noticeable forcepower nor lightsaber (wonder if you are still wearing the same robe ???). Having no clue about lightsaber construction, I could imagine it would take some skill (especially if you haven't done it for a long time) and some equipment before being able to build a new one. This might be Obsidians "gimmick" for allowing balanced lowlevel play, it might not. Could be a long wait until 2005, unless they start announcing something substantial to really disagree about
  8. Perhaps Ok, so perhaps not for the endgame exclusively, but you do have a problem with a game where you get a tool that will slice through any door, lock or opponent in the beginning of the game. Not really much point in having the game in the first place, if the problemsolver is handed to you immediately. While a lot of the 14 year olds are going to be pissed at not being able to play Kotor2 diablo style, it would be more challenging not having all you need from the word "go". But since I read in the article that you do get to wait quite a while before you get the saber, I'll rest easy and look forward to the game. Compromise is not always a bad thing (unless you are an airtraffic controller)
  9. Couldn't have said it better myself... On the subject of who should do FO3: On another subject: Lets just say, their target audience was probably 5 years older than Biowares. The products they developed themselves, IWD1+2, FO1+2 and PS:T had a lot of very well written dialogue (even the jokes were better), graphics that were way more "dark" and sinister, and music that was slightly more melancholic than f.x. Biowares games. Also a noticeable lack of hollywood style happy endings. I'll lean back, watch other posters and then probably remember a lot more
  10. A guy named: "Chris Avellone" was quoted in the EGM article... sounds familiar somehow B)
  11. That would be "Force Feedback"
  12. Thanks German is my second language, english only my third...
  13. You wouldn't happen to have the original german "untranslated" version ??? I gave up (laughing) when I saw Bioware as Organic Ware... :D
  14. if it uses the game engine but isn't the game, then what do you think it is? You are being mean now So you are playing Good Mod/Bad Mod...
  15. Introducing fleas to the ecosystem should gain you some DS points... B) (Wonder if there is a Darth Vader smiley out there...)
  16. It feels like Bioware tried to make the game very "user-friendly". You have to do very silly things to actually "die". Never managed to do that, so i'll have to work harder on that. Same thing with skills. Did feel at bit like, it was aimed at players unfamiliar with crpgs. If you didn't have, or you forgot a skill, you could always compensate through brute force. Looking at the blast door example, it makes sense that a lightsaber can carve through almost anything with a bit of patience, heck, Luke cut his way through the armour of an armoured troop transport (AT-AT) in The Empire strikes back. A lightsaber is sort of a masterkey. Problem is, you got that key very fast in the game, making lockpicking a joke (and Mission part of the Ebon Hawks inventory). I hope they make the lightsaber the reward for completing the game in Kotor2, not something you get in the middle. Same goes for other skills, if you played a scoundrel, you had enough points, to never lack any skill of note, becoming a "Swiss Army Jedi". Drop the spikes, repair parts etc. and make it a threshold difficulty instead (aren't they called DC in the rules system ?). Only if you, or one of your companion is in possession of the necessary skill level, can you actually accomplish you task. If you don't, tough luck, either you can't solve it or you will have to find a work around (or come back at a later time with that upgraded T3 of yours). Kotor was introductory level crpg, I didn't mind, loved the game... Bioware tested the waters and people now expect more from the next game in the series
  17. Isn't Calimari something you eat ? Like with 8 or 10 arms ??? I wouldn't mind revisiting Tattooine, as long as you have something to do with Jawas and droids... B) An iceplanet would be nice (and different from all the desert), something like, but not necessarily Hoth Coruscant, if done properly, could be interesting. The senate, the senators, all the petty nobility of the galaxy, murder, schemes, lobbying... Swamp worlds like Dagobah, complete with big eels and mosquito sound. Perhaps more of an exploration type scenario. :ph34r: Deathstar like constructs, as in huge sattelite type place. Or some big starship.
  18. I'll settle for a "Hills Angels" sequence, but nevermind...
  19. Not knowing the PnP version of the game, how would that work ? As in, what other force powers are there in the "official" rules, that could be used in dialog ? Some kind of Empathy/Mindreading ? Translation of unknown languages ? The only scenes I can remember from the original Star Wars movies, where other force powers are used in dialogue, is when Darth Vader uses Force Choke in a dialogue with a disappointing officer and when the Emperor uses lightning in a discussion with Luke about the benefits of the dark side
  20. It could be, that they "disappeared" because Obsidian cannot (officially) condone piracy/copyright violations ? The links was probably considered to belong to the same category as warez links etc. Buy the magazine when it hits the streets Should be out shortly, if not alreay B)
  21. Yep, thats the guy, His species seems to have an attitude towards combat. Heck, I could even imagine Kharn the Betrayer from WH40K being an Iridorian
  22. Just for a moment try to imagine playing one of the "two-headed" guys. Can't remember the name of their race though. Would one of those take up two npc slots in your party ? Are there sith wookies ? If not, not interested. Being a Jawa ? Why not What does an Ithidorian (spelling?) look like under the armour ? Are they human ? See no reason why most of the humanoid characters "couldn't" be playable, if the story itself doesn't evolve around the players past.
  23. I do think that the next (first) game from Obsidian is going to be Kotor2. I'll just argue against that it has been definitely "proven"
  24. The article (which looked genuine) linked Kotor2 to Obsidian, not to Delaware. O.J. Simpsons lawyer would win a case, if that was the only "evidence" against him
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