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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Wouldn't it sort of insult peoples intelligence asking such questions? (Bachmann) Landau notation... It still gives me nightmares Your mileage may vary, but I wouldn't underestimate a CS degree
  2. Deathproof Not sure why, but I get a craving for Carmageddon again It started a bit too slow, but eventually got better. Not quite in the same league as Planet Terror, but good fun none the less. Now I have to see what is on disc 2.
  3. Muahaha... you all probably signed up on Facebook!
  4. You can borrow my "Grumpy old Man" t-shirt
  5. Meh, 57%. I am zombie food.
  6. Not really. VATS is just "real time with pause", where you can queue a limited number of special attacks depending on action points (KOTOR 1&2 by comparison had a fixed number of actions you could queue). This sounds like "many shots" (or whatever that Ranger feat was called in NWN2), where you can select the individual targets. There is also the possibility that I am just as confused as the gaming press as to what goes into which game
  7. We would rather see your work of dwarven intrigue and drama... Give us the Witcheta Chronicles (and for the NWN2/MotB engine please)
  8. They did a remake? Heresy! I really did like the original
  9. I downloaded the mods (fixes and unfinished stuff, not the tweak thing) and resumed an old saved game. Not sure if it works "retro-actively" though. No idea where the hooks for the new quests are either Still, it's been a long time since I enjoyed playing PS:T. Strolling through the catacombs looking for the source of the disturbance (for the Dustman, Norojch or whatever his name is), I took the time to admire the artwork and the attention to detail that must have gone into it. Right down to the death animations of the skeletons when they fall apart. There is something special about the almost gothic scifi atmosphere of the catacombs. Same thing goes for the dead/drowned nations. I am a sucker for that grungy stuff in PS:T
  10. Awesome movie. I really should check out amazon and see if they have it
  11. Wasn't the original estimate for NWN2:OC something like 20 hours?
  12. *TILT*... At least I know where to go looking when I start down the upgrade path.
  13. There are quite a few very good 64bit *nixes around, you know? What's keeping you from using them, and if it's gaming and Microsoft programs, why not setting up a dual boot machine? /agree. Ubuntu is freaking incredible. You can do everything you could in Unix + X11, plus you have access to all the source code, plus Compiz will give you eye candy that shames Aero and Mac. I use it for pretty much everything except MS Office and games (for which I use XP). I did consider it for a while, but there is little of the stuff I use that comes in *nix flavours (a few of them come in Mac versions but that is about it). It is going to be used for both play and work.
  14. I always took her because Hale and Cummings are a pretty awesome voice acting duo. Tigranes remind me of a thief who knows and acknowledges that stealing is wrong and still do it. Crap. I didn't know Naomi Hunter (and Emma Emmerich) was Dynaheir. Now I might have to start liking her. Edit: Double Crap, she's also Mazzy. The Halfling. I hate Halflings. She is also Bastila and Fall from Grace... she is a busy woman
  15. While that's kind of true, it isn't that clear cut. There's a very large number of people in Portugal that are against the EU. EU wasn't the only reason, but it was a major contributor to my leaving Europe behind and going elsewhere (you know the old saying, if you hate it so much here, why don't you just leave?) (insatiable curiosity was the other reason) Grass is greener, hey? And was it greener here? 4 out of 5 trees in my garden died from the drought and water restrictions... Edit: To answer your question, yes. I feel more comfortable here than I did back in Europe.
  16. ...which is why I have kept postponing my hardware upgrade for a while now
  17. Xan was an Elf, what did you expect? He should be hung to dry by his pointy ears He gets boring after a while, but for a short time, he was fun enough. An archetype taken to the extreme (like Tiax).
  18. While that's kind of true, it isn't that clear cut. There's a very large number of people in Portugal that are against the EU. EU wasn't the only reason, but it was a major contributor to my leaving Europe behind and going elsewhere (you know the old saying, if you hate it so much here, why don't you just leave?) (insatiable curiosity was the other reason)
  19. Depends on what you mean by "know about". If "heard of" qualifies, then yes. If not, then I join the club of those who never touched any of them. I've hated rts games as a rule of thumb ever since Dune 2
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