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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. I see two problems right away... not sure what the fix is though It doesn't like dual core processors (there is a workaround for that) and I am pretty sure that intel gfx processors are very bad for it.
  2. Pervert... Vegemite is teh evil
  3. I would say, the series is better than the movie. Your mileage may vary Edit: I've read somewhere that the episodes of the series was shown out of order and with episode 1 missing or something. No such problem on the DVD boxed set
  4. Little Shop of Horrors http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091419/ I probably listened to it more than I watched it, as I had just bought a handful of new Warhammer Fantasy/40k books Time to dust off some of the old W.A.S.P. cd's, they'll probably do better as background ambience for those books than a musical.
  5. I can recommend Soylent Green. Very tasty!
  6. I was only being semi-serious. I do believe that the human population as a whole has an upper limit for sustainability though
  7. Unarmed solo? Sounds suicidal. Trying to punch out someone wearing power armor would seem unwise. I think if you get the Bonus H-t-H Attakcs, Slayer, Better Criticals and Earlier Sequnce perks (not to mention a lot of action points), you can do quite a bit of damage. The Mega Powerfist counts as unarmed for some reason.
  8. I don't like online activation either. I'll wait and see if it doesn't end up in the bargain bin some day. Older games tend to have less of that kind of stuff when re-released as "nice price".
  9. Yay, no forced Christmas releases please Though those probably results in better initial sales figures, or do they?
  10. Saying that a constant growth of the human population isn't a problem is ridiculous. Earth is about 510227657730000 square meter (give or take a few) You can squeeze about 3 people into each square meter. Lets say scyscrapers makes up for the part covered by oceans. Thats about 1530682973190000 people, that you can physically fit in there (not leaving any land for farming or production). Trust me, it will be a problem eventually (reminds me of the old joke about whether hell is endoterm or exoterm...)
  11. As Mkreku said, velocity is a factor too. It's probably a question of total kinetic energy in the projectile.
  12. Definitely! You have your low lifes, good guys, stoopids, arrogants, psychopaths, cowards, drug addicts and a few more. Some are friends, lovers, ex's, enemies, admirers and despisers. Damn hard game to beat when it comes to sheer number and quality of npcs I always felt sorry for Dimitri
  13. But, those selfish people eat all our bio fuel, how are we going to get to work if this keeps up I would hate to see humanity running in the same consequences as any other species suffers when they experience overpopulation: Starvation, infighting, cannibalism... all kinds of unpleasant stuff.
  14. He didn't have the high ground! Apart from that, he suffered from bad company (Palpatine) which preyed on his weaknesses, by convincing him that he was more than the rest. Something insecure people love to hear.
  15. Say, how many kids do you have Volourn?... Or are you one of those who contributes to the extinction of the human race
  16. I think there is a subtle but important difference between suggesting violence and killing, and then suggesting not breeding
  17. So, we won't know yet, that it looks pretty awesome
  18. So, exactly what is it you can not tell?
  19. Gorth

    Food Thread!

    Yes. Chicken are female, right??? :ninja10:
  20. The only one I remember hearing in the past was their version of "Wicked Games" (which blew Chris Isaaks version away). An old CD with Apocalyptica (which I mostly got for their covers of old Metallica classics) is all I have with Finnish bands :blush10: Hmm... Finnish rock music, that *would* be an unusual soundtrack for a game
  21. You have mods installed? I don't recall any of those encounters. No mods, just the 1.02 patch. By accident more than design, I ran too far west of the slave pens in the bazar area and noticed a hooded guy among a lot of junk. As for Merk, he seems only to be there (in the little bar outside NCR) at night
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