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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. This thread is out of the race... too much off topicness towards the end. It almost made the 500 mark Continued here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=49786 Lets keep stuff not relating the election out of it for a while?
  2. I guess there is a certain irony in the way Guard Dog started this threads predecessor: Thread found here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=48997 It was getting a bit long and off topic anyway...
  3. I would say, you are getting somewhat off topic. It is very hard to relate this to the current US Presidential Election
  4. Robert Mugabe is painting "Imperial Foreign Powers" on the walls of peoples imagination in Zimbabwe, other leaders in volatile countries do the same... creating scape goats is an old, tested and tried recipe.
  5. It does have the odour of blackmailing/hostage taking about it. You give us the money and if we feel generous, some of it might even benefit those who need it the most. Not very likely
  6. How is DOXbox working for you? I had much trouble with it several years ago and had to reinstall XP to fix all the damage it caused. That was a much older version obviously, but I've been rather gunshy about trying to to install it again. Any problems or issues for you? I can not speak for DN, but I've only had good experiences with the current version (which I think has been out for a long while now). Together with dfend version 2 (a graphical front end configuration utility), they make running those old dos games fairly easy. I've played and completed xcom 3, carmageddon 1, tombraider 1 & War in Russia (old strategy game) on it
  7. The last time I saw an entire Eurovision song contest was when a group called "Isle of Man" won... that was a while ago. I've managed to catch the voting process towards the end of the show a few times followed be a re-run by the winning band, but that is about it. Too many countries. Messes up the UEFA championships too
  8. I'd would be surprised if 90% of conspiracy theorists weren't paranoid to some degree. However, closing perfectly good eyes and assuming that people in power always have your best interest at heart isn't necessary a good thing either. Which is why my "religion" is doubt and my "crusade" consists of constantly questioning my own lines of thought as well as my surroundings. Investigating why things are the way they are, is something I consider a virtue
  9. Happy to oblige Not sure if it allows direct linking...
  10. Considering Yushaas posting history most find it a little difficult to lend his posts any credibility. Don't you remember his 3000 some odd word rant about how the world would be such a better place if all Americans just went out and shot ourselves (my summation). However, there is the humor factor and he does bring out the best in Laozi so it's all good. Umm, not really. The last major altercation I can remember was the whatshisname iranian president speaking at some US university thread. So many people vented to much bias, preconceived notions and lack of objectivity that it made me cringe and go hang out in the kotor2 forums for a while instead >_
  11. Have we added what is worth adding to this subject?... I find it rather sad, that whenever different perspectives gets added to established old, dusty views, the collective IQ seems to take a dip and make room for ridicule rather than reason
  12. Gorth


    They are bad, very bad. Now that the bush fire season is over, I am considering burning them (in a ritual, to ward off bad books). Last two books read... Simon Spurrier: "Lord of the Night" - What a pleasant surprise. Interesting story, interesting characters and plenty of twists and turns that keeps you guessing who the true villain is, right until the end. And then you guessed wrong after all Graham McNeill: "Time of Legends: Heldenhammer" - Just about the opposite. Predictable, protracted, repetitive, uninteresting and... it's just there. He can do so much better... I know because I've read plenty of his books before >_
  13. Looks like you are crouching... backstabbing with a flamer? I was sneaking up on him. The first strike of fire didn't kill him so I had to fire at him again. ...Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on fire... The flamer is nice. I just wish it was available a bit earlier in the game
  14. Oww... poor young star. It hadn't even reached teenage years yet as far as stars go. Heck, not even a starlet, Just a little toddler
  15. There are things money can't buy ...for everything else, there is mastercard
  16. I don't know how it is elsewhere in the world, but I am pretty sure that in Denmark you get "extra time" for abusing positions of trust. I.e. school teachers abusing children entrusted in their care etc. It might be similar to the aggravating circumstances you are referring to.
  17. I never managed to beat the end-boss in Painkiller
  18. Looks like you are crouching... backstabbing with a flamer?
  19. By 1945, the Bismarck would have been refitted with extra layers of barnacles all over It would probably be a fairer comparison, if Bismarck (and it's often forgotten twin, the Tirpitz) were compared to the ships it was designed to go up against, those of The Royal Navy. The Yamato (and the Musashi and the Shinano, the last two were never finished and were not named) was designed to go toe to toe with the US Navy.
  20. England pretty much "ruled the waves" from Aboukir Bay (1798) until the H.M.S. Dreadnought entered service in 1906. What was supposed to be ultimate terror weapon ended up being a shot in the foot. Suddenly England was only a single ship ahead of the rest of the world, rendering not only everybody elses, but also their own navy obsolete. At the end of WWI England "only" outnumbered Germany by slightly less than 2:1 in capital ships. And you are right, it wasn't the biggest reason for England entering the war. It was a constellation of alliances and intrigues and strange event that would have made Tzeentch green with envy
  21. Do you have dynamically assigned IP addresses? I noticed that I need to log on everytime I switch IP address, not when doing it from the same address.
  22. Thats more like it Not bad Not much. Working and sleeping. Went shopping for some sneakers and a bit of furniture over the Weekend. Didn't find anything I liked. Now I am waiting for the next spam bot to stop by and sell shoes
  23. If all that energy could be harnessed... 10, 9, 7, 4, 2, 1, Lock! (very fast countdown is necessary)
  24. Does that mean we have nothing more to say until it hits the shelves? starting countdown...
  25. Hmmm... playboy bunnies So, we could create a race made with the strength and stamina of an ox and the IQ of 50, just enough to understand basic instructions. Like "Dig!", "Kill!", "Lift!"... Time to place bets, who revolts first, the hybrids or the AI's?
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