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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. All we need now is a scantily clad Raquel Welch...
  2. You can field up to 18 mercs in each battle (3x6 mercs) and later you are going to need larger forces. Nothing like getting stuck in a battle with a handful of mercs, 20 militia men fighting on your side and a horde of Deirdrannas men invading your square
  3. The more strength they have, the more they can carry around in a combat situation. Especially important for guys with heavy machine guns, mortars and LAW's. You don't want them to cross the battlefield at a snails pace I usually have one of each in each team. Sometimes a spare doctor. You need mechanics and doctors regularly to patch up equipment and mercs. If you have more than one, they speed up the "repair" process. Explosives is mostly for the fun factor. There will battles towards the end of the game where they are very convenient for marking booby traps on the ground (mine fields) with little flags Edit: Besides that, I like blowing things up
  4. Between DRM, Minigames and the few gameplay videos I've seen (yes, I know, youtube isn't perhaps the best way to evaluate gameplay), I would say no. I didn't see anything that would interest me
  5. I'll bring the pitchfork. Who brings the torch?
  6. Strange, the only way to win seem to be not to play >_ The concept is old though, Uncle Sam has been snooping on European emails, phone calls, business secrets etc. for almost a decade http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/503224.stm
  7. If you intend to do a lot of walking around, make sure to give them some heavy equipment to carry around. Despite all their whining and complaining about their load, they will occasionally gain a STR point. Your tech guys should also gain a bit of... was it Agility or Dex? I need to play it again. Anyway, they gain a stat point every now and then besides increases to their repair skill when repairing stuff. Unlike a certain, not to be named badly designed crpg wannabe, the increases in stats and skills are limited and happens within reason >_
  8. Lots of speculation has gone on on this subject for a long time... http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=49908
  9. Check out the history/biographies on the AIM website for some funny references to JA1 (including Hamous, Kline etc.)
  10. Portugal [0] v Germany [1] Croatia [2] v Turkey [0] Netherlands [2] v Russia [0] Spain [0] v Italy [1]
  11. Congratulations! Best of luck with your job hunting. Hope you find a place you like
  12. Bought a Samsung Spinpoint 1TB
  13. This one must have leprosy. Noone, and I mean *noone* carries this particular model. The other similar models with fan cooling are all there allright, but not this one (and Sapphire doesn't do direct sales). Time for plan B Any good cards suitable for watercooling out there?
  14. Nah, it's only for hobby purposes. My current PC has 2gb and is groaning under the pressure (wearing my poor old hd's down with the constant fiddling with the pagefile). So I figured that Vista would use 2gb for itself, 2gb more (4gb total) would be no improvement, so lets go for what it is possible to squeeze in there (on a non server/workstation motherboard).
  15. The brand is good, but you'll not be needing DDR3 1333 or higher, as Intel processors don't benefit from anything faster than DDR2 800 which would cut your price down to a quarter or something like this. This may change with the upcoming Nehalem, so if you want to re-use your RAM, you can invest that money in the DDR3 1600, otherwise I'd say it's better spent elswhere. Are they "downwards" compatible, i.e. can I put DDR2 ram in a motherboard that lists DDR3 in it's specs?
  16. Hey, you should have joined the armoured brigades rather than the footsloggers Looking at RAM... I've purchased noname stuff in the past. Any particular brands to look out for (or watch out for if it's bad)? Looking at prices, I see that 8gb Corsair DDR3 1333 is about 800$ and 8gb of G.Skill DDR3 1600 is about 900$, so I assume this is the approx. price range I am looking at. Should I look elsewhere completely? Which bastard said I was an infanteer? Engine noises and explosions lull me like crickets. Love automatic gunfire. Very useful accident, or perhaps in the genes. Now that you mention it, I am not sure. I thought you referred to it as "The Army" once, which is sort of the military branch of "The Ministry of Silly Walks". It just got stuck in my mind somehow
  17. Automatic weapons are weapons with "Burst Mode"... at least I think they are. Always assumed that they were
  18. Hey, you should have joined the armoured brigades rather than the footsloggers Looking at RAM... I've purchased noname stuff in the past. Any particular brands to look out for (or watch out for if it's bad)? Looking at prices, I see that 8gb Corsair DDR3 1333 is about 800$ and 8gb of G.Skill DDR3 1600 is about 900$, so I assume this is the approx. price range I am looking at. Should I look elsewhere completely?
  19. ...and the switch between burst and single fire *Oops* Your stance also affects your accuracy. I.e. standing/kneeling/prone. There are some very good web sites out there with explanations of what exactly each gadget you can find can be used for. Remember that some of the "useless" things (coils, rods, superglue etc.) can be combined into useful things. If you found the marbles, try throw them at somebody
  20. The show must go on...
  21. Start of old thread End of old thread Joan Jett - I hate myself for loving You
  22. He is getting at, that when Project Delaware was initiated, nothing was known about the content and story of Kotor1. So, did anything of the work, story, concepts etc. from before they got access to Kotor1 make it into the final product (Kotor2). Like, who the heck is this Revan fellow?
  23. Go listen to Aqua - I'm a Barbie Girl for some mindblowing, mental numbness
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