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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. I have considered it a few times. Just not sure what the deal is with giving in to your inner beast. Is it a downward spiral that you can't get out of again with the humanity losses and increasing berserk rages?
  2. Malkavian, female this time (my very first game was with a male Malkavian). I've since completed it with a Toreador, Tremere and Ventrue (all males) and a female Nosferatu (my all time favourite play-through). For some reason, Brujah and Gangrel just doesn't appeal very much to me :sad:
  3. Getting some wicked ideas for new mini games... water boarding, electrocuting, drug injections (oblivion persuation mini game, go home)...
  4. Finished my game of NWN2 with my chaotic good Lvl 17/3 Fighter/NWN9. Taking a break from NWN2, playing some VMBL. Gathering a few xp in L.A. before heading to Grouts Mansion
  5. Kids these days, they just don't make them like they used to... Umm, never mind. If I had to pick a single gaming system, the C64 wins hands down.
  6. Wals... some day, you are going to have to explain Montgomery to me For me, as a non-brit, somebody like, say Harold Alexander looks like a better general. More concerned about winning the damn war than creating a cult of personality around himself. Kesselring, well, that would be a toss up between him and Manstein. Manteufel gets the price for coolest name though The russians have Конев and Жу́ков scrambling for the pole position. As for the american, japanese, french, dutch, belgian, romanian, australian, croatian, hungarian, italian, greek, finnish etc. generals, I probably don't know as much about them as I should. Not enough to compare them to their national peers anyway
  7. If I am ever involved in a car accident, *you* stay away! Cool picture and funny text though Enjoying a long weekend with no work. Monday is the national 'Cup Day' where the great horse race takes place. Yes, people get a day off from work because of a horse race here
  8. Wait, what? I'm not following. WOW, now that's like no english I've ever seen... Architect, I'm inclined to think he might be messing with you, LOL... And if not, then what on earth did you mean to say, Gorth?! That's fantastic. Maybe I should have used seperators Isn't doesn't equal to the same as different from? Isn't != the same as ? Makes sense? If not, it is at least colourful
  9. While I am against killing animals for the sake of convenience, I see a point in reducing a threat to human lives here. Death by rabies is never fast and never pleasant (and India has more than 20.000 deaths per year of those). Combined with the fact that dogs are not an endangered species, I think they could do without stray dogs at all. Strychnine on the other hand is not exactly a painless, fast death for the dogs either. They could find a faster and more efficient poison or a way of doing mass chemical sterilisation.
  10. It does. Isn't doesn't equal to the same as different from? Humm, I better start getting back on topic again... conclusion: Most likely, nobody is working on Kotor3 and Lucas Arts interests seems elsewhere at the moment?
  11. Skynet? For WWI my favourite website: http://www.firstworldwar.com/ (warning, some disturbing images in the galleries). As for WWII, I am mostly interested in things related to the two largest operations of the war, the german 'Operation Barbarossa' and the Soviet 'Manchuria Offensive'.
  12. ^^^ Huh? By the looks of it, everything out there is saying that it's NOT KOTOR 3-related. Did I miss something? It is known that Bioware is working on a MMORPG, just not what it is about. Some people hoped it would be set in the Knights of the Old Republic setting and some hoped it didn't. The Nays have it
  13. 1. People on a low budget and artsy amateurs (and the idea hasn't reached Boll yet, he probably will when it does). 2. You are old fashioned. 3. You are old fashioned. 4. You just described 95% of the movie industry (which btw. is whining about people not watching their "new" releases) 5. Whats wrong with Doctor Zhivago? Recently seen: A boy and his dog.
  14. Thread pruned a little, let us try and keep ethnicity out of it where not necessary.
  15. If we decide to ignore poll options completely, my Best so Far list goes something like C64, A4000, PC in about that order. I remember hating PC's when developer moved from the Amiga to the PC because of the primitive OS, inferior hardware and constant dumbing down of games Still, none of them are a match for the C64 when it comes to entertainment value.
  16. I wish I could have polymorphed Jan Jansen into a spider... One where I could tear off his legs, one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one. That might have made him shut up about turnips Finished playing Master of Orion 2, going back to complete my game of NWN2. Getting close to the endgame, having entered the bad guys lair. Just need to kill a pair of Shadow Reavers.
  17. To show that the xbox360 is not only superior to one other console, but many other consoles? No idea. Generally these threads (like the previous 41 incarnations or so) tends to be short lived.
  18. Voice of Atton: I have a bad feeling about this... Let's see how it turns out. Nothing to add, since I've never had one of those (besides a PC, so I can't compare). ...and your version number is a bit off. I think this is more like V1.42 or so
  19. Nice ones I moved it to the general Star Wars section. If you check the date of the original post, it predates the time where the Star Wars (and Kotor2) sections existed.
  20. Nobody has yet been able to verify the alledged anti-static properties of saliva, so licking monitors is usually only good for trapping flies and other bugs on your screen, not as a dust repellant And a welcome and a Hi to Annie C. VanderMeer too So, you guys got anything juicy to tell about the upcoming games?
  21. Maybe I should take a screenshot of his greeting and glue the printout to my VMBL box? Edit: Forgot to be polite Hi
  22. Man, I so hope somebody picks up this engine some day for the purpose of a Syndicate Wars remake :sad: It's looking better and better btw.
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