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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Some old games are notoriously unfriendly towards multicore processors, Kotor2 in particular. I don't know if the trouble would carry over to the gfx, but you might want to try changing the program to run on one core. Not having a dual core myself, I can't remember how it goes though. Something about starting up the game, then going to the task manager and change the affinity to a single core or some such.
  2. Thread pruned... Sheesh some people are hard of hearing.
  3. Now I feel like playing Fallout 1&2 again
  4. I would be surprised if that wasn't covered by some kind of NDA SEGA probably wants most of the thunder for themselves. As for the game... all we need now is Terminator armour and we have a game of Space Hulk (which I wouldn't mind) The game sounds promising so far.
  5. Gorth


    Not really. If its intended use is to retrieve reliable information and If you don't know when it is reliable or not, it doesn't work. Edit: Quote added. Shees, people are quick posters.
  6. That sort of depends on what Fallout 3 turns into... [/despair]
  7. Maybe Pol Pot's Cambodia? He might have been an improvement over Ian Smith once, but the last 15 years sort of voids any good he may done.
  8. (a single post pruned, hoping this minimalistic approach gives the thread a longer lifespan) Lets stick to discussing Fallout 3.
  9. Gorth


    Where is the "No" option? Ah well, once they admit to being witches, we can burn them. Whatever happened to the research into chemical solutions?
  10. Mo-Caps for Alpha Protocol anyone? Edit: Or maybe the QA guys misunderstood the "stress testing" the software part when trying to make things crash?
  11. They made us do it in high school. Can't remember the justification they gave us for writing it on paper. So when you do cut and paste code, you literally use a scissor and glue?
  12. Happy birthday Bok, So, you've got any new hardware as birthday presents? ... Maybe hutts age differently to himans?
  13. Hell yeah! Taking a break from MotB for a game of Disciples II - Rise of the Elves campaign
  14. I iiked the Squats. The entire "Biker Gang" look, complete with bikes and trikes was hilarious. Besides, the Thudd gun and Mole Mortars were aweseome :sad:
  15. You haven't seen The Italian Job either?
  16. Excellent reading, if a little dry >_
  17. Michael Caine - Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
  18. Both the Christians and the Scientists are wrong:
  19. Tombraider III... playing the Nevada level last. Talk about WTF moments... all my nicely hoarded equipment. (hint: Play that level *first*)
  20. tyranids came before zerg I believe. edit:yes tale early 09. Tyranids were featured as the opponents (of the marines) in the Space Hulk game from 1989. Not sure what a "Zerg" is nor when it is from
  21. I've found a berserk wookie to be more useful.
  22. But... but... they were using Kung-Fu! Why ruin a good story by hearing both sides of it?
  23. I think you just about covered all two of them There might have been more to them than was visible in the released game, but I can't remember what it was I read (somewhere on Team Gizkas forums). Maybe they were supposed to give you influence points with Canderous or some such originally?
  24. Could it be related to this? http://gigaom.com/2008/03/14/the-telia-cog...n-web-for-many/ It's apparantly affecting a lot of people in Europe and the US, depending on how peoples connections gets routed.
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